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Chatlog - Sunday 26th August 2012 (19:10:57) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.

(19:12:39) Kinkyclawz: Ah, thank goodness that workday is over... time to commune with my chatmates and ree-laaaaaax! *settles down on a soft chair and waits...* * dozes off* (19:29:08) Willie: Aubergine enters the channel. (19:29:23) Aubergine: Ola (19:33:06) Kinkyclawz: Hola signorina. *reaches her language limits* How are you? (19:33:36) Aubergine: I'm well and how are you? You sound tired (19:33:40) Kinkyclawz: *snores, wondering why she's dreaming in Spanish* (19:34:06) Kinkyclawz: Ah, I am a bit.. a long and BORING day at work. Glad to be home. ^^ (19:34:26) Kinkyclawz: But good to hear you're well, hunny. (19:34:40) Aubergine: Don't know I was speaking Portuguese maybe that was a factor (19:35:13) Kinkyclawz: LMAO See, in dreams I'm almost as terrible at languages as I am IRL. *giggles in her sleep* (19:35:29) Aubergine: I have been doing an online language course and learning basic portuguese (19:36:01) Kinkyclawz: Ahhh! Feel free to share some of your learnings, hunny, if you like? (19:36:10) Aubergine: that's how slow my last day at work was (19:36:38) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (19:37:17) Kinkyclawz: Sounds like a decent day, actually. ^^ (19:38:11) Aubergine: wasn't bad I also learned a few pirate phrases (19:38:45) Aubergine: of course I didn't realize Pirate was an official language (19:38:54) Kinkyclawz: There were Portugese men among the pirates so you know what they said! ^^ (19:39:46) Kinkyclawz: Shiver me timbers. (19:40:28) Aubergine: they stress that you should accent your arrrrrrrrrrrs (19:40:39) Kinkyclawz: ***** (19:41:08) Kinkyclawz: My arrrrrrrrrrrrrse is accented enough, methinks. LOL (19:42:29) Kinkyclawz: Or Acc-scented. Crude, KC, very crude. (19:42:45) Aubergine: lmao (19:42:54) Aubergine: blow me down (19:43:21) Kinkyclawz: Swab the decks, ya scurvy knave! (19:43:32) Kinkyclawz: Heehee. Oh hey did you see this on FB? (19:44:10) Aubergine: pirates? (19:44:32) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, not quite. I'm looking for the link now. ><

(19:45:41) Kinkyclawz: Tsk, FB is loading sloooooooooowly. (19:46:12) Aubergine: isn't that always the way when you're trying to do (19:46:24) Aubergine: something (19:46:55) Kinkyclawz: It's like they plan it that way! They probably do. LOL A long pause there, huh? LOL (19:47:38) Aubergine: that might be whomever is watching th enet just reading slowly (19:47:42) Willie: Eileen enters the channel. (19:47:56) Aubergine: Hello Twister Eileen (19:47:57) Eileen: Hey there (19:48:02) Eileen: hello (19:48:09) Kinkyclawz: M/posts/255731384529947?comment_id=970671 There it is!! (19:48:12) Eileen: how are you both? (19:48:15) Aubergine: how are you (19:48:20) Kinkyclawz: Heey hiya Eileen!! How goes it, Twister dear? (19:48:23) Eileen: I'm good, ty (19:48:28) Kinkyclawz: Ah, not bad thanks, tired though. (19:48:44) Eileen: I think I missed Fang (19:49:23) Aubergine: the link says page not found (19:49:41) Kinkyclawz: You did? If so, so did we, we've not seen him tonight yet (19:49:52) Kinkyclawz: Tsk, one sec. (19:50:16) Kinkyclawz: (19:50:22) Eileen: ah i see (19:50:26) Eileen: so i didnt miss him (19:50:27) Eileen: (19:50:37) Aubergine: no Fang hasn't graced us with his appearance yet (19:50:43) Eileen: i mean i missed him and so did i miss you. missus! (19:50:45) Eileen: (19:51:15) Aubergine: I did see that on Twitter (19:51:42) Kinkyclawz: @ Eileen. Complicated! (19:52:10) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, it's fun, Shakesperean Insults. LOL Ranger and I have been trading a few insults for fun. (19:53:06) Eileen: how is ranger? (19:53:54) Kinkyclawz: She seems fine, though I've not asked directly. (bad friend!) (19:54:22) Eileen: tsk

