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ntegrated Humanities

10 January 2011
P03 Text : Andrew Ho Photos : Xinhua, Sing Tao Daily
The Xinhai RevoIution was a revoIution that
changed China forever. But what is a revoIution?
HAT does or does not constitute a revolution is still debatabIe.
But the basic and common feature of revolutions can be said to be
organised events, usually vioIent, which results in major changes
in culture, economy, ideoIogy or the socio-political situation of a country.
Revolutions have occurred many times in human history. The effects of
some prominent revolutions listed below can still be felt today.
Fight the power
constitute (v)
debatable (adj)
violent (adj)
ideology (n)
upheaval (n)
underprivileged (adj)
The French Revolution
{1789 - 1799}
The Xinhai Revolution
{1911 - 1912}
The October Revolution
{1917 - 1923}
The American Revolution
{1775 - 1783}
This resulted in a radical political upheavaI in France ().
t was quite similar to the Xinhai Revolution where people
were frustrated with the absolute monarchy that had ruled
the country for centuries. French citizens started protests for
the underpriviIeged which ended up in violence and the
execution of the nobles.
Tens of thousands of
people were killed during
t he r evol ut i on and a
constitutional republic was
created in 1799.
As mentioned on the page 2, the Xinhai Revolution brought
an end to 3,000 years of imperial rule in China. t started as
an anti-Manchu revolution
but led to the end of the
Qi ng dynasty and the
establishment of Asia's
rst republic.
t ended the Russian Provisional Government and the
Russian Republic and led to the creation of Soviet Russia (
) and the start of the
Russian civil war. Vladimir
Lenin was the mastermind
of the revolution.
North America, today's United States of America ()
and Canada (), was originally a colony of the British
Empire. The political upheaval
of the American Revolution that
began in the late 18th century and
resulted in the separation of the
States and the United Kingdom
( ) . The Uni t ed St at es
Declaration of ndependence was
adopted on July 4, 1776 after the
American revolutionary war.

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