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The Long Journey

By Jacob Hegh

The young white tiger, Vincent, lives an otherwise insignificant life in his homeland of Amina, where he never seems to be able to find his rightful place among his fellow Aminorians. Mostly he keeps to himself locked away in thoughts and dreams when not together with his two closest friends: the strong and kind John and the gentle and courageous Kaylee. Vincent is caring and adventurous, but he maintains locked away in his quest to find a purpose with his life. After a series of very emotional dreams Vincent becomes determined that his life lies somewhere beyond the Great Sea where he will not only discover his purpose but also find his one, true love. As his dreams continue he soon realizes that the love of his dreams is also calling for aid leaving Vincent to hasten his preparations for the journey. Standing at the harbour, trying to find a way across the sea, Vincent is approached by both John and Kaylee who are both familiar with his recurring dreams. They are told of the call for aid and his intentions to leave Amina to rescue her, and to Vincents great surprise they volunteer to join him on his adventure, knowing the dangers that lie ahead but also the benefits of this long journey. The following days they set sail and venture off into the great beyond. They will set foot on strange and wondrous lands, where they will see the sights of the great city of Techia and meeting its technologically superior children. They will feel the magic of the vast ancient lands and coming across the beautiful and fair Angelicans. But they will also taste sadness of a heavy loss, the horror of abduction, and the very fiery plains of Evin, guarded by beasts and monsters, where the love of Vincents dreams is being held captive. The long journey will bring Vincent closer to his destiny, testing the powerful bonds of his friendship to both John and Kaylee but it will also reveal a peculiarly thing about love: sometimes true love is where you least expect it.

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