Workshop 11-6-08 (Sociogram)

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Kristina Desiante EDT 716

Possible directed relationships

= 182

Possible undirected relationships = 91 Density = 30% (27 relationships 91 possible undirected relationships) -The density of my network appears to be fairly low. 70% of the potential information flow is not being used. In order to increase the density of my sociogram I would make some more connections. For instance, RD is the principal of my building. Im sure that I could link some more people to his name of those who would go to him for information. In addition to this I would try to link some of the teachers who are at the primary level with those at the intermediate level. I know that there is disconnect in my district between the two groups and I believe that if we could link those more then it would benefit the students. -The geodesic distance between myself and those in my social network who may have information that could be helpful to me does not appear to be great. For instance, I believe that I could receive helpful technology information from TH. The geodesic distance between us is 2 and the closeness is . -In terms of betweeness centrality I think that KD is the person who is placed most strategically. This person is myself and I think this occurred because I was the one who created the sociogram. -Cliques are apparent in the sociogram. Some include, KD-KC-SN, ER-KD-KC, KC-RD-MP, NA-KD-AB, DD-SN-KD. Looking closely at this sociogram, Im not sure I wouldve considered these relationships as cliques. I think it is important to extend these cliques out to more people for everyone to receive information that is helpful to them and in order to form new positive relationships.

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