Letter For Transmission

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To The Registrar & Share Transfer Agent

Registered office:


Reg: Holding a/c details for application of succession certificate, Procedure of transfer in Death case, documents to be filled in death case, required so that legal heir can apply for shares of the diseased holder

Dear Sir, I am enclosing _________ shares (under denomination of ___________________________ in folio no _____________________________) in the name of Gopal Krishna Thareja. As the person holding these shares has expired and now I ( anju Thareja W/o Gopal Krishna Thareja) is the sole owner of his property. As I am applying for the succession certificate of my husband so kindly send me the original scripts or the holding account details, and the documents to filled up for the transfer of shares so that it would be easy for me in applying the certificate. Along with this letter I am sending you the Photostat of the details which I am having with a death certificate, family certificate Notarised copy. Kindly send me the details or the original scripts as early as possible Thanking You Details Distinctive No:

Yours sincerely Anju Thareja

To The Registrar & Share Transfer Agent

Registered office:


Reg: Holding a/c details, Procedure of transfer in Death case, documents to be filled in death case, required so that legal heir can apply for shares of the diseased holder

Dear Sir, I am enclosing _________ shares (under denomination of ____________________________ in folio no ______________________________) in the name of Gopal Krishna Thareja. As the person holding these shares has expired and now I ( anju Thareja W/o Gopal Krishna Thareja) is the sole owner of his property. so kindly send me the holding account details, and the documents to filled up for the transfer of shares so that it would be easy for me in applying the certificate. Along with this letter I am sending you the Photostat of the details which I am having with a death certificate, family certificate Notarised copy. Kindly send me the details or the original scripts as early as possible Thanking You Details Distinctive No:

Yours sincerely Anju Thareja

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