(19:54:28) Eileen: wow those insults are... (19:54:29) Eileen: ... (19:54:30) Eileen: ... (19:54:31) Eileen: ... (19:54:33) Eileen: huh? (19:55:43) Aubergine: Thou churlish folly-fallen clack dish (19:56:26) Kinkyclawz: LOL I can see how they could be confusing. Thou Frothy Hedge-born Hugger-mugger. (19:57:52) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, there are some cute combinations too: Thou fawning, doghearted giglet (19:58:09) Aubergine: Thou puking pox marked malt worm (19:58:42) Aubergine: my fave spongy rump fed scrumpet (19:58:42) Kinkyclawz: LMAO I have to say, a lot fo these words I've never heard of, but then I've not read/seen every Shakespeare play. (19:59:01) Kinkyclawz: LMAO I know what a Strumpet is but Scrumpet? (19:59:04) Aubergine: or strumpet (19:59:38) Kinkyclawz: Isn't it scrumpet in the listing? *checks* No, you're quite right. (20:00:03) Aubergine: I think I made scrumpet up (20:00:05) Kinkyclawz: fbid=412426582152779&set=a.286637451398360.72811.28658875473 6563&type=3&theater A better link to it, methinks. (20:00:10) Aubergine: sometimes typos can be so fun (20:00:30) Kinkyclawz: You're the Vice of REason, you may know words others don't. In fact, I'm sure of it. ^^ (20:00:40) Kinkyclawz: They can indeed! (20:00:41) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (20:01:14) Kinkyclawz: Soooo, what have we all been up to this week? (20:01:49) Kinkyclawz: Anything fun... (20:01:51) Kinkyclawz: ? (20:02:00) Aubergine: I emceed a fashion show yesterday (20:02:06) Aubergine: that was fun (20:02:07) Kinkyclawz: ***** (20:02:44) Aubergine: would have been better if they told me to write something before the show, but they told me they would write something and as it turns our no one did (20:02:52) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, how awesome! Hehe. Good on ya girl! (20:03:11) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, so it was a couple of hours of improvisation? (20:04:19) Aubergine: not a couple of hours the show was maybe thirty minutes and the rest of the time was lunch and door prozes

(20:04:36) Aubergine: or even prizes (20:04:43) Kinkyclawz: Ah, I see. ^^ (20:04:48) Eileen: sorry i got distracted (20:04:52) Eileen: watching swan lake atm (20:05:08) Kinkyclawz: I wondered what door prozes were. (20:05:25) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, on TV? (20:05:29) Kinkyclawz: Or on your comp? (20:05:38) Kinkyclawz: Or are your neighbours just very talented? (20:06:43) Eileen: what is emceed? (20:06:59) Eileen: its on a dvd in my comp (20:07:06) Eileen: very good film (20:07:26) Kinkyclawz: Its a shortened version of Master of Ceremonies (MC). (20:07:45) Kinkyclawz: Cool! (20:07:58) Kinkyclawz: A new DVD or one you just fancied rewatching? (20:09:33) Eileen: a rented one (20:09:43) Eileen: finally got around to watch it (20:09:46) Eileen: interesting (20:09:53) Eileen: (20:10:10) Willie: Aubergine logs out of the Chat. (20:10:19) Kinkyclawz: LOL Hey, at least you get to see it. Is it something like Love Film where they post the DVD out to you and you post it back when you're done? (20:10:37) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear! Willie! What happened to Genie, do you know? (20:10:44) Kinkyclawz: HB Genie! (20:10:49) Willie: Aubergine enters the channel. (20:10:58) Kinkyclawz: WB Genie! (20:11:36) Kinkyclawz: Still got connection issues? (20:11:57) Aubergine: there is a horrific thunderstorm going on now. Twenty minutes ago these clouds were a blip on the horizon and now they are here dumping tons of water (20:12:44) Kinkyclawz: Oh crikey! Are you safe enough indoors? (20:12:57) Aubergine: perfectly safe indoors (20:13:03) Kinkyclawz: Fast moving storms should pass quickly, with luck. (20:13:10) Kinkyclawz: Good, good. (20:13:17) Aubergine: best addition I put on my house was the wraparound porch (20:13:32) Aubergine: I could actually sit outside and not get wet (20:13:56) Kinkyclawz: We had thunderstorms yesterday but I was in work so missed most of it...but forgot to grab by jacket out of my locker and got drenched going to the car. LOL (20:14:25) Kinkyclawz: Wow, really? So you could enjoy the pitter-patter of raindrops

