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Palmistry can trace its roots back to Indian (Hindu) Astrology (known in Sanskrit as Jyotish) and Roma (gypsy)

fortune tellers. The Hindu sage Valmiki is thought to have written a book, whose title translates in English as "The Teachings of Valmiki Maharshi on Male Palmistry", comprising 567 stanzas, more than 5,000 years ago. From India, the art of palmistry spread to China, Tibet, Egypt, Persia and to other countries in Europe. Palmistry came to China in around 3,000 B.C. It then progressed to Greece where Anaxagoras practized it. However, modern palmists often combine traditional predictive techniques with psychology, holistic healing, and alternative methods of divination.
Palm lines are synonymous to chiromancy. Palmistry has been divided into two parts. One is chirognomy and other one is chiromancy. The part of chiromancy only deals with lines on the palm. Whereas, the chirognomy is confined with the shape and sizes, nails, fingers, thumb mounts, skin and colors of the palm. The hand lines are completely dependent on the shape of the palm. Generally speaking, both chirognomy and chiromancy are interdependent. Palm lines predict the health, wealth, disease and longevity in general. The science of chirognomy tells of nature and character of the human being. The line of the palm has a vital role in the study of chiromancy. The life line predicts health and longevity, head line predicts mentality, heart line tells love and affection, fate line predicts material success in life. However, it is impossible to predict without the help of chirognomy. The major hand lines are taken into calculation while studying palm. At the same time the smaller palmistry lines should not be neglected. The life line, head line, heart line, fate line, sun line, health line and marriage line are the major lines of the palm.

Palmistry revives its foundation on the experiments conducted by Desbarrolles and d'Arpentigny in 19th century. They made a life time study of Palmistry by collecting the imprints of Hands of thousands of people, and classifying them according to the nature of people and events which occurred in their lives. Then a hypothesis has been developed and verified with the support of further research. Micheal Faraday proved that electric charge is attracted by objects with sharp ends. This is the reason, when the child enters this world from his mother's womb, the life force from cosmos enters his body through the fingers of his hands and toes of feet. Mostly the life force enters through the index finger and goes up to the brain, where it influences the person's thinking and circulates in the body and finally comes back through the other fingers. The movement of life force is channeled by the lines of the hand. Every finger of the hand has been connected to a different area of the brain, thus activating different processes in the brain. The pads below the fingers are the places where a number of nerves are bundled up. These pads are like capacitors to store the life force. The life force also carries the energies coming from the planets in the sky. And hence, the pads are named after the planets.

Fate Line- runs from the bottom of the palm near the wrist, up through the center of the palm towards the middle finger The fate line is considered by far the most important line in the study of palm reading. The line of fate line indicates wealth, prosperity and achievement in life. If the line of fate starts from the line of life and goes upwards, then it tells of success by means of personal effort and merit. The life will be more or less struggling. The person will not be dependant upon others. If the fate line starts from the wrist and reaches at its destination i.e. the mount of Saturn, then the person will have full of success and prosperity in life. When the line of fate starts from the mount of Moon, then the life and success will depend upon the will of other people. If the line of fate goes to the mounts of Saturn and sends offshoots from the fate line to different mounts, then the person will have attributes, tendency and success in the profession of that mount If the fate line reaches at any other mounts other than the mount of Saturn, then it is an excellent sign to have success in the field of that particular mount. The character of that mount will be more powerful. When the line of fate goes to the centre of the Jupiter, then it tells of high rank, position and authority in life. When fate line stops at the line of heart, it tells of obstacles and success will be spoilt due to affection. If it goes together with the ascending line to the mounts of Jupiter, and then it is a great symbol of success due to love and affection. If the fate line stops at the line of head, then it predicts success will be ruined due to ones own stupidity or decision. If the line of fate starts from the head line and it is well marked then the success will be late in life after a hard struggle. The success will be by own mental capacity When the line of fate starts from the line of heart it tells of success very late in life. When the life of fate is full of chains, broken and irregularities, then it tells of ups and downs, light and shadows in life. The success will be very uncertain. If it breaks into two pieces it predicts failure in life at that age of breaks in fate line. When there is a sister line, then it is an indication of dual success in life. If it goes to the different mounts, then it will give more success in life.

