A Presentation Made at The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka On 12 March 2009 On Solar Energy

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Customers with large generators being paid Rs. 21.15 per unit for generating their own power
. Two days before news

Copper indium gallium (di)selenide (CIGS) verified by NREL to be as efficient as 14.6% in 2006,



Solar cell Price and production 2008=3700 MW



Incoming solar energy

Sri Lanka gets at 6 (kWh/m2/day) 7000kWh/year Colombo

Efficiency (Lumens/Watt) Kerosene Incandescent Bulb Light Emitting Diode (LED) .03 5-18 25-50

Rated Life (Hours) Supply of Kerosene 1000 50,000

Cost per 50,000 hours $1251 $175 $20

Buy power during the night

Domestic effective from Nov 2008

Fuel Adjustment Charge 30% on all unit charges except DP & RP consumers consuming less than 90 units per month

Residential tiered tariff

30.00X1.3=Rs39 25.00X1.3=Rs32.50 16.00X1.3=Rs20.80 Rs7.50 Rs4.70 Rs3.00

Rs 39


Technology transfer to rural Sri Lanka

. .

Annual Savings Before and After



8000 6000

4000 2000
20 0

Accumulated Net Savings


8000 6000 4000 2000


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

How Storage will Help Smoothing of Out Put

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101

Conversion factor
(multiply top row by factor to obtain side column)
W/m kWh/(mday sun hours/day kWh/my kWh/kWpy

kWh/(mday) sun hours/day

41.66666 1 1 365.2422 273.9316

kWh/my kWh/kWpy
0.1140796 0.0027379 0.0027379 1 0.75 0.1521061 0.0036505 0.0036505 1.333333 1

1 41.66666 0.024 1 0.024 1 8.765813 365.2422 6.574360 273.9316

Solar Radiation in W/m sq

Efficiency of Solar cells



1 2 3 4 5 6 71314

Cost of Generation by Solar

CEB DOM tariff for>600kWh/m



A Typical CEB Load curve

The annual results for Sri Lanka, which range from 4.5 to 6.0 kWh/m2/day, are consistent with, and slightly higher than earlier studies using sunshine recorders, which gave results of 4.2 to 5.6 kWh/m2/day. The slightly higher results are due most likely to the fact that, for Sri Lanka, we chose to calculate the resource for a flat plate collector tilted to latitude, rather than the more traditional method of calculating the resource on a horizontal surface that the earlier studies used. With two axis tracking one axis done manually for seasons we can get 7.32 kWh/m2/day.
http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy03osti/34645.pdf http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/codes_algs/PVWATTS/version1/#map

With a 4kW system we can get this amount of Energy

Radiation Energy 2/day) (kWh/m (kWh) Colombo Ratmalana 6.58 7411 6.35 7172 5.38 6028 Colombo/Katunayake 6.71 7632 6.47 7377 5.46 6177 Hambantota 7.32 8494 7.00 8140 5.71 6583 Trincomalee (AFB) 7.11 8033 6.83 7731 5.64 6343
Axis tracking

Energy per Watt/day 1.85 1.79 1.51 22.5% Extra

2 1 0
2 1 0 2 1 0

23.56% Extra


29% Extra

2 1 0

26.1% Extra

Solar Power Costs for Sri Lanka

Power needed 1577 kWh/yr OR 131 kWh/Month AC output needed 0.75 kW Module area 1.33 sq.ft Area needed 11 sq.ft No of Modules 8 Power per module 100 watts DC power 789 watts Inverter efficiency 95 % AC power 750 watts Module cost rate $2.00 watt Module Cost $1,500 Rs/house 178,406 (assuming todays exchange rate) Inverter cost rate $0.50 watts Inverter cost $395 Installation cost rate $0.50 per watt Installation cost $395 Capacity factor 24 % Sri Lanka 2102.4 kWh/Year/kW Output per year 1577 kWh Degradation rate -0.30 %/Output after year: 25 Total power delivered kWh 37,991

Cost per kWh amortized with out batteries = $0.11

(With net metering no Batteries are required). Simple Payback period < 4 Years

Cost per kWh amortized with batteries = $0.25

Emissions saved (kg) 22,148
Typical fuel consumption per MWh 125 gal. Fuel saved (gal) 4,749. Cost of fuel saved for the country Rs 1,258,336. Assuming all marginal units are from Diesel

