A Study On Employee Welfare of Beml Limited, Bangalore

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In simple sense, human resource management means employing people, developing their resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational requirements with a view to contribute to the goals of the organization, individual and the society.

Human resource management can be defined as managing (planning, organizing, directing and controlling) the functions of employing, developing and compensating human resources resulting in the creation and development of human relations with a view to contribute proportionately(due to them) to the organizational, individual and social goals.

The difference between human resource management and personal management PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT:
Personal management means persons employed. Personnel management views the man as an economic man who works for money or salary. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Human resource management treats the people as human being having economic, social and psychological needs. Thus human resource management is broader in scope compared to personnel management.


The scope of human resource management in the modern days is vast. The scope of Human Resource Management was limited to employing, maintaining and payment of salary or wage. The scope gradually enlarged to providing welfare facilities, motivation, performance appraisal, human resource management, maintaining of human relations, strategic human relations, etc.


To create and utilize an able and motivated work force to accomplish the basic organizational goals. To establish and maintain sound organizational structure and desirable working relationship among all workers. To create facilities and opportunities for individual or group developed To attain an effective utilization of human resource in the achievement of organizational goals.


The manager reminds the management of its moral issues and obligation to its employees:

As a manager, human resource manager plays the role of peace maker. He settles the disputes between the management and employees.

THE COUNSELLER: Employees facing many problems like material, health, children education, etc SPOKEPERSON: He is frequent spoke person for the representative of the company.

He acts as a problem solver with respect to the issues of human resource management. CHANGE: He acts as a change agent and introduces something new in the economy.


Human resource management actually has a history dating back to the times when artisans and craftsmen would enlist the aid of another to discuss ways to manage their laborers. However modern human resource management has its roots in the National cash register company. John Patterson, the president of the company, formed a personnel department of the company, formed a personnel department to manage the grief of workers after a bitter union strike in 1901. Its Mr. Udai Pareek, who was a person in late 1960s at IIMA. Human resource management came in India through his efforts and L&T Corporation in India. Before that no company in India used to have Human Resource practices. He is world renowned personality.


India is widely recognized as one of the most exciting emerging economics in the world. Besides becoming a global hub of outsourcing, Indian firms are spreading their wings globally through merger and acquisition. During the first four months of 1997, Indian companies have bought 34 foreign companies for about U.S $ 11 billion. This impressive development has been due to growth in inputs (capital and labor) as well as factor productivity. By the year 2020, Indian is expected to add about 250 million to its labour pool at the rate of about 18 million a year, which is more than the entire labour force of Germany. This so called demographic dividend has drawn a new interest in the Human resource concept and practices in India.


The management Ideologies in India dates back at least four centuries. Arthashastra written by celebrated Indian scholar- practices Chanakya had three key areas of exploration Public policy Administration and utilization of people Taxation and accounting principles

Parallel to such pragmatic formulations, a deep rooted value system, drawn from the early Aryan thinking called Vedanta, deeply influenced the societal and institutional values in India. Overall, Indian collective culture had an interesting individualistic core while the civilization values of duty to family, group and society was also very important while Vedanta ideas nurtured an inner private sphere of individualism.

WELFARE: Welfare is nothing but the benefits provided to the employees other than wage.
The term welfare suggests many ideas and meanings such as well being, health, happiness, prosperity, and development of human resource. The concept of welfare can be approached from various angles. Welfare has been described as a total concept. It is desirable state of existence involving physical, mental, moral, and emotional wellbeing. All these four elements constitute the structure of welfare on which its totality is based.

Employee Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of
employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creations of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relation and insurance against disease, accidents and unemployment for the workers and their families. Welfare enters all those activities of employer which are directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages or salaries.

Employee Welfare are the assets and backbone of all the industries. They should provide all welfare and safety measures to their life. The industries undertake to relieve this distress and work for the social welfare of the mankind. This welfare approaches has become necessary due to social problems that have emerged as a result of the industrialization in the capitalistic getting as against these social problems many social welfare amenities have been provided for the benefits of the employees in various industrial units. There is an increasing awareness and recognition.

The Oxford dictionary defines employee welfare as the efforts to make life worth living for workmen According to the labor Investigation committee (1946), employee welfare means anything done for intellection, physical, moral and economic betterment of the workers, weather by employees, by government or by other agencies, over and above what is laid down by law, or what is normally expected on the part of the contracted benefits for which workers may have bargained. Chambers dictionary defines welfare as a state of faring or doing well: Freedom from calamity, enjoyment of health and prosperity. Todd defines welfare work as anything done for the comfort and improvement, intellectual and social, of the employees over and above the wages pain, which is not a necessity of the industry. Prod defines welfare as voluntary efforts on the part of the employers to improve the existing industrial system and the conditions of employment in their factories.


To provide better life and health to the workers. To make the workers happy and satisfied. To relief workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual, cultural and material conditions of living of the workers.


Employee Welfare includes various facilities, services and amenities provided to workers for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status. Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits available to workers due to legal provisions and collective bargaining. Employee Welfare schemes are flexible and ever changing. New welfare measures are added to the existing ones from time to time. Welfare measures may be introduced by the employers, government, employees or by any social or charitable agency. The purpose of employee welfare is to bring about the development of the whole personality of the workers to make a better workforce. The very logical behind providing welfare schemes is to create efficient, healthy, logical and satisfied workforce for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to make their work life better and also to raise their standard of living.


Enables workers to have a riches and more satisfied life. Raises the standard of living of the workers by directly reducing the burden on their pocket. Absorb the shocks injected by industrialization and urbanization on workers. Promotes a sense of belongingness among workers, preventing them for resorting to unhealthy practices like absenteeism, labor turnover, strikes, etc.


Central Government

State Government
Employers Trade Unions Other Agencies


To have responsibility To have integrity To have accountability To have participation To have efficiency To have effectiveness To have adequate of wages To have social responsibility of industry


To win over employees loyalty and increase their morale. To build up stable labour force, to reduce labor turnover and absenteeism. To develop efficiency and productivity among workers. To save oneself from heavy taxes on surplus profits. To earn goodwill and enhance public image To make recruitment more effective (because there benefits add to job appeal)

Employee involvement is creating an environment in which people have an impact on decisions and actions that effect their jobs. The effective involvement of employees as partners in organizations decision- making processes is a key element in developing capacity for continuing improvement. It ensures that employees understand how what they do contribute to the organization is perceived internally and externally. Enhanced employment involvement is seeking the views of employees ( as individuals or through representative bodies) before decisions are taken and taking them into account when reaching a decision.

There is no one template for successful employee involvement. Each organization needs to find a solution, which suits its own culture. Effective employee involvement develops high performance workplaces. Employee involvement increases ownership and commitment, retains best employees and fosters an environment in which people choose to be motivated and contributing. How to involve employees in decision making and continuous improvement activities is the strategic aspect of involvement and can include such methods as suggestions system, manufacturing cells, work teams, continuous improvement meetings, Kaizen (continuous improvement) events, corrective action processes and periodic discussions with the managers. Intrinsic to most employee involvement processes in team effectiveness, communication and problem solving; the development of reward and recognition systems; and frequently, the sharing of gains made through employee involvement efforts. Employee involvement is not the goal nor is it a tool, practiced in many organizations. Rather, it is a management and leadership philosophy about how people are most enabled to contribute to continuous improvement and the ongoing success of their work organization.


Organization provides welfare facility to their employees to keep their level high. The employee welfare schemes can be classified into two categories. STATUTORY SCHEMES: The Statutory schemes are those schemes that are compulsory to provide by an organization as compliance to the laws governing employee health and safety. This include provision provided in industrial Act like Factories Act 1948, Mines Act 1962. NON-STATUTORY SCHEMES: Non Statutory schemes are concerned to those activities which are undertaken voluntarily by the employers to improve the morale of the employees, maintain harmony and improve efficiency of the employees in the production, to compete with other organization and to retain the employees.


