Tugas Fonologi

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Exercises Selasa, 1 Mei 2012 Describe the following Major Terms: phonology / phonemics: the study of the ways

in which speech sound form system and patterns.

phonology describes the way sounds function within a given language and operates at the level of sound systems and abstract sound units.
complementary distribution : Two sounds are allophones of the same

phoneme and complement each other.

phoneme :are the individual that appear in what we have been calling thebasic form of phonemes . allophone : are the actual pronounciations of those abstract units in different environments. overlapping distribution: Sounds that occur in phonetic environments that are

contrastiveness :

minimal pairs : pairs of words or phrases in a particular language, which

differ in only one phonological element, such as a phone, phoneme, toneme or chroneme and have distinct meanings
Observe the following English words: pat spat tap pit pot spit spot tip top

Is the boldfaced letter pronounced the same in all of the words above?

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