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Assessment Subj: N/A Obj: Violation of rules Cruel behavior towards people and animals Deceitful

Nursing Diagnosis Risk for other-directed violence r/t aggression to people and animals secondary to CD

Scientific Explanation CD or Conduct Disorder is characterized by oppositional and defiant behaviors and antisocial activities. Children with this disorder experience so much difficulty following rules and behaving in a socially acceptable way.

Planning After 2-3 hours of nursing intervention the parents and the child will be able to identify the risks for other-directed violence and understand the disorder.

Nursing Interventions o Help the parents devise and implement appropriate discipline and special education to change their childs behavior o Encourage child to develop alternative ways of relating to other children and adults o Discuss to the parents what is conduct disorder



Parental training is one of the most effective methods in helping children with CD

After 2-3 hours of nursing intervention the parent and the child was able to identify risks for injuries and understand the disorder.

To give the child options on how to relate to others

Giving parents information about the disorder may help them manage and help their child Helps the child learn what behavior is expected of him/her

o Discuss to the parents to reward appropriate behavior

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