DRINKING WATER: At all the working places safety and hygienic drinking water should be provided. FACILITIES FOR SETTLING: In every organization, especially factories suitable

sitting arrangements need to be provided. FIRST AID APPLIANCES: First aid appliances are to be provided and should be readily accessible so that in case of any minor and accidents initial medications can be provided to the needed employee. CANTEEN FACILITIES: Cafeteria or canteens are to be provided by the employer so as to provide hygienic and nutritious food to the employees. SPITTOONS: In every work place such as houses and store places in the dock area and office premises spittoons are to be provided in convenient places and same are to be maintained in a hygienic condition. LIGHTING: Proper and sufficient light are to be provided for employees so that they can work safely during the night shifts. WASHING PLACES: Adequate washing places such as bathrooms, washbasins with tap, and tap on the stand pipe are provided in the port area in the vicinity of the work place. CHANGING ROOM: Adequate changing rooms are to be provided for workers to change their clothes in the factory area and office premises. Adequate lockers are also provided to their workers to keep their clothes and belongings.

PERSONAL HEALTH CARE (REGULAR HEALLTH CHECK-UPS): Some of the companies provide the faculty for extensive health check-up. FLEXI TIME: The main objective of the flexi time is to provide opportunity to employees to work with flexi working schedules. Flexi work schedules are initiated by employees and approved by management to meet business commits while supporting employees personal life needs. EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMES: Various assistance programs are arranged like external counseling service that employees or members of their immediate family can get counseling on various matters. HARASSMENT POLICY: To protect an employee from harassment of any kind, guidelines are provided for proper action and also for protecting the aggrieved employee. MATERNITY AND ADOPTION LEAVE: Employees can avail maternity or adoption leaves. Paternity leave policies have also been introduced by various companies. MADICLAIM INSURANCE SCHEME: This insurance scheme provide adequate insurance coverage of employees for expenses related to hospitalization due to illness, disease, injury, or pregnancy EMPLOYEE REFERRAL SCHEME: In several companies employee referral scheme is implemented to encourage employees to refer friends and relatives for employment in the organization. HOUSING FACILITY: The company offers township facilities and house rent allowance to its employees also gives subsidies for housing loans. EDUCATIONAL FACILITY: The company offers merit and scholarship facilities to the children and also higher education to the employees. VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR DEPENDENTS OF WORKERS: The companies offer vocational training to the family members of the employee in case of his death. TRANSPORTATION: The employer offers transport facility to workers so that they can reach the workplace punctually and comfortably.

DEATH RELIEF AND SERVICE RELIEF FUNDS: Death relief fund is a benefit given to the employees family after the death of the employee and service relief fund is given when the employees as put in minimum years of service in the company.


NON STATUTORY MEASURES: In their work life, the workers have to put in long hours of work in unhealthy surroundings. The drudgery of factory work continues to have an adverse effect on them, even after they knock off for the day. As most of them have migrated from rural areas they are thrown in to an uncongenial environment, which is also strange to them. As a result, they fall prey to alcoholism, gambling and other devices which demoralize them and completely ruin them. The high rate of absenteeism in Indian industries is indicative of the lack of commitment on the part of workers for they want to escape from the environment whenever possible. The absenteeism can be reduced by the provision of good housing of health and family care. The good educational and training facilities are also important for workers in Indian industries because of higher literacy rates and because of lack of proper educational background among them, These facilities would help in decreasing the number of industrial accidents, increasing their sense of efficiency and commitment and made it possible for them not to be exploited by the moneylenders. The close association between efficiency and welfare has been recognized and discussed at various conferences such as Indian labor conference and in the meetings of national productivity council. The sports, entertainment and other recreational facilities help the workers to develop their health and personality and enable them to feel that their state and their employers are interested in the welfare.


The non statutory welfare measures must necessarily be elastic bearing a somewhat a different interpretation in one country from another according to different social customs, the degree of industrialization and the educational development of the workers. Limits therefore, cannot be rigidly laid down for the scope of labour welfare for all industries and for times. They have to be elastic and flexible enough to suit the existing working conditions of the workers and to include all the essential pre-requisites of life and minimum basic amenities.

In the report of the committee on labour welfare, 1969 the scope of labour welfare covered such services, facilities and amenities as adequate medical facilities, rest and recreational facilities, transport facilities, accommodation of workers employed at distance from their homes 7 such other services, amenities and facilities including social security measures has contribute to improvement of conditions under which they are employed. The subject of labour welfare is thus fairly wide and limited to any one country, one region one industry or occupation its scope has been described by writers and institutions of different shades in different ways and from different angles. The lie demarcation cannot be very precise but living conditions of the workers and their families and make their lives more meaningful in the final analyses labour services should: enable workers to live a richer and more satisfactory life. Contribute to the productivity of labour and efficiency of the enterprise Raise the standard of living of workers by indirectly reducing the burden on their purse. Be in tune with harmony with similar services obtaining in a neighboring community where an enterprise is situated. Be based on an intelligent prediction of the future needs of industrial work and be so designed as to offer a cushion to absorb the shock of industrialization and urbanization on workers and Be administratively viable and essentially development in outlook.


To win over employees loyalty and increase their morale. To develop efficiency and productivity among workers. To reduce of threat of future government intervention To make recruitment more effective. To earn goodwill and enhance public image. To build up stable labour force to reduce labour turnover and absenteeism.


The benefits are of great importance to the worker, which he is unable to secure by himself. The scheme of labour welfare may be regarded as a wise investment because this would be the profitable returns in the form of great efficiency. The various non statutory welfare measures provided by the employers will have immediate impact on the health, physical and mental efficiency, alertness, morale, and overall efficiency of the workers and there by contributing to the highest productivity. Non statutory welfare measures unable workers to have richer and more satisfying life. It raises the standard of living of the workers by indirectly reducing the burden on their pocket. Welfare measures improve the physical and psychological health of the employees, which intern enhances their efficiency and productivity. Non statutory welfare measure promotes a sense of belongingness among the workers, preventing them from resorting to unhealthy practices like absenteeism, labour unrest strike, etc. Welfare work improves the relations between employees and employers. It promotes a real change of heart and a change of outlook of the part of both the employers and employees.


Benefit to the employees They enable the worker to live a richer and more satisfactory life.

It increases his performance. It influences his attitude towards work and work environment. Benefit to the employer More effective recruitment. It improves the morale of the employees. It leads to employee loyalty. It reduces absenteeism.


Non statutory welfare measures are classified in to two groups for industrial workers. Those within the precincts of the establishment and. Those outside the establishments.


Uniforms. Annual gifts. Library facilities. Administrative arrangements within the plants for welfare. Gymnasium.


Transport to and from the place of work. Occasional training for dependence of workers. Other programs for the welfare of the woman, youth, and children. Workers cooperatives includes consumers cooperatives stores, fare prices, shops, and cooperative thrift, and credit societies.

Holiday homes and leave travel facilities. Housing facilities. Educational facilities, including adult education. Recreational facilities including sport and cultural activities. Medical facilities including programs for physical fitness and efficiency. Family planning and child care.


Transport. Scholarship. Sports. Housing. Hospital facility. Educational facility. School fees reimbursement. Ambulance van service. Debt relief fund. Immediate death fund. Group saving linked insurance. Reimbursement for hospital charges. Kalamandira. Cooperative housing scheme. Library. Labour welfare fund. Annual gift. Legal assistance. Cultural program. Medical assistance.

Financial assistance. Family planning incentive. Banking facility. Mortuary van facility. Service gift. Loan facility.

SAFETY: PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE is a saying that gives caution to people to adopt
measures to see that any unhappy incident does not occur in our daily life or in workstations. Safety, in simple terms means freedom from the occurrence of risk or injury or loss. Industrial safety or employ safety to protection of workers from the danger of industrial accidents. An accident then is an unplanned on uncontrolled event in which the action or reaction of an object, substance, person, or radiation results in personal injure. The word safety is abbreviated. S - System, standards. A - Avid accident causes. F Follow rules. E Educate self and others. T Team work for safety. Y Yield to safety requirement.



Sec 42, In every factory, adequate and suitable facilities for washing shall be provided and maintained. They shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept clean. There must be separate provision for male and female workers. STORING AND DRYING: Section 43, the state government may make rules requiring the provision of suitable facilities for storing and drying clothing.

