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Name Place/Date of birth GPK TOEFL Score Nationality Gender Religion Marital status Temporary Address

: : : : : : : : :

Wim Permana, S. Kom. Palembang/January, 30th 1985 3,36 530 Indonesia Male Moslem Single Jalan Bekasi Timur No. 04 RT 08 RW 08 Kelurahan Cipinang Besar Utara Kecamatan Jati Negara Jakarta Timur 13410 Jalan Slamet Riady Lorong Lebuk No. 1584 RT 17 RW 02 Kelurahan Lawang Kidul Kecamatan Ilir Timur 2 Boom Baru Palembang Sumatera Selatan 30115 081328351154 FORMAL EDUCATION

Permanent Address

Mobile Email Blog

: : :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1990 to 1991 1991 to 1997 1997 to 2000 2000 to 2003 2003 to 2008

TK Madrasah Qur'aniah 1 Palembang (kindergarten) SD Madrasah Qur'aniah 1 Palembang (elementary school) SLTP N 6 Palembang (junior high school) SMU N 17 Palembang (senior high school) S1 Ilmu Komputer UGM (BSc computer science)



Developing Website for Forum Khazanah Ilmu in 2005 using HTML, Microsoft Excel, dan Macromedia Dreamweaver. Forum Khazanah Ilmus website is a media to put organizations information. Plus, it also provided list of UGM Try-Outs participants passing grade that has been held by this organization in 2005. Designing & Developing FKIs Website using HTML, Microsoft Excel, and Macromedia Dreamweaver Managing & Updating Website using Cpanel and WS FTP


Writing Software Documentation for LAPiS (Light Adjustable Portable Information System) in 2006.


LAPiS is a web based information system prototype for earthquake disaster monitoring that was built using CakePHP Framework. Writing technical documents using Doxygen, an opensource and free documentation software. Writing developer manual in Bahasa Indonesia and English. Writing end user manual in Bahasa Indonesia. Giving workshop & training to officers on using LAPiS.

Translation of Allen B. Downeys free ebook how to think like a computer scientist; java version from chapter 6 to chapter 17 from English to Bahasa Indonesia in 2006.

How to think like a computer scientist; Java version is a free ebook by Allen B. Downey. Managing this project to ensure its completion. Translating ebook from English to Bahasa Indonesia from chapter 1; chapter 6 to chapter 17. Editing the work of my co-worker. Giving progress report to my lecturer

4. Developing website for Dompet Shalahuddin using WordPress in 2007.

Dompet Shalahuddin is a part of Jamaah Shalahuddin. It is a semi-independent division that run its parent organizations social and education function. Registering Dompet Shalahuddins domain name to PPTiK UGM Requesting web space for Dompet Shalahuddin to PPTiK UGM Managing Apache server & MySQL database Installing Mambo/Joomla CMS & Wordpress Choosing & Configuring template Updating website


Developing ScholarsCamp.Com using Pligg in 2008

ScholarsCamp.Com is a website that provides scholarships information around the internet using social bookmarking method ala Digg.Com. Spreading the brand ScholarsCamp to all over the world through mailing list, blogs, friendster, and facebook Answering email from users & partners Updating website Building relationship with other scholarships provider PART-TIME JOBS EXPERIENCE


Freelance editor for 3Gweek.Net from March 2008 to August 2008


Searching breaking news and rumors about telecommunication industry from around the internet. Writing breaking news and rumors about telecommunication industry Search Engine Optimization Build relationship with other cellphone & gadget bloggers from both local and foreign countries. URL address:

Freelance Contributor for Cellphones.Org in September 2008

Searching breaking news and rumors about telecommunication industry from around the internet. Writing breaking news and rumors about telecommunication industry URL address:


Freelance Contributor for from January 2009 s.d. February 2009

Searching free service or stuff from around the internet. Writing review about free Web 2.0 service. URL address: ORGANIZATION EXPERIENCE

1. Member of DPM BEM KM-UGM 2004 2. Reporter for Majalah ITMagz Divisi Pers Himakomedia UGM from 2004 to 2005 3. Editor in Chief of Majalah ITMagz and Buletin ReadIT Divisi Pers Himakomedia UGM from 2005 to 2006 4. Web Master & Administrator for Dompet Shalahuddin UGM from 2005 to 2007 5. Web Administrator for Pusat Studi Jerman UGM from 2005 to 2006 6. Head of Education Division for Kandang Menjangan Child Center - a mental recovery school for children of Krapyak Kulon in 2006

SEMINAR & WORKSHOP Participant in Workshop Perakitan Komputer dan Wireless to Campus at Fakultas MIPA UGM 2003 2. Participant in Pelatihan Penulisan Empati Forum Lingkar Pena Yogyakarta 2003 3. Participant in Short Course on Building Your Own Mobile Application using J2ME in UNY 2004 4. Participant in Seminar & Workshop Entrepreneurship at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM 2004 5. Participant in Training Jurnalistik at Pondok Pesantren Al-Munawwir Krapyak 2004 6. Participant in Workshop Penulisan Karya Ilmiah tentang Student Centered Learning at University Center UGM 2004 7. Participant in Pelatihan CMS (Content Management System) menggunakan Mambo at UPT Puskom (PPTIK) UGM 2004 8. Participant in Seminar Entrepreneurship Event at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM 2005 9. Participant in Workshop PHP dan MySQL dengan Dreamweaver 8 at Bijak Training Services DI Yogyakarta 2005 10. Member of American Corner Discussion Club (ACDC) 2005

COMMITTEE 1. Operational staff for Infotech Expo 2004 at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM 2. Secretary of Bazaar Komplek L untuk Haul K.H. Munawwir tahun 2005 at Pondok Pesantren Al-Munawwir Krapyak Yogyakarta 3. Operational staff for Milad Forum Lingkar Pena Yogyakarta ke-8 tahun 2005 at Mandala Bhakti Wanitatama Yogyakarta ACHIEVEMENTS Runner up at Lomba Cerdas Cermat Komputer & Logika Matematika seKotamadya Palembang 2002 2. Top Ten participant (out of 100) in Workshop Penulisan Karya Ilmiah tentang Student Centered Learning at University Center UGM 2004 with paper entitle IMPLEMENTASI E-LEARNING di FAKULTAS MIPA UGM SEBAGAI MOTIVATOR STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING 3. Third place at Education Essay Writing Competition in Jogja Education Fair 2005 held by BEM KM UGM with essay entitle E-LEARNING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MUTU PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA 4. Grant recipient from Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika RI for research entitle IMPLEMENTASI WORDPRESS SEBAGAI BLOGGING SOFTWARE PENDUKUNG STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING 2007

LANGUAGE 1. English 2. Bahasa Palembang 3. Bahasa Jawa COMPUTER APPLICATION Operating System Office Suite Programming Language Server Framework RDBMS Software Documentation CMS Others : : : : : : : : : Microsoft Windows 98, XP & GNU/Linux OpenOffice.Org & Microsoft Office PHP Apache CakePHP MySQL & Oracle Doxygen WordPress, Drupal, Mambo, Joomla, Wiki Media tsWebEditor, VertrigoServ, PHPMyAdmin

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