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100% White Label

Your we bs i te s c or e



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R e v ie w o f m a ilc h im p . c o m
G e ne r a te d on T hur s da y, Apr i l 1 9 2 0 1 2 1 : 0 8 P M

I n tr o d u c ti o n

Edit the introduction with your company data

Y OU C A N EDIT T HIS INT R ODUC T ION: ----------------------------------------W e bs ite R e vie w Provide d B y : My C ompany Name My addre s s Line 1 My Z ip C ode me @ e mail.c om Phone : + 1 .6 7 1 .444.444 T his re port provide s a re vie w of the k e y fac tors that influe nc e the S EO and the us ability of y our we bs ite . T he rank is a grade , on a 1 0 0 points s c ale , that re pre s e nts y our Inte rne t Mark e ting Effe c tive ne s s . T he algorithm is bas e d on 50 c rite ria, inc luding s e arc h e ngine data, we bs ite s truc ture , s ite pe rformanc e , and othe rs . A rank lowe r than 40 me ans that the re is a lot of are as to improve . A rank above 7 0 is a good mark and it me ans that y our we bs ite is probably we ll optimiz e d. Our re ports provide ac tionable advic e s to improve a s ite 's bus ine s s obje c tive s .

Ple as e c ontac t us for more information.

C o m p e ti to r s

c ons tantc ontac t.c om

madmimi.c om

c ampaignmonitor.c om

T a b l e o f C o n te n ts

V is itors S oc ial Monitoring Mobile S EO B as ic s

S EO C onte nt S EO Link s S EO Ke y words S EO A uthority

S EO B ac k link s Us ability S e c urity T e c hnologie s

Option to add or remove each criteria & to edit the tips for each criteria

Ic o n o g r a ph y

Pas s Mode rate Fail FY I

High impac t Me dium impac t Low impac t

V e ry hard to s olve Hard to s olve Eas y to s olve


Traffic Estimatio ns
Medium impact



Trend: Growing

Low Low Low

High High High

We use several different tools to estimate web traffic: Google Ad Planner, Google Trends, and Alexa. Nevertheless, your analytics will provide the accurate traffic data.

Traffic Rank

408th most visited website in the World 267th most visited website in United States

A low rank means that your website gets lots of visitors. Your Alexa Rank is a good estimate of worldwide traffic to your website, although it is not 100% accurate. Reviewing the most visited websites by country can give you valuable insights. Quantcast provides similar services.

Distinctive Audience

This website tends to be popular amongst: females aged between 25 and 34 connecting from work

Relative to the general internet population the above audience is over-represented at These data are provided by Alexa.

Adwo rds Traffic

7.3 % Adwords Traffic 92.7 % Organic Traffic


7.5 7.3%












28.7% 9.1%

This is an estimation of the traffic that is being bought through AdWords vs the Natural Traffic. This data is provided by SEMRush.

Visito rs Lo calizatio n


N 1 2 3 4 5

Popular Countries (ccTLD)


Expiration 1 years 9 Month 12 Days 1 years 9 Month 13 Days 2 years 2 Month 5 Days 0 years 6 Month 7 Days

We recommend that you book the domain names in the countries where your website is popular. This will prevent potential competitors to register these domains and to take advantage of your reputation in those countries.

Social Monitoring

So cial Impact
High impact

Awesome! Your website is very popular on Social Networks. Facebook Likes Facebook Shares Facebook Comments Twitter Backlinks Digg Entries Delicious Bookmarks Stumbled Upon Google + 675 9938 1203 3553 2 2826 73976 464

+86 % -98 % -95 %

-100 % -96 % -93 %

-100 % -94 % -94 %

-97 % -99 % +112 %

-100 % 0% -100 %

-100 % -60 % -88 %

-99 % -100 % -100 %

-100 % -95 % -100 %

The impact of Social Media is huge for certain industries. Monitor what people say about your website on Social Media and learn how to monitor Social Media.

Twitter Acco unt

Low impact

The Twitter Account @MailChimp is booked. And it is linked to your website. Name Followers Bio Location Account Age MailChimp 67952 MailChimp helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use, and track your results. Atlanta, GA 4 years, 6 days ago

Twitter is a fast-growing social network. If possible, register a Twitter account in your brand's name now to prevent identity theft. You should also check the availability of your brand name in other social networks.

Latest Tweets (Devil's Advocate) Do Amazon get their PR inspiration from 'Im excited!' Big Kev ? Thu, 19 Apr 2012 12:09:48 +0000 (Renaud J. Blanger) #MailChimp: Free Email Newsletter Thu, 19 Apr 2012 11:25:10 +0000 (Gerry Blargeaux) The Email Person at Amazon Web Services is Really, Really Excited | MailChimp Email Marketing Blog Thu, 19 Apr 2012 10:22:01 +0000 (Giovanni Gherdovich) RT @katekiefer: The Email Person at Amazon Web Services is Really, Really Excited via @mailchimp Thu, 19 Apr 2012 10:17:11 +0000 (franck miquel) Note d'Analyse Gopolitique de l'esc grenoble: Quels horizons stratgiques pour la France ? Thu, 19 Apr 2012 10:10:15 +0000 (Nicola Camedda) Vi segnalo un interessante ed utile servizio gratuito di gestione Newsletter e Email Marketing:... Thu, 19 Apr 2012 10:07:13 +0000

Latest tweet mentionning your website.