Money saving for consumers >331kWh/M = Rs1,252,693/Y (At todays tariff of Rs32.50 for>180 units Net metering but surely the CEB tariff will increase ) Typical CO2 emission from oil 583 kg/MWh

Fuel Saving in Import Rs719,049/house

(At today's import price but which will soon go up )


Flexible Plastic PV Cell


Ultra Triple Junction Solar Cells

Solar Concentrators



The SolarWall PV/thermal solar system is housed on the roof of a service centre and health clinic for the Olympic athletes in Beijing
PV module efficiency is typically between 8-20%. What happens to the rest of the suns energy that shines on the panels? Most of it is converted into heat energy, which normally is lost and provides no value to the system owner. As well, the heat build-up behind PV modules reduces the electrical output by 0.4-0.5% for every 1C above its rated output temperature (which is 25C). Given that roofs can reach temperatures as high as 90C, the actual operating efficiency of PV systems is often significantly less than the rated output.

Benefits of Solar Cell Energy a Zero Emission Technology

More manual labor jobs will be created The value of the property will go up
By distributed generation day peak will come down. Transmission and Distribution losses will be reduced.

Reduction of costly oil imports to the country Reduction of costly Gas turbine generation and costly Private power.
Reduction of Global warming Reduction of polluting CO2 and other CHS Gasses

Reduction of wasteful use of water in thermal Power stations With net metering the large homes will benefit more on reducing there costly electricity bills.
Combined with energy efficiency and energy saving and use of LED lamps the night peak can also be reduced to benefit the utility. Should be able to get Renewable Energy Certificates and Carbon trading Low interest soft loans will become available from the local banks like for Rural solar home systems

A mental satisfaction that we have not contributed to Pollution and Global warming.
It is expected that bilateral and multilateral finance and market stimulation programs based on best service at least cost will be soon available

Distributed Generation: the Next Step in Smart Power Distribution

Solar Power is commercially viable.

123 456 7
20% efficiency = 200W/m2 or 20W/ft2. LED lamp LIFESPAN of up to 50,000 hours! Up to 90% more efficient than traditional lighting

Solar Powered LED Lantern

Solar street lamps in China

D Light India

Solar power has several advantages

Economical Benefits:
The energy from the sun is practically free, after the initial investment has been recovered Solar energy reduces our dependence on foreign or centralized conventional source of energy Solar energy supports local jobs and creates wealth, which elevates local economies

Environmentally Friendly:
Solar energy is clean, quiet, renewable and sustainable unlike other conventional energy sources such as gas, oil, and coal Solar energy does not contribute to global warming, acid rain, or smog, on the contrary, it helps to lower harmful green house gas emissions

Solar energy reduces our dependence on foreign or centralized sources of energy Solar energy can reduce your electric bill, and also supply your property with electricity in the event of a power outage Solar energy systems can operate entirely independent from a power or gas grid; therefore systems can be installed in remote location

Low or no Maintenance:
Solar energy systems are virtually maintenance free and will last at least 25 years System sizes can be increased in the future as your electricity needs grow Systems operate silently, and have no moving parts

Toyota 2010 Solar Roof Prius

These panels will power the air conditioning system, allowing its operation without turning on the car's main engine.

Toyota has announced that the next redesign of their highly successful hybrid Prius automobile will include solar panels on its roof

A photo of the new world record solar cell.

( Fraunhofer ISE)

The sunlight was concentrated 454-times onto a 5 mm multi-junction solar cell composed of GaInP/GaInAs/ Ge (gallium indium phosphide, gallium indium arsenide on a germanium substrate) a record 41.1 percent efficiency.

A new phone of Samsung "Blue Earth" powered by solar energy is seen at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, Monday, Feb. 16, 2009.

Priced at $40

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) in Freiburg have reached a record 41.1 percent efficiency


First Solar first to US$1 per watt manufacturing cost

http://www.pv-tech.org/news/_a/first_solar_first_to_us1_per_watt_manufacturing_cost /


Bicycle Powered Generator

http://www.mattshaver.com/bikegen/index.htm Ind Rs.4000

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