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Teacher :Mrs.

Valli Class/Set: Arden7 Number of pupils: 26



Room: 26 Level:4

Subject: Technology in the Future Lesson 3

Scheme of Work:

Learning Objectives (WALT): Choose an appropriate topic to research future developments in technology Undertake independent research in order to find out about possible developments in the future Be able to compile a brief set of research notes to use in the development of a presentation. Intended Learning Outcomes (WILF): All must be able to: choose a field to research and will identify at least one possible future technological development Most should be able to: identify a variety of possible future technological developments in your chosen field of research Some could: begin to research a second field of your choice Keywords: future cars, technology, teleportation Reference to cross-curriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM..): Entry ( 2.5 mins) Starter (10 mins): Do you agree or disagree with the following statements and write down the reason. In the future, cars will be able to fly Agree: Disagree: In the future, people will get lazy and unfit because their homes will do everything for them Agree: Disagree: In the future, there will be so much technology available that people will never need to leave their home Agree: Disagree: In the future, we will have teleportation devices to help us travel from place to place Agree: Disagree: Main ( 45 mins) Teacher led discussion Remind pupils that during the previous two lessons they researched possible technological developments that might affect our homes and transport in the future. There are many other fields where developments in technology might have a huge impact in the future. Ask pupils to name some of these fields and write them on the board. If they struggle, start them off with medicine and/or education. Teacher instructions Explain to pupils that this will be their last lesson of research on technological developments in the future. Show pupils where to access the following documents: Artificial intelligence.doc -Computers that predict the future and diagnose and prescribe treatments for patients Biotechnology and medicine.doc -Robot medicine and Medical simulators Brain.doc -Mind/emotion control devices and Dream control devices Resources Discussion statements starter.doc

Technology in the future_L3.ppt

Artificial intelligence.doc Biotechnology and medicine.doc Brain.doc Communication.doc Entertainment.doc Robots.doc

Communication.doc -Instant information, anytime, anyplace -One device does everything computer, telephone, entertainment system etc Entertainment.doc -Holographic TV on your wrist and Robots to play games with Robots.doc -Robots perform most operations and Robots as soldiers or security officers Explain that they can choose which area they want to research during this lesson. Complete their research task ready for the next lesson; inform them that they are going to use this research to produce presentation using Prezi software. Individual task Pupils should log onto their computer, choose their topic for research and access the appropriate document and make use of the main help-link. They should then begin their research. Provide help and assistance as required. Plenary ( 5 mins): Get into groups with other pupils who have researched the same topic. Compare notes about research and add extra ideas to their own research. Exit ( 2.5 mins) Differentiation (related to Learning Outcomes) Support for Less Able: Help pupils to perform task of the day by providing Teach-ICT web-links. G&T: Choose a second topic to research Special Education Needs: Read through IEP and prepare lessons according to pupils needs. Other adult support/roles: Homework return, feedback and setting: Complete their research task ready for the next lesson, inform them that they are going to use this research to produce presentation using Prezi software. Assessment including WILF: Markbook in Dropbox Evaluation of the lesson

Informal observations made by curriculum mentor [x]

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