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Do You Know?
Your envelopes have pieces of a puzzle. Some may have two pieces TASK 1: Your task is to find other people with pieces that will match your piece and complete the puzzle Each piece must PERFECTLY fit each others piece You are given 2 minutes to complete the puzzle To win this part, you must be able to complete the puzzle in 2 minutes then, together, chant what is written on the puzzle IN UNISON.

20 points

Do You Know?
When you have completed the puzzle, without any missing piece, you are to be a group that will accomplish a second task TASK 2- 2 minutes: In your group, discuss. Find out what is common within your group and create a CATCHY group name for yourselves. Discuss your expectations for the two day workshop. Choose at least 3 TASK 3: Develop a CREATIVE PRESENTATION from your discussion (3 minutes to prepare) To win, you are to fulfill the following criteria 20 points each: > Timing (45 seconds presentation) > Uniqueness (not using the traditional presentation of slides and charts; use of your bodies and/or what is available in the room) > Audience appeal > Fun Element

Score Sheet

Basket That Ball

Basket That Ball

1. You are to play a relay in two separate groups 2. Find a partner of as closely the same height as you

3. From the basket of balls, a person assigned by the facilitator will hand the first pair a ball. S/he is the only one allowed to hold the ball by the hand and can hold the ball only once, i.e. handing the ball over to the pair
4. You and your partner are to hold the ball with any part of your body except your hands 5. The task is to transfer the ball to the basket across the room without making it fall

6. Once the ball falls, the partners are to pick up the ball without using their hands

Basket That Ball

7. Ensure that the ball goes inside the basket 8. The second pair follows, and so on, until all the balls are in the basket 9. No ball must be left in the first basket, nor on the floor 10.The first group that completes the task wins

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