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Title: A Thousand and One Nights Author: Various Authors. Translated by N.

J Dawood Characters: Frame Story Sultan Shahriyar Scheherazade Vizer Sinbads Voyages Sinbad the Porter Sinbad the Sailor Captain & The Crew Old Man of the Sea Several Monsters Merchant Different Kings & Sultans Themes: Love Death Honor Valor Feminism Political Satires Figures of Speech: Personification Murmur of the stream Apostrophe I threw myself upon the sand wailing Now your end has come, Sinbad!

Literary Techniques: Use of Story Framing - A story within a story Leitwortstil - The purposeful saying of words throughout a literary piece that usually expresses a motif or theme important to the story. This often uses colors and numbers Thematic patterning - The distribution of recurrent thematic concepts and moralistic motifs among the various incidents and frames of a story. Thematic patterning may be arranged so as to emphasize the unifying argument or salient idea which disparate events and disparate frames have in common.

Symbols: The Monsters Shows Sinbads trials and obstacles. According to Eastern philosophy, the obstacles of the physical world are tests to allow humans to become conscious of God and reach heaven as a result of their own merit, and not as a result of fear of being punished or wish to be rewarded. The Stories One way to preserve Scheherazades life and reach into the Kings Heart

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