without the splatter effect. (20:14:30) Aubergine: umbrellas don't work here because of the high winds (20:14:58) Aubergine: sometimes I do just that (20:15:00) Kinkyclawz: A very good addition, methinks. Bet its not bad in good weather either, shaded but getting the warmth? (20:15:15) Eileen: it is lovefilm (20:15:15) Eileen: lol (20:15:44) Kinkyclawz: LMAO I wasn't sure how widespread Lovefilm was. (20:16:10) Aubergine: unfortunately the wind ruins the sunny days of lazying on the porch (20:16:24) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, I can understand that about the umbrellas, it sounds like you're pretty exposed to the elements most of the time, huh? (20:16:41) Eileen: we have had some thunderstorm here too (20:16:56) Eileen: last week part of Berlin had it the rest was dry. lol weird (20:18:08) Kinkyclawz: *wrinkles nose* Oh dear, those bloomin' winds. How strange! I bet those in the thunderstormed part of Berlin were happy to hear everyone else was dry. LOL (20:18:25) Aubergine: there are places in my town that never get rain and places that are flooded (20:19:07) Eileen: it was hail (20:19:17) Kinkyclawz: The weather is so strange! (20:19:19) Eileen: weather is a strange thing (20:19:27) Eileen: raining hail eggs (20:19:28) Eileen: lol (20:19:31) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, we're in eachother's heads! (20:19:44) Eileen: but i think noone was hurt, at least i hope (20:19:45) Kinkyclawz: Cripes!! That big, huh? (20:19:47) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:19:52) Eileen: i hope the same for your part, Genie (20:20:06) Kinkyclawz: Fingers crossed they were all ok. (20:21:20) Aubergine: out here there is a thing called the stupid law. For people who drive into the low areas in the road that are flooded and need to be rescued (20:21:45) Aubergine: they call them stupid and send them the bill (20:22:14) Kinkyclawz: I know it was weird in Feb last year, my best mate and I were driving home from Wales to Manchester. We started off in bright sunshine, and 30 minutes later there was snow all over and 30 mins after that, when we got to my home, the snow was 6-inches deep. (20:22:44) Kinkyclawz: Oh, I LIKe the Stupid Law!!! (20:24:03) Kinkyclawz: I really like the Stupid Law, in fact!

(20:24:12) Aubergine: lmao (20:24:47) Aubergine: when you see it on the news everyone calls out look at stupid (20:24:53) Aubergine: or just stupid (20:25:40) Kinkyclawz: Heh, so there's audience participation too! lmao (20:25:52) Willie: Fang enters the channel. (20:25:56) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, BRB ladies, pitstop time. ^^ (20:25:59) Fang: oh no there isn't! (20:26:03) Fang: oh fine (20:26:08) Fang: hello everybody else (20:26:09) Aubergine: shame is someone you know actually sees you being rescued (20:26:14) Kinkyclawz: Hi, how are you, and seeya in a sec Fang! (20:26:17) Aubergine: Ola fang (20:26:27) Aubergine: HB KC (20:26:59) Fang: what's got audience participation? (20:27:29) Aubergine: (12:21:20) Aubergine: out here there is a thing called the stupid law. For people who drive into the low areas in the road that are flooded and need to be rescued(12:21:45) Aubergine: they call them stupid and send them the bill (20:27:49) Aubergine: we were just talking weather (20:28:06) Aubergine: I had a thunderstorm pass through here. It's over now (20:28:20) Aubergine: but it knocked me off line for a while (20:28:58) Aubergine: total storm about twenty minutes (20:29:05) Fang: I like the sound of stupid law (20:29:17) Eileen: sorry im back (20:29:18) Fang: glad the storm wasn't too bad (by the sound of it) (20:29:19) Eileen: movie is over (20:29:28) Aubergine: How was the ending (20:29:48) Fang: otherwise our chat wouldn't had any vice of reason and would of descended into anarchy (20:29:56) Fang: Hi Eileen! (20:29:58) Kinkyclawz: Baaaack! WB Eileen! Hi again, Fang! Where were we? (20:30:03) Aubergine: did everyone live happily ever after (20:30:04) Fang: what were you watching? (20:30:09) Fang: Dunston checks in? (20:30:28) Eileen: the end was not that good (20:30:32) Eileen: :`(

(20:30:33) Fang: Gigli? (20:30:39) Eileen: Swan Lake (20:30:40) Aubergine: WB KC (20:30:42) Kinkyclawz: Indeed, we are an anarchic bunch without you Genie. Just read the chatlogs from when you've not been able to join us. (20:30:51) Eileen: How are you Fang! (20:30:56) Eileen: and Hi Fang! (20:30:56) Eileen: (20:31:06) Aubergine: do people watch Gigli. I've never seen it (20:31:14) Kinkyclawz: Cheers Genie! Hey, you were in the right ballpark for the film, Fang. (20:31:15) Aubergine: heard it was the worst movie ever made (20:31:32) Eileen: with mariah carey? (20:31:37) Eileen: or was it madonna? (20:31:50) Aubergine: I thought J Lo (20:31:54) Kinkyclawz: I've heard of it, never seen it. (20:31:57) Eileen: ah yeah jlo (20:31:59) Fang: I've never seen it either, and it was JLo (20:32:04) Eileen: one of the singers i dont like much (20:32:05) Eileen: lol (20:32:11) Eileen: no never seen it (20:32:18) Fang: silly Eileen should have watched Black Swan not Swan Lake, easy mistake to make (20:32:26) Fang: although I didn't think that much of Black Swan either (20:32:31) Aubergine: must have been the worst film ever if no one has seen it (20:32:32) Eileen: how are you Fang? (20:32:46) Eileen: lol yeah Black Swan (20:32:50) Eileen: the ending was still sad (20:33:13) Kinkyclawz: It might be the best film ever but no-one's seen it, just judging a DVD by it's cover. (20:33:43) Kinkyclawz: I've not seen Black Swan either, though I saw a black swan at a wildfowl trust one time. (20:33:44) Fang: yeah it could be a big conspiracy where the arty types are trying to keep the movie for themselves (20:33:47) Aubergine: no I remember the critics hated it (20:33:47) Eileen: the cover of gigli was silly i think (20:34:02) Eileen: i liked black swan (20:34:03) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, but what do critics know? (20:34:05) Fang: putting us off by saying it was rubbish