SITTING: Sec 44, sitting facilities must be provided for workers who have to work in standing position, so that can they take rest when possible. When work can be done in a sitting position efficiently, the chief inspector may direct provision of sitting arrangements. Sec 45, every factory must provide first aid boxes or cupboards. They must contain the prescribed materials and they must be in charge of persons trained in first aid treatment. Factories employing more than 500 persons must maintain an ambulance room containing the prescribed equipments and in charge of prescribed medical and nursing staff. CANTEEN: Sec 46, where more than 250 workers are employed the state government may require the opening of canteen for canteens for workers. Rules may be framed regarding the food served, it s management, etc. SHELTERS: Sec 47, in every factory where more than 150 workers are employed there must be provided adequate and suitable shelters or rest room and a lunch room with good drinking water facilities. Where workers may eat meals brought by them. Such rooms must be sufficiently lighted and ventilated and must be maintained in a cool and clean condition. CRECHES:

Sec 48, In every factory where more than 30 workers are employed, a room shall be provide for the use of the children (below 6yrs) of such women the room shall be adequate size, well lighted, and ventilated, and maintained very clean. WELFARE OFFICER:

Sec 49, Welfare officer must be appointed in every factory where 500 workers are employed. The state government may prescribe the duties, qualification, etc.

RULES: Sec 50, the state government may make rules regarding the welfare of workers.


To establish contact with a view to maintain harmonious relations between management and workers. To bring to the notice of the management the grievances of workers with a view to secure redress of their grievances. To fulfill the statutory or non statutory obligations of organization. To promote relations between various departments of the factory and workers to increase productive efficiency and improve working conditions. To help workers to adjust and adopt themselves to their working environment. To encourage the formation of work and limit production committees, co-operative societies, safety, first-aid, and welfare committees. To advise the management in matters relating to transfer, promotion, information bulletins, control of notice boards, and training of apprentices workers. To encourage management to the provision of canteens, shelters, drinking water, etc. To supervise the following activities. A. Medical examination of employees. B. Maintaining health records. C. Working of hazardous jobs.

D. Sick visiting and condolence. E. Systematic plant inspection. F. Investigating of accidents. G. Maternity benefits and. H. Workmens compensation. PERSONAL HEALTH CARE (REGULAR MEDICAL CHECKUPS): Some of the companies provide the facility for extensive health check-up.

FLEXI-TIME: The main objective of the flexi time policy is to provide opportunity to employee to work with flexible working schedules. Flexible work schedules are initiated by employees and approved by management to meet business commitments while supporting employee personal life needs.


Various assistant programs are arranged like external counseling service so that employees or members of their immediate family can get counseling on various matters. HARASSMENT POLICY: To protect an employee from harassment of any kind guidelines are provided for proper action and also for protecting the aggrieved employee. MATERNITY AND ADOPTION LEAVE: Employee can avail maternity or adoption leaves, paternity leaves policies have also introduced by various companies. MEDI-CLAIM INSURANCE SCHEME: This insurance scheme provides adequate insurance coverage of employees for expenses related to hospitalization due to illness, disease, or injury or pregnancy.

EMPLOYEE REFERRAL SCHEME: In several companies employee referral scheme is implemented to encourage employees to refer friends and relatives for employment n the organization.

Research Design


Employee Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, Industrial relation and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families.

The study has been taken to know the employee welfare measure which provides better working condition and health to the workers in the organization which in turn improves overall productivity and efficiency of the organization. Therefore the study is initiated.


To study the procedure used in the process of employee welfare. To provide better working conditions and health to the workers. To know the workers satisfaction level towards Employee Welfare measures followed in BEML Limited. To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual, cultural and material conditions of living of the worker. To study the interrelationship between the management and employees to achieve better industrial relation.

To offer recommendations and suggestions to the management.

Survey method has been used in this research study. The methodology here refers to the systematic method used to collect data for the research purpose. The data analysis and interpretation is done using bar chart and pie chart.

The purpose of the study a sample size of 50 is selected and this sample size represents the population. A stratified random sampling is adopted for the sake of convenience and randomness of the study.


PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION: Interaction with the management and the employees. Questionnaire

SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION: Websites Journals Magazines Company manuals


The study is for an academic purpose only and for a particular period. Due to the time constraint the project may not be a standard one. The divisions of the organization are spread and the study is confined to BEML Limited.

The collected data has been tabulated correlated and analyzed. The analyzed data has been represented in the form of graphs, charts and diagrams.
















Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML) incorporation in May 1964 with its corporate offices at Bangalore and commenced operations from 1st January 1965, the production units of the company are located at Bangalore, Kolar gold field, and Mysore in Karnataka. The company is engaged in the production of rail coaches, rail bus, and Direct current electrical Multipurpose Unit for India railways, heavy duty trucks/its variants, crash fire tenders, heavy recover vehicles, PMS bridges, and earth moving equipments and aggregates for Defense. Other major customers of BEML are Coal India Limited. Natively Lignite Corporation Associated Cement Company, Steel Authority Of India Limited and The National Hydro Electric Thermal Power Corporation. Bharat Earth Movers Limited is a premier ISO 9000 company in India and the second largest manufacture of earth moving equipment in Asia. A three-decade-old multi-location and multiproduct company, BEML has vital application in diverse sectors of economy such as coal, mining, steel, cement, powder, irrigation, construction, and road building, and railway. It has expanded its product range to cover high-quality hydraulics, heavy duty diesel engines, welding robots and undertaking of heavy fabrication jobs. A public sector undertaking, BEML commands 70% market share in domestic earth mover industry. Nearly 40% of its quality has divested to financially institutions and public. BEML has its corporate headquarters and central marketing division at Bangalore. BEML manufactures wide range of products to meet the needs of mining, construction, power, irrigation, fertilizer, cement, steel, and rail sectors. The earth moving equipment includes bulldozers, dump trucks, hydraulic, excavators, wheel loaders, rope shovels, walking draglines, motor graders, and scarpers. BEML has recently introduced road headers and slide discharge loaders for underground mining applications. Railway products include integral rail coaches, electrical multiple units, rail buses, track laying equipments, and overhead equipment inspection cars.

BEML manufacture heavy duty trucks and trailers and hydraulic aggregates for transportation sector. The company also manufactures high power diesel engines and heavy duty hydraulic aggregates to meet specific customer requirements. The company plans to diversify into varied

activities including underground mining equipment, underground for petro-products, leasing, financial services, and joint ventures abroad. BEML is rated as the first amongst the fastest growing construction equipment in India (construction world-NICMAR SURVEY-2005). It is today leading the infrastructure revolution in the country with successful foray in to hi-tech metro trains. Being a multi-technology, multiunit, and multi-location company, BEML offers high quality products for diverse sectors of the economy such as coal, mining, construction, power, irrigation, fertilizers, cement, steel, road building, Defense, metro and railways. It has come to forefront of heavy engineering industry with a track record of growth and profit in the last for decades. With increase focus on quality, safety and productivity, BEML is evolving new technologies and aiming at value-addition in all its process and products. The companys manufacturing facilities are certified under ISO 9001-2000 series. Its strategic alliances with global partners have ensured a continuous flow of state of art technologies and gain international competence. With impetus on market driven R&D, BEML has ruled out several innovative products. The company has established R&D center of excellence for metro technology to match world-class standards with grant received from planning commission, Government of India. BEMLs nationwide network of sales offices enables buyer with ready access to its wide range of products and services. Its service center, repair shops and part depots provide total equipment care and availability of machines through prompt after sales-service. Today band of products are popular in over 30 countries across the world in Asia, Europe, middle-East and Latin America. The company is in the process of opening overseas offices at Singapore and China


BEML is a PSU under the effective administration of Ministry of Defense (department of Defense supply). The organization was setup in the late 40s as part of HAL now known as

HINDUSTAN AERONATICS LIMITED to manufacture rail coaches. It gradually diversified earth moving equipment in 1964, the company was incorporated in the first year plan when India was very weak economically. The main objective of setting up the organization was to manufacture heavy earth moving equipment. Rail coaches heavy duty trucks, trucks-laying equipment, etc.


