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Friendship as a specific relationship can be with anyone, within the family with your children, your parents, grandparents,

spouse, uncles, aunts brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces etc or with people outside your family your classmate, schoolmate, shopkeeper, driver, waiter, sweeper, manager, boss, colleague, with a good book, great author, a scientist, a great Guru, philosopher, a sports person, a good artist, a composer, a singer etc. what really is friendship?
What is the relationship called Friendship?

Friendship is any relationship that is reciprocal. As the lifeless mirror brings to light your external physical self and helps you to start either appreciating your beauty or effecting changes to your looks to make it more beautiful, similarly through the lively relationship called friendship you get enlightened about the beauties and wisdom of your inner self and the duties to make it more worthy and wise. It need not necessarily be in the form of someone alive in person, lucky, if you get one, or else you may find it in many other things and persons not seen in person. There is an instant communication of mutual understanding and reciprocal enlightenment.

FRIENDSHIP Adjusting and admiring with amity; Benefiting and bearing beauty; Caring and confiding with cordiality; Desiring and dealing with dexterity; Encouraging and effecting equanimity; Feeling and functioning with flexibility; Generating and greeting with gentility; Having and honoring honesty; Interacting even when imbued in inebriety; Joining and jubilating joviality; Kowtowing to kindness that is knotty; Liking and longing for longevity; Mingling and managing with magnanimity; Nourishing and neutralizing with nicety; Obeying and obliging with opportunity; Perusing and pinning together plurality; Quaffing and questioning quiddity; Reasoning and reciprocating in reality; Sharing and supporting security; Trusting and trenching on in totality; Understanding and unleashing utility; Vamping up and vitalizing virtuosity; Waxing and working for wisdom and sanity; X-raying into the inner self and understanding capacity; Yoking and yeoman servicing mentality; Zealous zenithal compatibility.

A to Z verse I wrote in the 80s and which was along with hundreds of other verses of mine used to get published in the centre page of Inspirational Quotes in the early 90s.

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