(20:34:24) Eileen: are you talking about gigli still? (20:34:24) Aubergine: In this case I'm willing to take their word for it (20:34:29) Eileen: i hope so lol (20:34:49) Fang: it was OK but I think was overhpyed so couldn't live up to my expectations (20:34:57) Kinkyclawz: yeah, I think we are. I am. Not sure about the others though. LOL (20:35:00) Eileen: whick one? (20:35:06) Eileen: which also (20:35:46) Fang: well this is confusing, maybe they should do a remake where they mix the two films together (20:36:24) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, could that be the best or the worst film ever then? LOL (20:36:47) Kinkyclawz: Did you mean Black Swan was overhyped? (20:36:55) Kinkyclawz: ***** (20:37:28) Aubergine: wait was Black Swan about again (20:37:44) Kinkyclawz: What wsa it about? (20:37:49) Fang: in a way, if I'd gone in cold I think I'd have enjoyed it a lot more (20:37:55) Fang: balet and lesbianism (20:38:20) Aubergine: oh I saw it but I don't really remember it (20:38:21) Kinkyclawz: BRB (20:38:33) Aubergine: guess I didn't like it much (20:38:59) Fang: although it did have Ksenia Solo in it and she's awesome (20:39:23) Eileen: not that much lesbianism (20:39:24) Eileen: lol (20:39:27) Eileen: it was good (20:39:32) Fang: as is Mila Kunis (20:39:37) Eileen: i love the beauty of the ballet dancers (20:39:43) Aubergine: I only rated it a 6 on IMDb which is like a 2 for me (20:40:29) Fang: also it's similarities to The Wrestler didn't help, the critics may be able to treat them as companion pieces but I can't (20:41:06) Eileen: will have to do my own ballet in a few (20:41:07) Eileen: lol (20:41:12) Kinkyclawz: Sounds like I've missed out by not seeing either Black Swan or The Wrestler. (20:41:16) Eileen: with kicks and punches (20:41:33) Fang: i suppose I can't post gifs without messing somebodies chat up (20:41:47) Kinkyclawz: Woah, kickboxing ballet! Could be a new trend in films. LOL (20:41:59) Kinkyclawz: Um, links to gifs might work... (20:42:07) Aubergine: that would be a one off

(20:42:10) Fang: nah we've sort of had that with Crouching Tiger like films (20:42:17) Aubergine: can't see it having a sequel (20:42:34) Aubergine: never watched crouching tiger (20:43:01) Kinkyclawz: Well, dance and martial arts films are all prone to many, many (sometimes ill-advised) sequels. (20:43:31) Eileen: lol (20:43:38) Eileen: kick-ballet is it for me (20:43:41) Eileen: (20:43:43) Kinkyclawz: I saw some of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and didn't understand a thing. :/ (20:44:02) Kinkyclawz: The Kick-Ballet Chronicles! (20:44:03) Eileen: then watch the english version! rofl (20:44:05) Aubergine: well it wasn't in English so that doesn't help (20:44:14) Eileen: but i understand, i didnt understand them either (20:44:16) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Eileen. (20:44:16) Fang: (20:44:57) Kinkyclawz: Gawd, she looks scary Fang!! (20:45:08) Aubergine: my mom always says be careful your eyes don't get stuck like that (20:45:49) Fang: nah I didn't like Crouching Tiger either, I'd much rather see something with something more hard hitting like Ong Bak or funny like Jackie Chan films (20:45:57) Kinkyclawz: When we were kids and pulling funny faces, a lot fo the parents would say "If the wind changes, you'll stick that way" (20:46:25) Fang: yeah same with me, although less northern (20:46:34) Kinkyclawz: Jackie Chan is really good. (20:46:57) Aubergine: I like Jet Li (20:47:17) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Fang. (20:47:45) Kinkyclawz: Jet Li's not bad, either. ^^ (20:48:02) Eileen: well my parents said: "Pass auf, dass es nicht so bleibt." (20:48:05) Eileen: but its similar (20:48:07) Eileen: (20:48:10) Kinkyclawz: I'm a fan of Chow Yun Fat, too. ^^ (20:48:34) Aubergine: haven't seen a lot of his stuff, but he's good (20:48:39) Kinkyclawz: *studies what Eileen wrote* (20:49:29) Eileen: *watches KC study* (20:49:46) Kinkyclawz: Erm... something something, you're not so pretty? Hmm, bleibt... not pretty? (20:49:58) Fang: probably translates of "do not pull faces that differ from normal by

