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Interested in chaperoning a First Grade Field Trip?

Our school is requiring all chaperones to be fingerprinted. The cost is $57 and will have to be done with our paperwork. If you have already been fingerprinted by our school, then you are set. If not, we have been told that once you get fingerprinted, you should not have to do it again in the future for higher grades field trips.

I cannot guarantee (even after you are fingerprinted) that we will have room for you on the field trip. We can only have up to 4 chaperones on field trips-even if you drive yourself.
Our tentative hopes for field trips Mid October Fog Willow Pumpkin Farm October or November Railroad Museum and Old School House Davis Science Center Either in January or March

Please Check Below If You Are Interested

____________ I am interested on going on a field trip this year and am not fingerprinted, but would be willing to get fingerprinted and fill out the school paperwork

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