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Linux Programming Important questions

Unit-I 1. Explain the following commands with syntax, options and examples: (a) head (b) tail (c)ps d) grep

2. Discuss about various file handling utilities available in LINUX. Quote various options and examples for each. 3. Give the reason why Linux commands are divided into internal and external commands. 4. Explain awk with suitable examples. 5. Explain sed with suitable examples. Unit-II 6. Differentiate between different types of shells available in UNIX. 7. Write a short note on pipes and I/O Redirection operators. 8. Explain the significance of single quote and double quote. 9. Write a shell script to find the factorial of a number. 10. What does the shell do with the meta characters if it finds in the command line? Unit-III 11. Briefly explain about stream errors. 12. Differentiate between the three stat functions with examples. 13. Differentiate between the following terms: (a) getc( ) Vs fgetc( ) (b) stat( ) Vs fsat( ) (c) printf( ) Vs fprint( ) (d) scanf( ) Vs fscanf( ).

14.Explain the various Library functions in C 15. Explain file system structure in LINUX Unit-IV 16. What are process identifiers? Mention the commands for getting different IDs of calling process. 17. What are reliable signals? Explain about the primary features of reliable functions. Illustrate an example program for handling reliable signals.

18. Write a program that demonstrates the use of exit( ). 19. Explain the Zombie process 20. Explain the following signal functions with examples a) Sleep b) abort c) kill d) alarm

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