more than 15% or you will put too much strain on your facial muscles which may cause long-term wear" obviously that's a dumbed down version for kids (20:50:21) Eileen: rofl (20:50:26) Eileen: how did you know, Fang? (20:50:30) Kinkyclawz: LMAO @ Fang You might be closer than me, Twrother dear. (20:50:39) Kinkyclawz: See?! (20:50:59) Eileen: "Be careful, that it doesn't stay like that." (20:51:10) Eileen: not a very fluent translation though. lol (20:51:37) Eileen: I'm not fluent in German (20:51:42) Aubergine: well good to know these scare tactics translate across the different cultures (20:52:05) Kinkyclawz: You're... not? But... but... I thought... (20:52:24) Aubergine: and parents really are the same worldwide (20:52:27) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, parents do love to sacre the bejessus out of their kids. (20:53:12) Kinkyclawz: I was miiiiiiiiiiiiiles out on my translation... if the non-German Eileen can be believed. (20:53:26) Aubergine: Thou paunchy ill breeding lout (20:54:14) Fang: I think whichever one of you said Eileen is really a man is right (20:54:22) Fang: probably some fat American guy (20:54:29) Kinkyclawz: LMAO @ Genie! Though gorbellied fen-sucked varlot! (20:54:39) Eileen: *mumbles* Damn he found me out (20:54:42) Fang: I think a real German would be fluent in German (20:54:48) Kinkyclawz: But we never said she was a man... (20:54:52) Aubergine: thou tottering sheep biting miscreant (20:55:09) Eileen: *scratches his 3 day stubble and opens another beer* (20:55:13) Fang: a sheep bothering man? (20:55:16) Kinkyclawz: Thou not though. >< Sawree Genie. (20:55:26) Fang: that's even worse! (20:55:27) Aubergine: no don't Germans speak Deutsch (20:56:10) Aubergine: wonder what Eileen's real name is (20:56:17) Eileen: *burps* (20:56:39) Kinkyclawz: *jaw drops* Eileen is really Alan? (20:56:48) Fang: OK how do you know what I'm doing Eileen? that's scary (20:57:10) Eileen: oh you must be doing the same, FAng (20:57:15) Eileen: i knew it! (20:57:18) Eileen: men are all the same (20:57:24) Aubergine: she must have snuck into your flat and planted a few cameras (20:57:47) Aubergine: or he did (20:57:47) Kinkyclawz: But, but... nope. Not believing it. *clings to a cardboard cut

out of what she thinks Eileen looks like* (20:57:57) Aubergine: I'm a little confused on all that now (20:58:24) Kinkyclawz: From now on, it should be (s)he each time? (20:58:26) Eileen: awwww KC (20:58:35) Aubergine: ms/ww98/barmaiden/IMG_1109.jpg (20:58:43) Aubergine: a picture of my rainstorm (20:59:02) Fang: that's a normal day here in England (20:59:08) Kinkyclawz: Oh wow, that is a COOL picture! (20:59:15) Eileen: awww i love your view (20:59:26) Aubergine: thanks I do too (20:59:30) Eileen: i promise, I'm not a man! (20:59:34) Kinkyclawz: And yep, you're right Fang, that's the great British summer right there. LOL (20:59:57) Kinkyclawz: You... you promise. *clings to her cardboard cut out until she's convinced* (21:00:14) Fang: I'm afraid I'm gonna need proof (21:00:53) Aubergine: guess you'll have to take a road trip then Fang (21:00:56) Kinkyclawz: Proof? What can be proof? (21:01:09) Aubergine: Is your passport current (21:01:21) Kinkyclawz: Come to the Grimm/Once Upon A Time convention and find out? (21:01:46) Eileen: yes, Fang (21:01:47) Fang: yes but where do I go, Berlin or search the whole of America trying to find a guy that may be posing as Eileen (21:01:48) Kinkyclawz: Or, yes, a road trip is also good. (21:01:53) Eileen: come to the con and you will have proof (21:01:54) Eileen: (21:01:57) Fang: that later would present difficulties (21:02:23) Aubergine: I guess if you go to the con you will see with your own eyes (21:02:37) Kinkyclawz: To share with two women? (is convinced and clings to Eileen-not-Alan instead* (21:03:12) Fang: con? the clues right there in the invitation! (21:03:47) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (21:03:52) Aubergine: lol (21:04:12) Eileen: rofl (21:04:37) Eileen: ouch! (21:04:53) Aubergine: hope they get more guess for that con only Nick so far (21:04:56) Eileen: i bumped into a corner of the cupboard while rolling

