Duties of Security Guards Main Gate

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1. He will take the charge from the previous guard as per the following:a) Vehicles in out register. b) Key in out register. c) Guest in out register. d) Cycle token register. e) Treasury key in and out register. f) Cycle token. g) Any VIP inside in the Mills. h) If any special instruction. 2. He will maintain the following register. a) Vehicles in out register. b) Time in. c) Time out. d) Type of vehicle. e) Materials From To. 3. He will maintain the visitors in out register. a) Time in. b) Time out. c) Place from. d) To whom he will meet. e) Address. 4. He will maintain the latecomers register. a) Name of employee. b) Time in. 5. He will maintain officers in out register. a) Name of officers. b) Time in. c) Time out.

6. He will check incoming vehicles as per the following:a) Whether loaded vehicles related to our Mills. b) Types of material c) Any flammable items. d) He collects the Cigarette Bidi, Match box, Pan, and Gutka etc. e) Ensure the fitment of muffler box. f) Takes permission from store and get the vehicles in. 7. He will check outgoing vehicles as per the following:a) Collects the gate pass. b) Checks the material as per gate passes and ensure properly. c) He checks the loaded vehicle properly covered. d) He collects the muffler box.

8. He will guide the visitor as per following:a) Proper parking of the vehicles. b) Guide the route. c) If visitor is new he send guide along with him. 9. He will check the out going employees as per the following:a) Attendance card. b) Proper gate pass signed by HOD. c) Identity card. 10. He opens / closed the main gate as per the requirement.

11. He will attend the guests. a) Allow him to sit in the room. b) Offer him glass of Water. c) Inform the IR and concern deptt. d) Allow him to go to respective place.

12. He will operate siren as per the following timing:a) 0600 hrs b) 0645 hrs c) 1400 hrs d) 1445 hrs e) 2200 hrs f) 2245 hrs g) In case of fire.

13. In case of fire he does the following:a) He operates the siren. b) Will not allow any vehicle in the Mills. Except the fire brigade vehicles. c) Inform the colony gate and rear gate. d) Inform the CSO / GM e) Inform the fire Brigade if required.

14. He will attend the telephone if Insp. is on round. 15. He gives the first - aid to the reqd. persons. 16. He will issue the cycle token and keep records in the register.

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