BEML is equipped in production equipment for the industries such as construction and mining Defense aviation and the METRO and RAILWAY sector.


For development in surface mining projects, BEML produces machines such as electric shovels, hydraulic, excavators, bulldozers, wheel loaders, wheel dozer, dump trucks, motor grades,

pipelines, and tyre handlers. Besides, giants walking draglines for cost effective operations in
the open cost mines are manufactured. BEML has diversified into underground mining with products such as side discharge loader, lad haul dumper, winch winder, randy car, and skip, etc. BEML has an active fleet of machines to take up works related to road construction, infrastructure, development, port handling, tuning boring, and petroleum projects. The company is floating a joint venture soon to take upon contract mining and maintenance of mining equipments.


BEMLs multi-role vehicle and transport trailers have found total acceptance with arms forces. The company has started manufacturing the entire range of value added TATRA vehicles. Which are robust and suitable for all terrain operations including bridge layer field artillery, tractor, medium/heavy recovery vehicles and pontoon mainstream bridge system, BEML also supplies engineering mine ploughs, armored recovery vehicles, and weapon loading equipment. For the civil aviation sector, BEML offers passenger Aerobridges, crash fire tender and aircraft towing tractor.


BEML is today geared up for manufactured and supply of hi-tech stainless steel metro to upcoming urban infrastructure projects in various cities. Other products supplied for Indian railways include integral rail coaches, overhead inspection cars, track laying equipment broad gauge rail bus, treasury vans and spoil disposal vans. It also offers electric multiple units for development in suburban services. The company also manufactures heavy duty diesel engines, diesel generator sets, and hydraulic aggregates. BEML has entered into alliance with international partners for several new products with include multi utility armed vehicles, mine laying vehicles, long wall mining system, tunneling equipment, mine protected vehicles, surface miners, etc.

The vision is to achieve a turnover of $1.15 billion (Rs. 5000 corers) by 2013-14, which translates in to a compounded growth rate of 12%. The management has infused this vision into 10000 employees and will grow across all three divisions. Mining and construction segment, we see a 15-20% growth rate will be between 8% and 1000%. At that moment two-third of our top line and bottom line is contributed by mining and construction. BEML has earned a modest profit of 100 million in the rail business: they have now achieved a critical mass and hence likely to enhance contribution to the bottom line. Build total self-reliance in earthmover and related technology. Adopt technology to suit national requirement particularly in vital se tor such as construction, mining, irrigation, railways, transportation, and automation. Update current products for higher performance and reliability. Generate know-why through applied research. Design and develop products in identified technology areas. Set p test facilities of evaluation of performance and reliability of vehicles and system.


To achieve and retain a dominant position in the manufacture and supply of earthmoving, mining, construction, railway, and Defense equipment by establishing high standards of quality, capability, and reliability.

To pursue state-of-the-art environment friendly technologies as well as develop cost effective and value-added products. To be competitive, responsive, and continuously improve services so as to ensure total customer satisfaction. To grow into global company guided by a keen sense of vision and business ethics as well as to maximize earnings. To conserve energy eliminate and waste through optimum utilization of men, money, materials, and machinery.

To maintain a dominant position in design, development, manufacture, and marketing of defense, earthmoving, and constructions and rail and metro equipments. To diversify and grow. To provide total engineering solution to its customer. To internationalize operations by enhancing exports. To maintain state-of-art technology for all products. Re-orientation of the business operations to match the present scenario. Continues building of skills and competencies to bring about executive effectiveness for management succession.

Quality is the hallmark of excellence

At BEML, a corporate quality policy emphasizing total quality management ensures the quality system adopted companywide to meet stringent standards and requisite performance criteria. A separate quality spearheads the thrust towards total quality. All the manufacturing units in the company are under ISO 9001-2000 certification. BEML equipment works in hospitable terrain under grueling operating conditions. In order to ensure optimum performance of equipment each product is tested in working conditions. In order to ensure optimum performance equipment each product is tested in working condition in the companys own track and fields. Vendor assessment and development is a key component of the companys strategy for achieving total quality. Experience professional work with vendors to improve directions to the quality improvement activities. To offer products and services to the satisfaction of customers and strive to upgrade quality continuously is the quality adopted in BEML.

BEML products that is Machine that build the nation find their application in core sector of economy in the country viz., mining, agriculture, energy, irrigation, cement, steel, construction, rail, and road transport apart from Defense. The company has three ranges of product like earth moving equipments, Defense product and railways products. The earth moving equipments include bulldozers, dump trucks, hydraulic excavator, wheel loaders, wheel loaders, wheel dozers, tyre handlers, pipe layers, rope shovels, draglines, motor graders, scrapers, water sprinklers, aircraft towing tractors, and backhoe loader. BEML has recently introduced road headers and side discharge loaders of underground mining application, track laying equipment, inspections cars. BEML manufacture heavy duty trucks and trailers and hydraulics aggregates for transportation sector. apart from this, BEML also radio controls disaster management equipment in case of emergencies.


Mining machines. Electric shovels. Bulldozers. Wheel dozers. Dump trucks. Motors graders. Pipe layer and type handler. Giant walking dragline for cost item.

BEML-Tetra T815 vvnc8*8Vehicle. BEML-Tetra T815 VVL8*8 Vehicle. BEML-Tetra T815 VT18*8- Tank Transportation. BEML-Tetra T815 VVNC6*6 High Mobility Vehicle. BEML-Tetra T815 VVNC6*6 Field Artillery Tractor. BEML-Tetra T815 V1 4 *4 High Mobility Vehicle. PRATHVI missile launcher. OXIDISER carrier. WARDHEAD carrier. FUEL carrier vehicle. MISSILE Transporter. 10T mobile crane. Ammunition Loader. Pontoon Bridge Set. Pontoon Truck. Truck mounted crane. Pavement laying truck. DOLLY. Light recovery vehicle. Armored recovery vehicles.

Backhoe loader transporter.

Passenger coaches. DC electrical multiple units (DC-EMUS) AC electrical multiple units (AC-EMUS) Track laying equipments. Rail bus. Spoil disposal units (SDU) Treasury vans.

Mail rail coaches. DIESEL ENGIES

100-1000 hp engines for contribution and mining equipment. Irrigation pumps. Marine vessel engines. Compressors.


Batching and min9ing plans. Vibrating compactors. Pneumatic-tired rollers.


Radio-controls dozers. Hydraulic excavators with demolition attachments

Diesel genets-230, 360, 550KVP.


Industrial welding robots. Machine tending robots.

BEML, being a public sector undertaking operates well in the global market also. The companys international divisions are involved in large trading as well as counter trade in countries worldwide covering Asia and Middle East beside entering into European through UK, Italy, and Greece. The company commenced it overseas operations in 1969-00 and has exposed earth moving equipments, rail coaches and sapper parts valued at several million US $ to countries all over the world. As a recognized export house, BEML has expanded operations to include exports of engineering goods, defense items commodities, and undertaking of project management and turnkey contracts. Despite the pressure of highly competitive market for heavy construction and mining equipment, BEMLS export is attributed to good quality equipments and very efficient after sales services. Fully satisfied with the BEMLs services, customers in several countries have been placing repeat orders for the companys equipments. The company is looking at global market for future growth several countries have been identified for making a foray. In keeping with this, the export target for the year 2009-2010 has been fixed at over Rs 500 crores, which are stiff considering the strong foothold of competition in the world market. Exports were made to countries like Syria, Tunisia, South Africa, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Abu Dhabi, Jordan, Bangladesh, and Suriname in Latin America.

COMPETITORS OF BEML Railways Integral coach factory permbur, RCF at

Karputhala Bulldozers Excavators Dumpers Caterpillars (Hindustan Motors) L&T, Escort, TATA Hindustan Motors, Volvo, TATA, TELCO, Ashok Leyland


PRODUCT OF COLLABORATION Product 210M Dump Truck 445E Electric Dump Truck Walking Draglines 182m 10cu.m Rope Shovel Heavy Duty Trucks for defense METRO RAILWAY Diesel Engine Collaboration KOMATSU Mining System, USA KOMATSU Mining System, USA BUCYRUS International, USA BUCYRUS International, USA TETRA SIPOX ROTEM, SOUTH KOREA KOMATSU, JAPAN

SBI. Canara Bank. SBM (State Bank Of Mysore) Punjab National Bank. Bank of India. State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur. Central Bank of India.



