Chapter 4 Debugging Exercise

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Fix the following code:

Option Strict On Dim intDistance As Integer intDistance = 17.5 o Option strict On Public Class Form1 Const _cintDistance As Integer = 17.5I End Class

2. Fix the following code:

Dim dblRegularPay As Double Dim dblOvertimePay As Double intRegularPay = 783.87 intOvertimePay = 105.92 lbl.TotalPay = (dblRegularPay + dblOvertimePay).ToString('C') o Dim dblRegularPay As Double Dim dblOvertimePay As Double dblRegularPay = 783.87 dblOvertimePay = 105.92 dblTotalPay = (dblRegularPay + dblOvertimePay) lblTotalPay.Text = dblTotalPay.ToString("C")

3. Determine if each of the following variable names is valid or invalid. Please state the error in the invalid variable names.

Public Class Form1 Private Sub btnCalculate_Click Dim strLengthOfSide As String o Valid Dim intArea As Integer


strLengthOfSide = txtLengthOfSide.text


intArea = strLengthOfSide ^ 2

Invalid - strLengthOfSide must be converted to a numeric value before an arithmetic operation can be completed

lblArea.text = intArea.ToString("C")

Invalid - The ToString format specification is set to currency ("C") which does not fit with the data type integer being used, in this case a straight () or Number ("N") conversion would be best for the data return formatting.

End Sub End Class

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