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President Tnein Sein is defeated by his own Party.

August 27, Xinhua

Myanmar parliament passes resolution over constitutional tribunal decision dispute

Myanmar parliament passed a resolution in Monday's session by secret vote 447-168 in favor of a proposal, urging the nine-member constitutional tribunal to admit and issue statement that it had mistakenly given a verdict defining the parliament-formed committees, commissions and organizations as not the union (central) level organizations under the constitution, parliament sources said. The resolution was passed after 22 parliament members elected from political parties including Aung San Suu Kyi and non-elected military ones discussed the proposal, put forward by Pyawbwe constituency MP U Myint Soe on Aug. 23. The constitutional tribunal's verdict was given over the submission of the Attorney-General on behalf of the President on Feb. 2 asking for defining on the parliament-formed committees, commissions and organizations if they are the union (central) level organizations under the constitution. The constitutional tribunal's March 28 verdict on the definition was objected by 301 MPs, who jointly signed a proposal to the House of Representatives (Lower House) speaker USwe Mann, impeaching the constitutional tribunal and demanding resignation of the constitutional tribunal including its chairman and members out of own volition by Aug. 21. USwe Mann then transferred the case to President U Thein Sein later, who sent a return message to the parliament on Aug. 20 calling for settlement of the dispute through submitting a bill amending the related provision of the constitution. On Aug. 24, 162 MPs with the House of Nationalities also jointly signed a petition to impeach the constitutional tribunal. The constitutional tribunal, however, made clear on Aug. 20 that it insisted on their definition verdict, rejecting to make resignation. The constitutional tribunal chairperson U Thein Soe and his eight other members were nominated by the President and the two Houses' speakers and then approved by the parliament when the new government was set up in March 2011. The current 4th session of the parliament, held in Nay Pyi Taw, was attended by over 600 MPs including those of the two Houses. Link:

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