Name of the company: Registered Office : BEML Liited BEML Soudha (Bangalore) Corporate Office NO-23/14TH Main S.R Nagar Bangalore-560027 Group Activity of BEML Date of establishment : : : Public Sector Undertaking. Manufacturing Of Earth Moving Equipment, rail Couches, and defense automotive vehicle. January, 1965.



Kolar Gold Field, located 100 km from Bangalore, spread over an area of 1850 acres; BEML has established an extensive manufacturing base. A skilled work force of over 7400 turnout state of the art bulldozer, hydraulic excavator, wheel force of over 7500 turnout state of the art bulldozer, hydraulic excavator, wheel loaders, rope shoves, and walking draglines for mining and construction industry Sophisticated CNC machines and latest technology welding equipment have been installed.

MYSORE COMPLEX The biggest dump truck factory in India is located at BEMLS Mysore Complex. This unit is located about 180kms from Bangalore and occupies about 178 acres of land, having a work force of about 2500 employees. AREA OF OPERATION
BEML has 3 international offices, 10 regional offices and 15 districts offices and it also have 4 activity center. INTERNATIONAL OFFIC ES CHINA BEML Ltd Shanghai representative office, Shanghai PC: 200336

MALAYSIA BEML (MALAYSIA) SNDBHD, Johar Bharu, Malaysia. BRAZIL BEML Brazil, state of expirito Santo Brazil.






Bilaspur. Chennai. Hyderabad. Kolkata. Mumbai. Nagpur. New Delhi. Ranchi Jabalpur. Singrauli.

Ahmadabad. Asansol Bhilai. Bhubaneswar. Chandrapur. Guwahati. Jammu.

Madurai. Naively. Pan Jim. Udaipur.


The Bangalore Stock Exchange Limited, Bangalore BEML. The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited, Mumbai 5006648. The National Stock Exchange of India Limited, Mumbai BEML. IT HAS BAHGGED National Safety Awards for many times. Corporate Excellence Award for outstanding performances in 1987-88 among all PSU. Best Production Award for 1989-90 received from vice-resident of India. Armed Forces Slag Award 2004-05 has been confessed on BEML by the Indian Institution Of Industrial Engineering, a pioneer body serving since 1957 for the cause of industrial growth in India. BEML is among the five PSUs gained entry for the nomination of Best PSU Award 2006. Honorary Fellowship Award for CMD of BEML for his exemplary contribution as CEO of BEML. NIRYAT SHREE GOLD Trophy.

We at BEML manufactures of equipment for construction and mining and metro defense are dedicated to protect and conserve the environment by minimizing eh adverse impact of the process, product and services on the environment.

As part EHS policy we shall continuously strive and are committed to: Provide health and safe environment to all employees and interested parties. Comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Conserve natural resources and initiate and achieve energy saving. Minimize process waste, promote recovery, reuse, and recycling of material and develop eco friendly waste disposal system. Improve to minimize environment health and safety hazards and hazardous process. Train and build awareness among all our employees of EHS issues on a continues basis.

Communicate EHS policy to all employees, stake holder, investors, and other. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman and Managing Director:
Sri V.RS. Natarajan.

Functional Directors
Sri V Mohan, Director (Defense) Shri M. Poongavanam, Director (Mining & Construction) Shri P Dwarakanath, Director (Metro & Rail) Shri M Pitchiah, Director (Finance) Shri M Nellaiappan, Director (HR)

Shri Satyajeet Ranjan, Jt. Secretary (Exports), Ministry Of Defense Shri P.K. Mishra., Addl, Financial Advisor & Jt. Secretary, Ministry Of Defense (Finance)

Independent Directors
Shri J.P, Singh, IAS (Retd) Shri M.B.N. Roa Shri J.P., Batra


CANTEEN FACILITIES: BEML Limited has got two canteens for its officers and employees. But the food prepared is same for all. It is providing nutritious food. The employees canteen has a capacity of 3500 people and officers canteen has the capacity of 350 people. Each weekend they will supply payasum and in the month end they will prepare some special lunch. The employee has to pay only Rs 4.80 per day. This includes breakfast, lunch, morning tea and evening coffee. Besides for over time they are also providing free food. CRECHE: It is compulsory as per Factories Act the management should provide with the crche facility. BEML does not run a crche, instead they will reimburse the amount spend in the crche up to Rs 100 p/m. REST ROOM: BEML is having rest rooms at different places for lady employees as well as for male employees. TRANSPORTATION FACILITY: BEML provides Transportation facility for employees in its own buses at a subsidized rate and it has nearly 30 buses of its own.

UNIFORM FACILITY: BEML provides free clothing for its employees and officer for the uniform for male 2 pants and 2 shirts and for women 2 salwars. It also provides with safety shoes and safety masks for factory employees. This is compulsory as per the Factories Act. PROVIDENT FUND: Employees will contribute 12% of Basic + DA, equal amount will be contributed by the employer also. GRATUITY: It is compulsory. It is decide based on the services. PENSION SCHEME: Management will pay some amount of money as pension. NON STATUTORY WELFARE SCHEMES OF BEML HOUSING FACILITY: BEML provides water and electricity to their quarters at a much subsidized rate. TRANSPORT FACILITY FOR SCHOOL / COLLEGE: BEML provides transportation facility for children of the employees to go to school or college at a very minimal rate. SCHOOL FEES: BEML reimburse Rs 85 for 2 children of the employees. LEGAL ASISTANCE FOR DRIVERS: BEML provides legal assistance for the drivers who are involved in some accidents. If the accidents are caused because of the negligence of the driver then the company will not give any legal assistance.

AMBULANCE VAN SERVICE: Death of any employees or his / her family BEML will provide free ambulance service. DEATH RELIEF FUND: In death relief fund there will be having Rs 50,000 for each employee. After his death it will go to the nominees, If there is any dispute then it will go to the court of law and amount will be distributed as the court directs. IMMEDIATE DEATH RELIEF FUND: In the event of death of an employee the company provides the family with Rs 3000 as immediate death relief fund. GROUP SAVING LINKED INSURANCE: There is one group insurance in BEML Limited, it is called as Group Saving Linked Insurance. For this employees have to pay Rs 100 monthly. In this amount Rs 38 is premium and Rs 62 is savings. The insurance is for the recovery of Rs 1,00,000 FLIGHT INSURANCE: For marketing executives who travel Abroad, they are provided with flight insurance. SCHOLARSHIP: The company provides scholarship for the talented children of the employees and officers for higher studies like MBA, B-tech, M-tech and other recognized courses. TRANSIT ACCOMADATION: If any employee is transformed to some other places then the family of the employee can stay in the quarters till the end of the academic year. SPORTS CLUB: Sports club has started functioning in order to take out the talents in the employees. Earlier there had a number of sports activities but now they have only hockey.


Fine Art Society is created in order to nurture the artistic talents of the employees but now it has also been stopped functioning.
KALAMANDIRA: Kalamandira is a community hall run by BEML. It has a capacity of 1000 people, it allows the local people also to conduct event like marriages, birthdays and other functions at a cost of Rs 40,000 for one day and Rs 20,000 for half day. It gives the employees this hall for half the rate that is 20,000 for one day and Rs 10,000 for half day. YOGA CLASSES: Now BEML has started yoga classes for all the employees and officers. The company is conducting yoga classes in every morning. CO- OPERATIVE HOUSING SCHEME: Under Co- Operative Housing Scheme each employee put some money and with the money altogether they bought some plots in Bangalore. Now the money for the plot has gone very high and the employees are reaping the benefits of that. Almost all the employees have put their money in this scheme.


