Lesson Plan 10a1 Ao1 6

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Teacher :Mrs.

Valli Class/Set: 10a1 Number of pupils: 30



Room: 26 Level:6/7

Subject: OCR AO1 Lesson 6

Scheme of Work:

Learning Objectives (WALT): Able to put all evidence of works done so far into single document. Able to understand the importance of data protection using password protection (files). Able to explain details of what makes a strong & weak password. Intended Learning Outcomes (WILF): All must be able to: Able to put all evidence of works done so far into single document. Most should be able to: Able to take screenshots and include to AO1 evidence document and describe/ explain screenshots. Some could: Produce an A4 guidance document on password protection. Include details : what makes a strong & weak password. Keywords: files, protect, directories, structure, appropriate names, sensible names, search facility, rename, screenshots, password. Reference to cross-curriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM..): Business Entry ( 2.5 mins) Resources Starter (5 mins): Guide to Choosing a Strong Password http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=cq9ATAavzMA&feature=related Discussion on video clip played. Main ( 45 mins): Expain WILF Remember, you should have Go to Moodle 10A1 Tech-ICT AO1 Lesson 5 Upload help-sheet template. Download AO1 Password Protecting Files template, save in OCR AO1 Folder. Pass/Merit/Distinction: PASS Set up at least two directories Save some files in appropriate locations using appropriate filenames Locate and open existing files that you have saved in your directories MERIT DISTINCTION Create an appropriate directory structure with at least two main directories, each containing at least two subdirectories using appropriate names Save most files in appropriate Save all files in appropriate locations using appropriate locations using appropriate filenames filenames Locate and open existing files from a range of sources Provide evidence of at least one instance of deleting, copying and moving files and directories Task 2 - Ask pupils to demo: Screenshot showing inside your AO1 folder. directory structure with subdirectories appropriate filenames This shows The file you will password protect is Businesses would password protect a file because -----------------------------------------------Locate and open existing files, using search facilities of operating systems software where necessary Provide evidence of at least one instance of deleting, copying, moving and renaming files and directories

AO1 Lesson 6.ppt AO1 Helpsheet.doc AO1 Password Protecting Files template.doc

Screenshot of a file opened range of sources including Windows search facility This shows -----------------------------------------------Screenshot of a file being renamed renaming files and directories This shows Pass/Merit/Distinction: PASS Screenshots of password protecting the file Screenshot of opening the file and prompting for a password MERIT DISTINCTION Write down steps taken to protect the file in evidence document You able to explain the use of password in file protection. You able to test by entering wrong password and write down what happens in evidence document

Task 3 - Demo by pupils: To password protect your file, open file Tools menu Options Security tab Under Password to open type in ICT and click on ok. -----------------------------------------------The next time you try to open your file you will see the above prompt asking you to type in your password. Type in your password and click on ok to open the file. Screenshots of password protecting the file: Step By Step To password protect this file I -----------------------------------------------Screenshot of opening the file and prompting for a password This shows If the password is entered incorrectly Task 4: Go to Moodle 10A1 Tech-ICT AO1 Lesson 5 Upload Password Protecting Files template. Task 5: Produce an A4 guidance document on password protection. Include details : what makes a strong & weak password. Content: Title, keys to password strength, how to create a strong password that is easy to remember, images, web-links etc. Go to Moodle 10A1 Tech-ICT AO1 Lesson 6 Upload Password Guidance document. Plenary ( 5 mins): AFL Exit ( 2.5 mins) Differentiation (related to Learning Outcomes) - G & T: Task 5 Special Education Needs: Other adult support/roles: Homework return, feedback and setting: No homework, feedback given through markbook Assessment including WILF: (AO1: ICT skills for business) Think of an answer for each points below (2 minutes): What have I learnt? What have I found easy? What have I found difficult? What do I want to know more on this unit?

Evaluation of the lesson: Informal observations made by curriculum mentor [x]:

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