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Seattle Branch Hosts Picnic for the Homeless Shelter On Saturday August 25, the Sant Nirankari Mission

(SNM) Seattle Branch hosted a picnic for the homeless shelter with the City of Bellevue organizers. While many were out enjoying the sunshine, the Volunteers at the Seattle branch took this opportunity to serve the community at need by hosting a picnic. During the afternoon the Volunteers prepared the food, served with generosity and gave company to the people who came to the picnic.

The organizers were very impressed at the number of Volunteers the SNM was able to mobilize and the great interest in making a difference in the community. All the Volunteers realized how fortunate and blessed we are with the grace of His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji as poverty and hunger is affecting many in todays economy. Baba Ji has taught us to live for others and help in any way that we can. The message of gratitude and brotherhood lingered throughout the day. Service to humanity is a primary pillar of the Mission and bliss is experienced when we are able to help those in need.

During the evening the saints gathered for Satsang and reflected on the event. It is with the grace of His Holiness Satguru Baba Ji that we are able to help those in need and follow his path of service to humanity. This foundation and principle of giving is a blessing by which we live our daily lives and strive to become contributing hard working members of society. Baba Ji has often said, saints never consider anyone as alien; rather they bear goodwill for one and all. A saint renders great service to humanity by combining God-Knowledge with noble deeds. In America, anywhere from 700, 000 to 2 million people are homeless and without food a day. Baba Ji continues to bless us with the necessities of life and more but it is our duty as saints to serve those in needs and carry forth the values of the Sant Nirankari Mission. Let us always remember, Serving hands are better than praying lips. May Nirankar continue to bless the Seattle branch with Sewa. -Rajvir Lashar

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