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Strangeways and Collyhurst are neighbourhoods within the inner core of North Manchester that have experienced a significant decline in economic activity over the last 50 years to the extent that they are considered to be some of the most deprived areas in the country. With the refocusing of Manchester city centre northwards towards Victoria Station the areas development potential has now been greatly enhanced. We envisage these North Manchester city fringe neighbourhoods to undergo a significant transformation in the next 30 years that will see them develop into thriving, sustainable, urban communities. By supporting existing economic activity and stimulating investment in smaller independent businesses the aim is to rebuild a strong local economic base and diversify employment opportunities for local people. Investments in the physical landscape will see the most dramatic improvements in public realm and green provisions to create an attractive, well maintained environment throughout the area that will help portray the impression of a safe, family-friendly, welcoming neighbourhood for new and existing residents.

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