What Is The Action of Heparin and What Would You Give To Counter Overdose of Heparin That Can Give A Life Threatening Bleed?

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What is the action of heparin and what would you give to counter overdose of heparin that can give a life threatening bleed? An inhibitor of blood coagulation because of its action in potentiating the activity of antithrombin. Heparin dramatically potentiates the formation of complexes between antithrombin and activated serine protease coagulation factors, thrombin (IIa) and factors IXa, Xa and XIa. The complex formation inactivates these factors irreversibly.

Life threatening bleeding may be because of excessive prolonged anticoagulant effect of heparin. Protamine is able to inactivate heparin immediately and for severe bleeding a dose of 1mg/100units heparin provides effective neutralization. It binds to heparin to form a stable ion
pair which does not have anticoagulant activity; on its own, protamine has a weak anticoagulant effect. The complex of heparin and protamine is then removed and broken down by the reticuloendothelial system.

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