Coal India Limited Naively Lignite Corporation Associated Cement Company Steel Authority Of India Limited National Hydro Electric Power Corporation

One among Asias largest manufacturer of construction and mining equipments. Supplying equipments to core sector of the country that binds the nation. High technology organization having sophisticated manufacturing facilities. Widest range of Earth moving equipment in India. Second largest manufacturer

Chairman of BEML Limited:

Shri V.R.S Natarajan joined BEML Board with effect from December 1, 2002 as Chairman and Managing Director. He holds the post graduate degree in social science and has been trained in Corporate Management in AOTS Japan. Prior to joining BEML Board as the chairman and Managing Director, he has varied corporate experience in both the public and private sector. Mr.Natarajan has been awarded the individual fellowish of Indian Institute of production engineers for outstanding contribution of production and productivity in June 2006





Analysis And Interpretation Of Data

1. Employee welfare is done for the comfort and improvement of employees.



Number of respondents


Strongly agree






Cannot say


Strongly disagree




From the above table it is analyzed that 80percent of the respondents agree that employee welfare is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and 20 percent of the respondents strongly agreed. None of them were in dilemma or disagreed to this statement.

1. Employee welfare is done for the comfort and improvement of employees.


Employee Welfare
Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree



It is inferred that the majority of the respondents agree that the employee welfare is done for the comfort and improvement of the employees in the organization. 60 percent of the respondents have agreed to the above statement.

2. Employee s satisfaction level with the canteen facility provided by the company is good. Table-2 Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree






Cannot say




Strongly disagree




From the above table it is analyzed that 60 percent of the respondents agreed that canteen facility provided is good and 10 percent of the respondents strongly agree that the canteen facility is very good, 10 percent of them disagreed and 2 percent of them strongly disagreed and 18 percent are in dilemma.

2. Employee satisfaction level with the canteen facility provided by the company is good. Chart-2

Canteen Facility
Number of respondents percentage



18 13 10 4 5 1 Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree 2 10

Strongly disagree

Canteen facility is to be provided by the employer to the employee so as to provide hygienic and nutritious food to the employees. BEML Limited offers the nutritious food and the above analysis it is inferred that, the employees have agreed that they are provided with the hygienic food at subsidized rate

3. Canteen facility is provided to all who work in different shifts. Table-3

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree






Cannot say


Strongly disagree




Analysis: The above table shows that 60 percent of the respondents agree that the canteen facility provided by the company will reach to the employees who work in different shifts and 40 percent of the respondents have strongly agreed, none of them have disagreed nor in dilemma with the above statement.

3. Canteen facility is provided to all who work in different shifts.


Number of respondents
Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree




Interpretation: From the analysis it is interpreted that the employees are supplied the same food for the employees who work in different shifts and the canteen has the capacity of 350 employees who are provided with quality food and 60 percent of the respondents are happy with the canteen facility and more importantly 40 percent of the respondents do strongly agree.

4. Satisfaction level of employees with regard to cleanliness, hygiene of the food items in canteen. Table-4
Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree




Cannot say



Strongly disagree




Analysis: From the above table it is analyzed that 72 percent of the respondents agree with regard to cleanliness, hygiene of the food items in canteen is good, 6 percent of them strongly agree and 14 percent are in dilemma. 4 percent of them disagree and 4 percent of them strongly disagreed.

4. Satisfaction level of employees with regard to cleanliness, hygiene of the food items in canteen.


Number of respondents
Number of respondents percentage


36 6 3 Strongly agree Agree

14 7 Cannot say 4 2 Disagree 4 2 Strongly disagree

Interpretation: 72 percent of the respondents are satisfied with the quality of food and hygienic condition in the canteen provided by the company.

5. Service gift offered by the company is satisfactory.

particulars Number of respondents percentage

13 Strongly agree 27 Agree 10 Cannot say _ Disagree _ Strongly disagree 50 Total





Analysis: The above table explains that 54 percent of the respondents agree that service gift given by the company is satisfactory and 26 percent strongly agree.20 percent are in dilemma and none of them have disagreed with the above statement

5. Service gift offered by the company is satisfactory.


Service Gift
Number of respondents 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree 0 13 10 27

Interpretation: 26 percent of the respondents have strongly agreed that the service gift given by the company is satisfactory because it is given based on their service and the company provides qualitative and useful gifts.

6. The Transportation facility provided by the company is good.

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree




Cannot say




Strongly disagree






Analysis: The above table explains that 50 percent of the respondents are happy with the transportation facility provided by the company, 4 percent of the respondents are very happy. 12 percent are in dilemma, 10 percent disagree and 24 percent strongly disagreed with the above statement.

6. The transportation facility provided by the company is good.


Transportation Facility
Number of respondents percentage




12 4 6 5



Strongly agree


Cannot say


Strongly disagree

Interpretation: The employer offers transport facility to workers so that they can reach the work place punctually and comfortably. In BEML Limited transport facility is provided to all the employees who work in different shifts and it is provided to all places in the city. The employees have agreed that they reach on time by availing the company transport and most of the respondents are happy with the transportation facility.

7. Lighting facility provided by the company is good. Table -7

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree



25 Agree 10 Cannot say _ Disagree _ Strongly disagree 50 Total




Analysis: From the above table it is analyzed that 50 percent of the respondents are satisfied with the lighting facility, 30 percent of the respondents strongly agreed with the above statement but 20 percent of the respondents are in dilemma and none of them have disagreed with the above statement

7. Lighting facility provided by the company is good. Chart -7

Lighting Facility
Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree




Interpretation: As per the Factories Act, proper and sufficient light are to be provided for employees so that they can work safely during the night shifts. From the above analysis it is inferred that 50 percent are satisfied but 20 percent of the respondents are not able to say anything about the count.

8. Satisfaction level of employees with regard to ventilation facility. Table-8

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree




Cannot say




Strongly disagree






Analysis: From the above table it is analyzed that 50 percent of the respondents are satisfied with the ventilation facility, 4 percent strongly agree to the above statement, 12 percent are in dilemma. 10 percent of the respondents disagree and 24 of the respondents strongly disagree with the above statement.

8. Satisfaction level of employees with regard to ventilation facility.


Ventilation Facility
Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

4% 24%




Interpretation: From the analysis it is interpreted that 54 percent of the respondents agree that ventilation facility is good but 34 percent of the respondents disagree because they are no windows in the hangar 4.

9. Industrial relationship in BEML limited is good.

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree






Cannot say



Strongly disagree




Analysis: 22 percent of the respondents strongly agree that, there is very good relationship between the employer and the employee, 58 percent agree to the above statement and 12 percent are in dilemma. 2 percent of the respondents have disagreed and 6 percent of them have strongly disagreed.

9. Industrial Relationship in BEML limited is good. Chart -9

Industrial Relationship
Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

2% 6% 12% 22%


Interpretation: From the above analysis it is interpreted that 58 percent agreed and 22 percent strongly agree that BEML Limited maintains a good relationship between the employer and employee because the employee views and opinions are considered and have improved the facilities. 2 percent disagree and 6 percent strongly disagree as they cannot express their dissatisfaction to their employers because they were authoritative. 12 percent have said that they cannot say because they are not aware of it.

10. Training and development programme in BEML limited is good. Table -10
Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree






Cannot say


Strongly disagree




Analysis: From the above table it is analyzed that 76 percent of the respondents have agreed that training and development is good, 22 percent of the respondents have strongly agreed the above statement and 2 respondents are in dilemma. No one has conveyed disagree or strongly disagreed.

10. Training and development programme in BEML limited is good. Chart-10

Training and Development

Strongly agree Agree Cannot say 2% 22% Disagree Strongly disagree


Interpretation: 76 percent of the employees of BEML Limited are happy with the training and development programme and the company offers vocational training to the family members of the employees in case of his death. Training is a systematic programme of BEML Limited which aims at increasing the aptitude, skills and abilities of the employees to perform specific jobs.

11. Transit accommodation provided by the company is good. Table -11

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree





Cannot say 5 Disagree 1 Strongly disagree 3 Total 50



Analysis: From the above table it is observed that 72 percent of the respondents agree that transit accommodation provided by the company is good, 10 percent of the respondents strongly agree, 10 percent are in dilemma, 2 percent of the respondents disagree and 6 percent of the respondents strongly disagree.

