Lesson Plan Edu3

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Teacher: Mrs.


Class/Set: 8L2

Date:29/05/12 Time/Period: 3&4 Scheme of Work:

Room: CC Level:5/6

Number of pupils: 30 Subject: BYOB Evaluation Learning Objectives (WALT):

Able to understand the importance of testing in software/ game development Able to describe the stages involved in System Development Life Cycle

- Able to perform self and peer assessment, evaluating good points and improvements can be made in game Intended Learning Outcomes (WILF): All must be able to: Able to finish the game development using BYOB and understood the purpose of testing the game. Most should be able to: perform peer assessment, giving feedback on good points & improvements can be made on their friends design. Some could: perform self-assessment evaluation, including performance review and feedback to teacher.
Keywords: System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Analysis, Design, Testing, Evaluation, Self-assessment, PeerAssessment, User requirements, design plan, algorithm, pseudo code, Flow Chart, UML, GUI, Versions, Progression, Challenge, User guide, Documentation, Implementation. Reference to cross-curriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM..): Entry ( 2.5 mins) Starter (5 mins): Questioning & Discussion on 1) pupils work done so far in this unit 2) pupils game which is ready for testing Main ( 55 mins): Explain WILF System Development Life Cycle(SDLC): 1) Analysis Finding Information, User Requirements Resources

BYOB_ Lesson 5.pptx

2) Design - Design Plan, Algorithm: Pseudo code/ Flowchart/ UML/ Storyboard

3) Implementation Create the program Progression/ Levels, Challenge, Enjoyment factor!

4) Testing - User friendliness: User interaction (navigation), User interface (GUI), 5) Evaluation - Self Evaluation, Feedback (WWW & EBI), Future Enhancement (Versions)
includes additional features, User Guide includes screenshots, Documentation explaining program development Task of the day: Finish your game 15 minutes. For those who finished the game program, start your evaluation Evaluation form (VLE) 15 minutes Word Bank Use these words to help you write your evaluation. You could highlight the words you think apply to your project by using the tool, and then use them in the sections below. Evaluation.doc

accommodate adapt adequate adjust advance amend attractive bad

better bright brilliant care clever compelling complete comprehen sive

Correct Desirable discerning distinctive easy effective efficient effortless

elabora te enforce error evolve excelle nt expert fantasti c favoura ble

fine good great hard imaginati ve impressiv e improve lacking

mend missing plain polish producti ve reduce refine reform

reorganis e replace reshape revamp Review sufficient suitable Super

transform unique useful valid validate wonderful

The Actual Game INCLUDE A SCREEN PRINT SHOWING YOUR GAME! What is good about your project? Why? What was difficult? Are there any problems with your game? How could these be overcome? What could you do to further enhance your game? Why?

My Performance How did you use your time? How did you make use of resources? What other resources could you have used? (Internet, worksheets, peers, teachers) Do you work individually or as a team? How could you improve the way you work?

Feedback for your Teacher What I liked about this unit What I think could be improved Peer Assessment: Feedback form (VLE) 15 minutes Reviewer Name: Good Points: Points for improvement: Plenary ( 10 mins): AFL Exit ( 2.5 mins) Differentiation (related to Learning Outcomes) - G & T: Test peers game. Homework return, feedback and setting: 1) Produce a user guide for your educational game product. This should show how the game works, have screenshots of the game working. 2) Produce a test plan for the game product, you game should be tested for at least 6 things. These should show if the game is working or not 3) From the testing you have completed, write on evaluation on the game identifying what you could do to improve your game design. Assessment including WILF: Questioning & Discussion (AfL) 1) Testing experience - feedback? Good points / Improvements? 2) What have you learnt from testing your game? Evaluation of the lesson: Feedback.doc

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