(21:04:59) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, are you okay TWISTER dear? (21:05:10) Fang: don't say ouch, not after what you did to me last week, somethign that was very unlady like btw (21:05:13) Kinkyclawz: Ouchies, poor thing. (21:05:18) Eileen: yeah im okay (21:05:20) Eileen: lol (21:05:32) Eileen: oh i dont remember, FAng (21:05:43) Fang: look down (21:05:47) Fang: between your legs (21:05:57) Fang: oh you mean last week not your gender (21:05:57) Kinkyclawz: They probably will, though I don't trust Massive Events. :S (21:05:59) Fang: sorry (21:06:42) Eileen: yeah i hope for more guests (21:06:54) Eileen: yeah last week (21:06:54) Kinkyclawz: Oh, hey, have any of you seen the first two episodes of Grimm S2? (21:06:59) Eileen: my gender is not male (21:07:00) Kinkyclawz: Are they good, if you have? (21:07:05) Eileen: i have (21:07:06) Fang: shhh I haven'ts seen S1 yet (21:07:09) Eileen: they are awesome!!! (21:07:25) Aubergine: I'm liking season 2 alot (21:07:38) Kinkyclawz: Knowing that they're awesome is good enough for me. No spoilers necessary. ^^ (21:07:54) Kinkyclawz: Better than S1? (21:08:01) Eileen: better and better (21:08:07) Eileen: i think so (21:08:14) Kinkyclawz: We won't get Grimm here for aaaaages yet. >< (21:08:25) Kinkyclawz: YAAAY! (21:08:28) Fang: has to be better than that spider episode in S1, what a bloody copout of an ending that had (21:08:39) Eileen: but Grimm was on UK TV (21:09:04) Eileen: we dont have it in german (21:09:05) Eileen: y (21:09:18) Eileen: would be interesting how they do the german names (21:09:18) Eileen: lol (21:09:34) Kinkyclawz: It was but about two and ahalf months after it aired in the US. I expect it to come over here just before Xmas... hoepfully. Fang, I thought you said you'd not seen any of S1...

(21:09:34) Eileen: i guess it wouldnt sound so exotic (21:10:05) Aubergine: I don't remember a spider episode (21:10:08) Kinkyclawz: LOL Yeah, the German namesdo make the creatures sounds more exotic. (21:10:43) Eileen: the spinnetat (21:10:49) Fang: some spider women got arrested, aged many years and....nothing. Put me off for a while but the ones I've seen since have been better (21:11:41) Aubergine: oh yeah I remember now (21:11:48) Aubergine: wasn't the best (21:12:07) Aubergine: you should finish the season (21:12:14) Kinkyclawz: The one who sucks the life from men she meets, but has a husband whom she loves and kills others to protect. That's when they meet Charlotte the spider (can't remember the spider wesen name) (21:12:50) Kinkyclawz: not great, I have to admit. Yeah, the Spinnetot. ^^ (21:13:10) Fang: compare it to Mitchell getting arrested.. (21:13:35) Kinkyclawz: I think most series' when they're as long as US seasons are will ahve one or two dud episodes (21:14:06) Eileen: yeah, filler episodes (21:14:07) Kinkyclawz: Yup. Though that ep got Seth mentioned again so I was happy. ^^ (21:14:13) Eileen: i didnt like that so well either (21:15:04) Kinkyclawz: There's an episode starring Mitchell which you... disliked?! You aren't Eileen, are you?! *looks shocked* (21:15:34) Eileen: i mean grimm (21:15:35) Eileen: lol (21:15:47) Aubergine: do you think her account has been hacked (21:15:51) Eileen: i mean the spider epi (21:15:57) Kinkyclawz: Thou roguish onion-eyed minnow. (21:16:22) Eileen: stop insulting me! I eyes are not onion shaped (21:16:23) Eileen: (21:16:27) Eileen: take that back (21:16:30) Eileen: (21:16:38) Kinkyclawz: Phew, I was worried for a moment there. (21:16:39) Fang: I don't mind the odd dud episode but they should at least follow through to an ending (21:16:46) Aubergine: (21:16:51) Fang: no point of investing in something with no conclusion (21:17:06) Kinkyclawz: taht. There, "that" is taken back.

(21:17:11) Fang: and maybe Eileen's account was hacked by Alan? (21:17:30) Eileen: i mean take that is back (21:17:34) Aubergine: but knowing there are a few duds shouldn't put you off watching the rest of the series (21:17:38) Kinkyclawz: Perhaps the episode was left open for a reason, Fang? To be revisited later. (21:17:53) Kinkyclawz: They are? YAY! (21:18:02) Fang: that's why I like bh, there are always consequences to their actions (21:18:18) Kinkyclawz: Nah, the dud episodes show you how damned brilliant the rest of the episodes are. ^^ (21:18:39) Fang: talking of bh... (21:18:49) Kinkyclawz: We were? (21:18:53) Fang: did you see that guy that always plays a villian is playing a new villian? (21:19:07) Fang: 012/08/being_human_series_5_-_brand_n.html/beinghuman/2012/08/bein g_human_series_5_-_brand_n.html (21:19:20) Kinkyclawz: Phil Daniels? (21:19:33) Aubergine: he's not always a villian. (21:19:37) Kinkyclawz: Got an error404 on there. (21:19:51) Aubergine: He recently played a few coppers (21:19:53) Fang: sure he is, excpet when he's not (21:19:56) Aubergine: yea me too (21:20:00) Kinkyclawz: He;s a copper soemtimes too. (21:20:16) Eileen: dont forget that noone besides the Grimms and the Wesen can see them (21:20:35) Eileen: what did you expect to happen at the end? (21:20:39) Aubergine: I can see them so I wonder what I am (21:20:52) Kinkyclawz: unless they want to be seen. Or can't help it, like the Doctor in the theatre. (21:20:54) Eileen: you are a member of the audience, Genie (21:21:00) Eileen: yes (21:21:03) Aubergine: I don't think I've ever morphed into a wesen (21:21:12) Aubergine: so I must be a Grimm (21:21:21) Eileen: but normally when they arrest her as a normal human she would go to prison (21:21:28) Fang: a cop to question why she's aged, that could lead to an investigation, a cover-up, a murder, a break-out, just something

