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Spanning Trees

Lecture 6 Maya M Ahmed NITK, Surathkal

Minimal weight Spanning tree

The weight of a graph is the sum of the weights of the edges of the graph. A spanning tree of G that has the smallest weight of all spanning trees of G is a minimum weight spanning tree.

Kruskals Algorithm also called Greedy Algorithm for nding minimum weight spanning tree

Let G = (V, E) be a weighted connected graph. 1. Put F = . 2. While there exists an edge e not in F such that F e does not contain a cycle, determine such an e of minimum weight and put e in F . 3. Put T = (V, F ).

a 1 b 5 c 5 1 d a 1 b 5 c 5 1 4 g 4 3 4 4 5 e 4 f 2 4 g 4 4 4 5 e 4 f 2

Prims Algorithm for a minimum-weight Spanning tree

Let G = (V, E) be a weighted connected graph. Let u be any vertex of G.

1. Put i = 1, U1 = {u}, F1 = , and T1 = (U1, F1).

2. For i = 1, 2, . . . , n 1, do the following: (a) Locate an edge xy of smallest weight such that x is in Ui and y is not in Ui. (b) Put Ui+1 = Ui {y}, Fi+1 = Fi xy, and Ti+1 = (Ui+1, Fi+1). (c) i = i + 1.

a 1 b 5 c 5 1 d 4 g 4 3 4 5 e 4 4 f 2


a 1 2 g

3 1

b 2

1 3 2 1 e 2 d h 3

Find a minimum weight spanning trees using the Greedy Algorithm and Prims Algorithm. Find the distance tree for a using Dijsktras Algorithm.

Quiz Solution: Greedy Algorithm

a 1 2 g

3 1

b 2

1 3 2 1 e 2 d h 3

The edges are chosen in the following order: ag, bg, ch, he, ef , ed, af , The weight of the spanning tree is 10.

Quiz Solution: Prims Algorithm

a 1 2 g

3 1

b 2

1 3 2 1 e 2 d h 3

The edges are chosen in the following order: ag, gb, bh, he, hc, ed, ef , The weight of the spanning tree is 10. The weight of the spanning tree is 10.

Quiz Solution: Dijsktras Algorithm

4 c

0 a 1 2

3 1 1 g 2 3

2 b 2

1 h 1 e 3 2 d 5 4 3

f 2

The edges are chosen in the following order: ag, gb, bh, he, hc, ed, ef , The weight of this spanning tree is 12 and not minimum.

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