11. Transit accommodation provided by the company is good. Chart -11

Transit Accomodation
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree Number of respondents percentage

Interpretation: From the analysis it is interpreted that 72 percent of the employees have agreed and 10 percent strongly agreed that transit accommodation provided is good because if the employees are transformed to other places then the family of the employee can stay in the quarters till the end of the academic year.10 percent of the respondents said they cannot say because they are not availing the transit accommodation.

12. Medical facility provided by the company is good. Table-12

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree






Cannot say





Strongly disagree




Analysis: The above table shows that 30 percent of them strongly agree and 30 percent of them agree that medical facility provided by the company is good, 20 percent are in dilemma, 18 percent of them disagree and 2 percent of them strongly disagreed to the above statement.

12. Medical facility provided by the company is good. Chart-12

Medical Facility
Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree


2% 30%



Interpretation: From the analysis it is interpreted that 30 percent of the respondents are very happy with medical facility because they are availing the medical facility and 18 percent of them disagree because they are not satisfied with the medical facility provided by the company. The company provides medical facility to all majors health issues and have tie ups with major hospitals in the city.

13. Educational facility provided by the company is good. Table -13

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree






Cannot say




Strongly disagree




Analysis: From the above table it is analyzed that 60 percent of the respondents are happy with the education facility provided by the company and 20 percent of the respondents are very happy with the education facility. 10 percent say that they cannot say because they have not availed that facility and 10 percent of the respondents disagree to the above statement.

13. Educational facility provided by the company is good. Chart -13

Education Facility
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

Number of respondents


Interpretation: From the analysis it is interpreted that 60 percent of the respondents are happy with the education facility provided by the company because it offers merit and scholarship facilities to the children and also higher scholarship for the talented children of the employees and officers for higher studies like MBA, B tech, M tech and other recognized courses.10 percent of the respondents disagree because they feel that the facility provided is not adequate.

14. Sports Activities are encouraged by the company. Table -14

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree




Cannot say






Strongly disagree




Analysis: From the above table it is observed that 40 percent of the employees agree that sports activities are encouraged by the company, 6 percent of them strongly agree, 28 percent of them are in dilemma and 26 percent of them disagree with the above statement.

14. Sports Activities are encouraged by the company. Chart-14

Sports Activities
Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

6% 26%



Interpretation: With regard to sports facility, 26 percent of the respondents have responded that they disagree that the sports activities are encouraged because they stopped sports such as football, kabbadi, etc and 40 percent of them agree because hockey is encouraged and given important and company also have sports activities for employees during kannada raajothsava. 28 percent have told they cannot say because they didnt participate and some of them are not interested in sports.

15. Legal Assistance provided by the company is good. Table -15

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree





Cannot say




Strongly disagree




Analysis: From the above table it is analyzed that 50 percent of the employees are happy with the legal assistance provided by the company, 10 percent of them strongly agree, 30 percent are in dilemma, 6 percent of them disagree and 4 percent of them strongly disagree to the above statement.

15. Legal Assistance provided by the company is good. Chart -15

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree Number of respondents percentage

Interpretation: From the analysis it is interpreted that 50 percent of the respondents are availing the legal assistance and 30 percent of the respondents have just heard about the legal assistance. BEML Limited is providing legal assistance for the drivers who are involved in some accidents. If the accidents are caused because of their negligence then the company will not give any legal assistance.

16. Kalamandira facility provided by the company is good. Table -16

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree






Cannot say


Strongly disagree




Analysis: From the above table it is analyzed that 80 percent of the respondents are happy with the Kalamandira facility, 20 percent of them are very happy with this facility and none of the respondents have disagreed and strongly disagreed. None of them are in dilemma.

16. Kalamandira facility provided by the company is good. Chart -16

Kalamandira Facility
Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree



Interpretation: 100 percent of the respondents are happy with the kalamandira facility because it is community hall provided to the employees at penetrated price and the kalamandira is near to the company and the employees who stay near the company can easily avail this facility.

17. Management gives importance to safety and security of its staff. Table -17
Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree




Cannot say





Strongly disagree




Analysis: From the above table it is interpreted that 54 percent of the respondents agreed that legal assistance is good, 8 percent of the respondents have strongly agreed, 26 percent are in dilemma, 10 percent have disagreed and 2 percent have strongly disagreed with the above statement.

17. Management gives importance to safety and security of its staff. Chart -17

Safety & Security

60 50



Number of respondents percentage



0 Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

Interpretation: Safety is another problem in Indian industries. Accidents cause permanent disablement which means loss of bread for the dependents of the deceased or disabled. 54 percent of the respondents are happy with safety measure as the company provides safety marks and safety shoes to the employees as per the Factories Act, 26 percent of the respondents said they cannot say because they are not aware of safety measures by the company

18. Satisfied with the rest room facility. Table -18

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree





Cannot say





Strongly disagree




Analysis: From the above table it is analyzed that 56 percent of the respondents are happy with the rest room facility, 12 percent have strongly agreed, 20 percent are in dilemma and 12 percent of them have disagreed. None of them have strongly disagreed to the above statement.

18. Satisfied with the rest room facility. Chart-18

Restroom Facility
Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree





Interpretation: From the analysis it is interpreted that 56 percent of the respondents are happy with the rest room facility because separate rest room is provided for gents and ladies but 12 percent of the respondents disagree because of cleanity.

19. Co- operative housing scheme provided by the company is good. Table -19
Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree





Cannot say



Strongly disagree




Analysis: From the above table it is analyzed that 72 percent of the respondents agree that co- operative housing scheme provided by the company is good, 14 percent of them are very happy, 14 percent of the respondents say they cannot say because they have not availed these facility and none of them have disagreed or strongly disagreed to the above statement.

19. Co- operative housing scheme provided by the company is good. Table -19

Co-operative housing scheme

Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree




Interpretation: Almost all the employees have put their money in this scheme, 72 percent of the employees agreed and they have availed this facility at low interest rate and they got plots at minimum price in the city limits, co- operative housing society have also build flats for employees at reasonable price. 14 percent of the respondent say that they cannot say because they have not invested their money in this scheme but the employees who have invested their money are reaping the benefit as the money for plot has gone very high.

20. Library facility provided by the company is satisfactory. Table -20

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree





Cannot say



Strongly disagree




Analysis: From the above table it is analyzed that 70 percent of the employees are happy with library facility provided by the company, 16 percent of them are very happy, 14 percent said they cannot say and none of them disagrees nor strongly disagreed.

20. Library facility provided by the company is satisfactory. Chart -20

Library Facility
Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree




Interpretation: From the analysis it is interpreted that 86 percent of the respondents are happy with the library facility and they are availing it because the company encourages workers education for which library facility are necessary and many employees use library to read news papers and many employees barrow books from library for their children and 14 percent of the respondents said they cannot say because they are not availing this facility.

21. Loan facility provided by the company is satisfactory. Table -21

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree






Cannot say




Strongly disagree




Analysis: 54 percent of the respondents are satisfied with the loan facility provided by BEML Limited, 20 percent of them strongly agree, 16 percent are in dilemma, 10 percent of the employees disagreed and none of them strongly disagreed with the above statement.

21. Loan facility provided by the company is satisfactory. Chart -21

Loan Facility
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

Number of respondents


Interpretation: From the analysis it is interpreted that 16 percent of the respondents have just heard about the loan facility and majority of them have availed this facility because it is provided at low interest rate and the procedure to avail loan is also very easy and fast.

22. Ambulance facility provided by the company is satisfactory. Table -22

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree





Cannot say




Strongly disagree




Analysis: From the above table it is analyzed that 64 percent of the respondents are happy with the ambulance facility, 10 percent of the respondents strongly agree, 24 percent said they cannot say, 2 percent of them disagreed and none of them strongly disagreed to the above statement

22. Ambulance facility provided by the company is satisfactory. Chart -22

Ambulance Facility
Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

2% 24%



Interpretation: From the analysis it is interpreted that 74 percent of the respondents are happy with the Ambulance facility because at death of any employee or his / her family BEML Limited will provide free ambulance facility.24 percent of the respondents said they cannot say as they were in dilemma.

