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Andersons Junior English Course

Using multimedia to explore language arts and communicationsThis course supports the student's continuing acquisition of reading and writing skills through the study of decoding strategies, the reading of American Literature in several genres and a focus on career aspirations. This course is designed for students to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the human condition through reading and writing. A major goal will be to expand the breadth and depth of literary experience as well as to increase an understanding of how to be an effective communicator. While enrolled in this class you will be expected to; participate, cooperate, note take, challenge yourself, respect others, examine language, read, write, create, communicate, think critically, think globally and act locally. While in my classroom you are expected to; be on time, have a three-ring binder, have a writing instrument, have completed homework. While outside the classroom you are expected to; look for evidence or examples- of concepts learned through coursework, apply what you have learn in class, complete homework assignments independently, read, write, work, play, love, laugh, and live well. Things you should not bring into my classroom are; electronic devices of any kind, gum, food, beverages other than water, a bad attitude, negativity. Questions that will be examined throughout this course are; What is communication? Why communicate? What does good communication look and sound like? What gets in the way of communication? What can be gained through being a better communicator? What is Language? What is the English Language? What is art? What is Language Arts? What is literature?

Program of Studies: Quarter 1:

We will briefly examine the origins of communication, literature and the English Language. We will create contemporary works of our own (including a personal essay). We will expand our breadth of vocabulary by reading, listening and examining the common vocabulary words.

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