(21:21:28) Eileen: and they arrested her as a human (21:21:56) Eileen: her genes are just strange (21:22:09) Fang: I mean how would that look to a jury if somebdoy just aged 50 years (21:22:42) Kinkyclawz: I felt a bit the same with the episode with the young Blutbad girl in the forest, there should ahve been some kind of follow up to that but we've never heard about her since that episode. (21:22:46) Aubergine: nowadays they would probably think she was taking the makeup too far (21:23:21) Kinkyclawz: LOL Her face cream stopped working. (21:23:52) Fang: oh I just noticed all the water bottles in your photo Genie (21:23:55) Eileen: yeah the first few episodes were not as consistent as the rest (21:23:58) Eileen: and new ones (21:24:09) Fang: were you collecting the rain water or something? (21:24:16) Eileen: so you see why its worth continuing to watch! you would miss the better ones. (21:24:26) Kinkyclawz: the new ones have settled now then huh? Hee!!! (21:24:44) Fang: ah they're still on my Sky+, I'll watch them all one day (21:24:56) Eileen: btw have any of you listened to the Grimm podcasts? (21:25:04) Aubergine: I do collect rainwater to water my plants, but not in those bottles those are all full (21:25:09) Fang: good to here they continue to get better as I'd noticed an improvement anyway (21:25:43) Kinkyclawz: here, hear, hier. (21:26:01) Aubergine: episode two finished off season one and we are off to the races with the new (21:26:22) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (21:27:26) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, I just noticed the time. I'm going to have to bail out in a few minutes, m'dears. Sorry. (21:27:41) Fang: yeah I thinking the same thing (21:28:10) Aubergine: what no footie today Fang (21:28:16) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, but I'm really enjoying the spiler-free hints about S2. ^^ (21:28:29) Eileen: yeah i will have to go too (21:28:32) Eileen: kick-ballet (21:28:46) Fang: how are your kick ballet classes? (21:28:51) Kinkyclawz: I have them downloaded, Eileen, but not listened tothem yet. (21:28:54) Aubergine: don't forget to properly warm up, Eileen (21:28:55) Eileen: oh they are good (21:29:03) Aubergine: kick ballet can be grueling

(21:29:06) Eileen: can they be dled? (21:29:11) Eileen: i just use the link (21:29:22) Fang: have you got to the aerial combat lessons yet? (21:29:29) Eileen: lol (21:29:38) Eileen: no my airplane is not ready yet (21:29:44) Kinkyclawz: I'm sure they don't fight with aerials. (21:30:14) Aubergine: Jackie Chan doesn't use wires, but Jet Li does (21:30:20) Kinkyclawz: ^^ don't you eat the gruel afterwards? (21:30:20) Fang: oh fine ridicule my perfectly sensible suggestions (21:30:46) Fang: I couldn't sit down for a week due to you lot and now this? (21:30:50) Kinkyclawz: *grinz @ Fang* (21:30:57) Eileen: lol (21:31:04) Aubergine: poor Fang (21:31:05) Fang: (OK more Eileen that KC and Genie but you still stood by and watched) (21:31:16) Kinkyclawz: You got a bum deal there, Fang, didn't you? (21:31:17) Eileen: oh i begin to remember what i did (21:31:20) Eileen: how is the bite? (21:31:27) Aubergine: more like stayed out of the fray (21:31:27) Fang: sore (21:31:41) Fang: you didn't even rub any cream in the wound (21:31:43) Eileen: awww (21:31:54) Eileen: *rubs cream in the wound* I DID! (21:32:15) Kinkyclawz: I saw her do it, rub cream in that is. (21:32:52) Fang: that's whipped cream! (21:32:59) Fang: hows that going to help? (21:33:10) Kinkyclawz: You might need to be more specific. (21:33:15) Aubergine: makes it tastier (21:33:27) Aubergine: or not (21:33:29) Kinkyclawz: She might bite again... oh dear. (21:33:55) Eileen: yeah, you need to be more specific (21:33:57) Eileen: tsk (21:34:00) Eileen: *shakes head* (21:34:32) Aubergine: i suggest quitting while you're ahead (21:34:46) Kinkyclawz: N-now Eileen, just make sure you don't breathe in deeply. (21:34:53) Fang: well at least we can we can find another use for the whipped cream (21:35:22) Eileen: *holds her breath* (21:35:34) Eileen: *looks suspiciously at Fang* (21:35:44) Aubergine: run