Life Line- extends from the edge of the palm above the thumb and travels in an arc towards the wrist. The life line is the most important line among all the lines in the science of chiromancy. It starts just below the mount of Jupiter and goes towards the wrist making a semicircle at the side of the mount of Venus. The line of life has direct connection with the most important part of the body such as stomach, liver and heart etc. The palmist should keep in mind that the line of life has intimate connection with the vital organs of the body, so that the prediction can be done easily on health and diseases. The life line predicts the strength of life and the death that happens naturally. The rule of thumb of the life line is to be strong, clean and without any breaks, chains and irregularities that makes one physically strong, robust, disease-free and long span of life. The person with the thin life line is more strong willed and mentally strong and having resistance to disease. The very broad line of life makes one muscular than strong willed. When there is a branch moves towards the mounts of Jupiter starting from the life line denotes will and ambition to rise high in life and control over other. When the line of life joins together with the line of head it indicates sensitivity in nature and inconfident in all undertakings. If the line of life has a gap between the line of head and life line then the person will be self-confident, outspoken by nature Heart Line-is the first of the major lines examined by a reader. It is found towards the top of the palm, under the fingers. In some traditions, the line is read as starting from the edge of the palm under the little finger and flowing across the palm towards the thumb; in others, it is seen as starting under the fingers and flowing toward the outside edge of the palm. When the line of heart starts from the mount of Jupiter, then the person becomes very helpful in his attitude, very stable and reliable in matters of love and affection. So to speak, it makes one warm hearted. When it starts in between two fingers, such persons are deeper in matters of love. Such people are not expressive in their passion. When the line of heart starts from the mount of Saturn it indicates an extremely selfish attitude. They are passionate in their attachment. They are not demonstrative in their domestic life. A short heart line is an indication of less interest in love and affection towards both opposite sexes and people in general. However, if the short line of heart is deep and strong then it will make one stable in affectional matters.

When the line of heart is down towards the head line, then it indicates the early life is devoid of love and affection. When there are crowd of small lines on the heart line, then it tells of flirtatious nature, inconstant in character and a series of love affairs but last long. When the line of heart gives two branches, one is on the mount of Jupiter and other is in between index and middle finger, it is a symbol of happy life. Such line gives success in love and affection, makes one more or less fortunate in life. When there is a square on the line of heart it indicates protection such as good medical treatment or a solution in the problem of business. The upward lines from the line of heart are the indication of successful love and affection, while downward line indicates unhappiness, problem and disappointments in love life. In fact, the heart line on the palm is synonymous to the love line. Though some lines on the mount of Venus are called love line, yet heart line is considered to be more specific. However, while making a reading about romance of a person, the palmist should take the heart line and mount of Venus into consideration. If the love line starts from the mount of Jupiter, then it is an indication of consistency in love. When the line of Love is broken into two pieces, then the person will be cheated by opposite sex. There will be lovesickness. If the Line of Love is chained, there will be inconsistency in matters of love and affection When the Love line starts from the mount of Saturn, the person will be very selfish in matters of love. The love line on the mount of Saturn indicates a cheating bent of mind. When the line of love is extremely short, the person will be extremely unkind with regard to love and affection. When there is a cross on the mount of Jupiter, there will be a great success in matters of love. The person will get benefits from opposite sex in all respect. When there is multiple parallel lines on the mount of Venus, there will multiple romantic affairs with opposite sex.

Marriage Line The marriage line can predict what kind of conjugal life you will lead. It predicts the love and affection of two persons. While calculating line of marriage one should take into account the mounts of Venus and heart line as well. The line of heart should be very clean to have very reliable married life. The mounts of Venus should be strong enough to have romantic and good sexual life.

Marriage line is situated just below the little finger and above the starting point of the heart line. A clean, long line of marriage and without any break and chain or island predicts a highly successful married life. Only strong line indicates marriage. The small lines nearby the line of marriage indicate romance. The marriage line closer to little finger indicates late marriage. The line of marriage closer to heart line tells early marriage. If the marriage line sends an offshoot towards the mounts of sun and into the line of sun the marriage will take place with a person who is famous. When the line of marriage is divided in to parts at its end and one line goes towards the centre of the palm indicates divorce or legal separation. If a strong line from the mount of mercury comes downward and cuts the line of marriage then it indicates a great opposition and obstacle in marriage. The line that cuts the line of marriage at its end tells of marriage that ends in death or divorce. The fork at the end of marriage line denotes separation (with or without judicial separation). If the line of marriage breaks and resumes again that indicates a separation and reunion again. If there is an island on the line of marriage it indicates unhappiness and quarrel in married life. When the line of marriage touches the line of heart it forecast the death of life partner. Health line It is better, if the health line is not present on the palm. If it is present, then it should be neat and clean. There should not be any breaks and chains or island on the line of health. It should be strong and long. Absence of health line predicts extremely good health and sustaining power. The health line also has an important role in getting material success. When it is red and leaves from the line of heart with the small and flat nails, it indicates problem with the heart. When the health line is crooked or twisted then it tells of disease relating to liver. When the line of health is heavily marked and joins with line of head and heart, there is no connection anywhere else and then it tells of mental illness. When the line of health is strong and deep it gives success in business and force to make much money. It also gives success in material world. When the health line is like a wave (wavy line) then it tells of nervousness and anxiety.

A broken health line gives not only poor health but also failure in business. If there is line that moves towards life line and cuts it then there will be life-threatening condition in the advance period of life.

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