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General Procedure Rules: Points and Motions.

1-Thanks presidium table, the delegation of United States of American wants to introduce a motion to set the agenda with the topic the fight against terrorism: the diamonds as factor of conflict and the sustainable development in Africa. 2- Thanks presidium table, the delegation of United States wants to propose a motion to set the speaker`s time, having 1:40 for time. 3- Thanks presidium table, the delegation of United States of America wants to introduce a motion to open the speaker list. 4-Thanks presidium table, the delegation of United States of America wants to propose a motion to close the speaker list. 5- Thanks presidium table, the delegation of United States of America wants to introduce a motion to open a moderated caucus with 10 minutes and intervention of 1 minute. 6- Thanks presidium table, the delegation of United States of America wants to propose a motion to suspend the debate in a regular caucus with 15 minutes. 7- Thanks presidium table, the delegation of United States of America wants to introduce motion to adjourn the meeting. 8-Thanks presidium table, the delegation of United States of America wants to propose a motion to adjourn the debate. 9- Thanks presidium table, the delegation of United States of America wants to introduce a motion to close the debate.

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