(21:36:03) Fang: *looks at suspiscious Eileen holding her breath and is very confused* (21:36:07) Fang: time for a lay down I think (21:36:12) Aubergine: might I suggest a vigorous jog, Fang (21:36:26) Kinkyclawz: More exercise? (21:36:47) Fang: hmm I think I'll pass Genie (21:37:00) Fang: I don't have the motivation (21:37:07) Fang: I think I need a workout partner (21:37:24) Aubergine: well don't say later I didn't try to help (21:37:27) Eileen: *walks in Fang's direction giving up holding her breath* (21:37:50) Fang: Eileen do you have any ideas for something vigorous we do together? (21:37:50) Kinkyclawz: Do we know anyone who is so dedicated to exercise that she might help you get motivated? (21:38:22) Aubergine: hmmm (21:38:27) Fang: goes back to change it to "...could do together?" (21:38:48) Fang: and what are we going to do with this whipped cream? (21:39:05) Eileen: *licks her lips* (21:39:08) Fang: The storm broke the chatroom fridge (21:39:09) Eileen: smells good in here (21:39:26) Fang: Eileen what are you doing in there! (21:39:27) Kinkyclawz: *spots Eileen closing in on Fang* Erm, yes, a little late night jogging might be a good (21:39:55) Kinkyclawz: WE have a fridge? (21:40:05) Aubergine: no he doesn't have the proper motivation (21:40:16) Fang: yep, ah I have idea to do with my bannana (21:40:42) Eileen: bananas? (21:40:44) Eileen: hmmm (21:40:45) Fang: my banna and whipped cream (21:40:49) Fang: and EIleen (21:40:51) Kinkyclawz: Bananas and whipped cream... uh-oh. (21:40:52) Aubergine: never refrigerate a banana (21:41:07) Kinkyclawz: really? (21:41:09) Fang: we could make a banana split! (21:41:11) Eileen: *looks at her watch* (21:41:19) Eileen: oh I need to goo (21:41:31) Aubergine: you need to goo? (21:41:32) Fang: aww afterI made this especially for you (21:41:36) Kinkyclawz: you need to goo? Me too.

(21:41:40) Aubergine: I don't like the sound of that (21:41:51) Fang: I put sprinkles of white chocolate on there too (21:41:58) Eileen: yes gooooooing is always good (21:42:00) Fang: oh well KC, Genie, do you want it? (21:42:03) Eileen: nooooooooooo (21:42:06) Kinkyclawz: Where are the sprinkles..? (21:42:14) Eileen: not with all the calories thanks (21:42:19) Eileen: (21:42:24) Kinkyclawz: *curses to herself* Why ask those questions, KC! (21:42:30) Eileen: on the bananas i think (21:42:45) Kinkyclawz: Oh. Phew! (21:42:50) Aubergine: lol (21:43:03) Eileen: but i have no idea where he put the bananas sorry (21:43:09) Eileen: was not close enough (21:43:15) Aubergine: I don't want to know (21:43:19) Fang: oh fine I'm storming off (21:43:28) Eileen: lol may be better (21:43:30) Fang: you know where you can put the bannanas (21:43:31) Aubergine: good night chatmates (21:43:33) Eileen: you coming? (21:43:36) Aubergine: sleep well (21:43:41) Eileen: good niiiiiiiiiight (21:43:43) Eileen: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh (21:43:46) Eileen: *storms off* (21:43:49) Aubergine: don't let the bedbugs bite (21:43:51) Fang: goodnight KC and Genie (21:44:02) Kinkyclawz: but, but, where IS the banana? (21:44:31) Eileen: KC! You dont want to know!!! (21:44:31) Aubergine: good night fang (21:44:35) Fang: hopefully the next chat won't end with BYAO or banna related mishaps or wondering where my special cream/goo is (21:44:38) Aubergine: good night KC (21:44:44) Aubergine: good night Eileen (21:44:45) Fang: at least I tried to get a bh topic (21:44:45) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight Fang, sleep tight after your nightly run. (21:44:49) Fang: goodnight one more time (21:44:59) Eileen: good night, Genie, KC and Fang (21:45:02) Fang: *taris noise, aH! daleks!* (21:45:12) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat.

(21:45:15) Eileen: ruuuuuuuuuuun (21:45:16) Kinkyclawz: I knoooow Eileen, I can't stop asking questions I don't want to know the answers to! *sob* (21:45:30) Eileen: *hugs* it happens to the best of us (21:45:33) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, a mass storm-out. ^^ (21:45:37) Eileen: *pulls KC out the door* (21:45:47) Willie: Aubergine logs out of the Chat. (21:46:25) Kinkyclawz: Aww, goodnight Fang, Goodnight Genie and Goodnight Eileen! Sleep well my Chatmates! ^^ (21:46:49) Kinkyclawz: *is dragged out of the door...*

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