23. Crche benefit provided by BEML Limited is adequate. Table -23

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree






Cannot say




Strongly disagree




Analysis: From the above table it is analyzed that 56 percent of the respondents agree that the crche facility provided by the company is adequate, 20 percent of them strongly agree, 10 percent of them are in dilemma, 14 percent of them strongly disagree and none of them have strongly agreed to the above statement.

23. Crche benefit provided by BEML Limited is adequate. Chart -23

Creche Facility




Number of respondents percentage



0 Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree

Interpretation: As per the Factories Act it is compulsory that a room should be provided for the use of the children (below 6 years) of the women employees.76 percent of the employees are satisfied because BEML Limited will reimburse the amount spent in the crche facility but 14 percent of the respondents are dissatisfied as they believe that the reimburse amount of Rs 100 is not adequate for them

24. Cultural Programme provided by the company is satisfactory. Table-24

Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree





Cannot say




Strongly disagree




Analysis: From the above table it is analyzed that 60 percent of the respondents are happy with the cultural facility organized by the company, 10 percent of them strongly agree, 18 percent of them said they cannot say, 10 percent of them disagreed and 2 percent of them strongly disagreed.

24. Cultural Programme provided by the company is satisfactory. Chart-24

Cultural Programme
70 60 50 40 Number of respondents 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree percentage

Interpretation: From the analysis it is interpreted that 70 percent of the respondents have availed this facility and 18 percent of the respondents have just heard about this facility but remaining respondents conveyed their dissatisfaction because they different association such as Tamil sangha, Kannada sangha, etc and competition is very high and everyone tries to be part of it.

25. BEML Limited implements all welfare facilities extended under various statutory provisions Table -25
Particulars Number of respondents percentage

Strongly agree





Cannot say





Strongly disagree




Analysis: 46 percent of the respondents agree that BEML Limited implements all welfare facilities extended under various statutory provisions, 10 percent of them strongly agree, 30 percent of them said they cannot say, 14 percent of them disagree and none of them disagreed.

25. BEML Limited implements all welfare facilities extended under various statutory provisions Chart -25

Statutory Measures
Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly disagree



30% 46%

Interpretation: The Statutory schemes are those schemes that are compulsory to provide by an organization as compliance to the laws governing employee health and safety. From the analysis it is interpreted that 56 percent of the respondents agree that the company is providing all statutory measure, 30 percent of them are in dilemma but 14 percent of the respondents disagree because they are not happy with safety measures.





Majority of the employees were aware of the welfare measure in BEML Limited and they also agreed that welfare is done for the comfort and improvement of employees. From the study we can see that few employees expressed their dissatisfaction towards sports because only hockey is encouraged and rest of the games such as kabbadi football is neglected. According to findings few employees expressed their dissatisfaction towards the lighting facility as most of the employees were in the age group of 40-60 and they preferred comfortable to work in morning shift and none of them expressed their feeling to work in evening shift and night shift because of dim light. Few of the respondents conveyed their dissatisfaction with educational facility provided by the company because they are not happy with the scholarship facility provided by the company and most of the employees have just heard about it. 14 percent of the respondents are not availing library facility as the books are very few, very old books and because of shortage of books the employees have to wait for a long time to get that particular book. From the study we can see that few employees are not satisfied with reimbursement amount paid by the company for the crche facility. It is found that most of the employees were concerned about the reimbursement of the school fees, medical facility, scholarship, etc because majority of the employees were married. It is found that the ventilation facility in the hangars 4 is not good.

Some of the other findings that the researcher was able to get after the wage revision are as follows. School fees reimbursement earlier it was 65 and now it is reached to225. Conveyance allowance For all employees earlier it was 350 and now it is 500 per month. Loan facility- The company decided to give four wheeler loan to the senior most employees in the organization before it was just two wheeler loan. Uniform stitching charge- Before the wage revision it was 360 and now it is 700. Medical reimbursement- Before it was 700 for OPD employees and now it is 1000 For non OPD employees it was 1200 and now it is 2400. Computer grant of 10000 is given to all employees in the company. Insurance is also raised to 4lakhs from 3lakhs. Immediate death relief fund or funeral charge has been raised to 10000 from 5000. Housing loan amount after wage revision is raised to 6 lakhs from 4 lakhs. The researcher also identified that strength of employees in the second shifts is very less in the production line when compared to the morning shift.

SUGGESSIONS: BEML Limited can fallow National Safety Council to improve safety level, which trains the employees through seminars and film show for safeguarding themselves against accidents. Training programme should be incorporated and designed according to recent trends developed in the industrial field. Management can encourage sports activities as many employees expressed dissatisfaction towards the sports facilities provided by the company. Library facility can be improved by collecting more collections of books related to present scenario and sitting facility should also be improved. Lighting Facility should be improved, if work conditions are improved it will certainly improve the health and efficiency of the workers and this will increase the production and productivity of workers. Reimbursement amount for crche facility should be increased. Ventilation Facility in the hangar 4 should be improved by installing coolers in the manufacturing unit.

CONCLUSION: From the above Findings and Interpretation, I understood that the BEML Limited maintains effective human resource management by implementing and maintaining all welfare facilities in order to increase the performance of the employees and effectiveness in safeguarding hazardous accidents inside the company. The employees are aware of employee welfare measure and most of the employees are also aware of statutory and non statutory welfare facilities and most of the views and opinions of the employees are considered and they are provided with those facilities, employees are availing this facilities on the daily basis and these facilities give the employees more opportunity to meet and build relationship with their superiors.


TEXT BOOKS P. Subba Roa, Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial relations, Himalaya Publishing House, Edition-2010. Dr. H.V. Shankaranarayan, Employee Relationship Management. P. Subba Roa, Personnel and Human Resource Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Edition-2010. H. John Bernadin, HRM, Tata MC Graw Hill, Fourth Edition-2007. MAGZINES: Customer Relationship Management- April 2011, volume 15, no 4 Social Media and HR. Age of conversation, HRD Newsletters, second quarter 2010. The Human Resource, National Institute of personnel management Karnataka chapter, volume 17(14) Jan 2011.


QUESTIONNAIRE The study of Employee Welfare with special reference to BEML Limited

QUESTIONAIRE: 1. Employee welfare is done for the comfort and improvement of employees. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

2. Employee satisfaction level to the canteen facility provided by the company. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

3. Canteen facility is provided to all who work in different shifts. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

4. Employees are satisfied with regard to cleanliness, hygiene of the food items in canteen. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

5. Service gift offered by the company is satisfactory. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

6. The Transportation facility provided by the company is good. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

7. Lighting facility provided by the company is good. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

8. Satisfaction level of employees with regard to ventilation facility. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

9. Industrial relationship in BEML limited is good. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

10. Training and development programme in BEML limited is good. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

11. Transit accommodation provided by the company is good.

a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree (

) )

b. Agree (

) c. Cannot say ( ( )

e. Strongly disagree

12. Medical facility provided by the company is good. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

13. Educational facility provided by the company is good. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

14. Sports Activities are encouraged by the company. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

15. Legal Assistance provided by the company is good. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

16. Kalamandira facility provided by the company is good. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

17. Management gives importance to safety and security of its staff. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

18. Satisfied with the rest room facility. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

19. Co- operative housing scheme provided by the company is good. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

20. Library facility provided by the company is satisfactory. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

21. Loan facility provided by the company is satisfactory. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

22. Ambulance facility provided by the company is satisfactory.

a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree (

) )

b. Agree (

) c. Cannot say ( ( )

e. Strongly disagree

23. Crche benefit provided by BEML Limited is adequate. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

24. Cultural Programme provided by the company is satisfactory. a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( ( ) )

e. Strongly disagree

25. BEML Limited implements all welfare facilities extended under various statutory provisions a. Strongly agree ( d. Disagree ( ) ) b. Agree ( ) c. Cannot say ( )

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