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South Wiltshire Agenda 21 Forum

Meeting: South Wiltshire Agenda 21 Annual General Meeting

Will be held at: City Hall, Salisbury

On: Thursday 31st January 2008 at 6.30pm


1. Welcome, introductions and opening of the Forum

2. Apologies of absence

3. Minutes of the last meeting held on 18th October 2007.

4. Chair and Community Representatives’ Reports.

Presentation: Commercial Waste Recycling Campaign
by Ian Hudson, President of Salisbury & District Chamber of Commerce.

5. Launch of new website.

5. Treasurer’s Report 2007

6. Election of Officers.

7. Election of Committee Members.

8. Forum dates and events for 2008

9. Any Other Business

10. Date of next meeting.

Nominations to be submitted to the Chair on the enclosed form prior to the meeting.
Items for discussion under AOB to be submitted to the Chair no later than 6.30pm.

The meeting will be followed by a Wine & Cheese Social.

If you do not wish to remain on the mailing list please contact the secretary:
On 01722 334209 or Email:

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