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Management Development Partnership Draft Assignment Outline Framework

Stage 2 of the draft process

Programme title: Module title: BSc (Hons)

Student Number
(this is your VLE username)

Date of submission: Spell checked and proof read? Number of words written:
(Should be around 500- 700 words)

Yes / No (delete as appropriate)

Please submit your draft assignment framework including this coversheet as a single Word document (either as a .doc or .docx file) The inclusion of this cover sheet is taken as confirmation of your declaration that this draft is your own work and that you have not taken or used another persons thoughts or writings as your own.

Please start your draft on the next page. Thank you.

When youve finished please submit this to your College Module Tutor either in person or by email, whichever they ask you to do. Do not upload it to the VLE and do not send it to MDP!


Please double click here to insert your VLE username in the header

Please submit a framework telling us how you propose to answer the assignment question. You will then receive written feedback from your module leader which is designed to help your assessed submission. Overall your framework should be around 500 words long (and no more than 700). You must answer each question! Firstly, please provide an overview (summary) of what you think the question is asking for:

Type here the box will expand as you type...

What structure you will offer try to give detailed information here on your key points, on what you will cover and in what sequence.

How are you going to support your key points? Identify which theories/concepts/models you could use to illustrate them.

How will you introduce your answer?

How you will conclude your answer?

How you will reference any theory/concepts/models? Please supply at least three complete references in Harvard Referencing format.


Please double click here to insert the module title in the footer Module:

Please double click here to insert your VLE username in the header

Please double click here to insert the module title in the footer Module:

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