Mo bile Rendering
Low impact

The number of people using Mobile Web is getting huge. Your website should look nice in the most popular mobile devices.

Mo bile Optimizatio n
Low impact

Your website is optimized for Mobile Visitors mobile CSS Meta Viewport Tag Apple Icon Mobile Redirection

Prepare your website for mobile browsing.

SEO Basics

WWW Reso lve

Medium impact

Perfect! Your website with and without www redirects to the same page.

Your website directs and to the same URL, which is great. Redirecting requests from a non-preferred hostname is important because search engines consider URLs with and without "www" as two different websites.

URL Rewrite
Low impact

Perfect: your URLs look clean.

Great! You have clean URLs (user-friendly URLs): they do not contain query strings. clean URLs allow Search Engines to read the keywords in the URL and put emphasis. Usability is the other reason for designing a clean URL structure on your website: clean URLs are much easier to remember for your visitors. Visitors will find hard to remember a URL using strange parameters, not to mention that they would be discouraged by the idea of typing the entire URL.

IP Cano nicalizatio n
Low impact Easy to solve


Be careful: your IP is not forwarding to your website domain name. Search engines like Google are now able to index your website with its IP instead of the domain name. It will result in duplicate content. You should do an htaccess 301 redirect to make sure the IP doesnt get indexed.

ro bo ts.txt
Medium impact Easy to solve


Your website doesn't have a robots.txt file, which can be problematic. A robots.txt file allows you to restrict the access of search engine robots that crawl the web, and it can prevent these robots from accessing specific directories and pages. It also specifies where the XML sitemap file is located. Click here to check your robots.txt file for syntax errors.

XML Sitemap
Low impact Easy to solve


Your website does not have an XML sitemap, which can be problematic. A sitemap lists URLs that are available for crawling and can include additional information like last update, frequency of changes, and importance. This allows search engines to crawl the site more intelligently. Click here to generate an XML sitemap for your website. Despite sporadic debates regarding this issue, we recommend that you submit an XML sitemap to Google Webmasters Tools and to Yahoo Site Explorer.

SEO Content

Medium impact

Email Marketing and Email List Manager | MailChimp Length: 50 character(s) Email Marketing Solutions from Constant Contact

Mad Mimi Email Marketing : Create, send & track emails with Mad Mimi.

Email marketing software for web designers - Campaign Monitor

Your title contains between 10 and 70 characters, which is great. Make sure your title is explicit and contains your most important keywords. Be sure that each page has a unique title. Resource: Use this snippet-optimizer to see how your titles and descriptions will look in Google search results.

Descriptio n
Medium impact

Free email marketing service from MailChimp. Design, send, and track HTML email campaigns with our simple tools. Get a fully functional free account. Length: 149 character(s)

Email marketing software that makes it easy to create professional HTML email campaigns with no tech skills. Sign up for a 60-Day FREE trial.

Free and subscription-based email marketing plans with Mad Mimi. Create, send, and track HTML email campaigns simply. Get a free full-featured account today.

Email marketing software built for designers and their clients to run successful email campaigns.

Meta descriptions allow you to influence how your web pages are described and displayed in search results. Your meta description contains between 70 and 160 characters, which is great. Ensure that your meta description is explicit and contains your most important keywords. Also be sure that each page has a unique meta description.

Meta Keywo rds

email, marketing, HTMLnewsletters, stats, resources, postcards, campaigns, list, listserv, distribution, subscription, tool, opt-in, unsubscribe, signup, forms, hosted, database, free, account Length: 192 character(s)

Meta keywords is used to indicate keywords that are supposedly relevant to your website's content. However, because search engine spammers have abused this tag, it provides little to no benefit to your search rankings.

Low impact

H1 6 [H1] [H1] [H1] [H1] [H1] [H1]

H2 5

H3 1

H4 0

H5 5

ChimpEmail Marketing and Email List Manager, Easy Email Newsletters Whats New See How MailChimp Works Guides for Everything Completely Free Account

Your website is structured using HTML headings/levels (<H1> to <H6>), which is great. Use your keywords in the headings. Make sure the first level (<H1>) includes your most important keywords. For greater SEO, only use one <H1> title per page.

Medium impact

We found 9 images on this website. No alt attributes are empty or missing.

Most or all of your images have alternative text (the alt attribute), which is good. Alternative text describes your images so they can appear in Google Images search results. Check the images on your website and make sure effective ALT text is specified for each image. Click here to find out how to optimize images for search engines. Restrict the number and size of images to optimize your website's page load times. Resource: Use the Wayback Machine to review the design of any website in the past.

Text/HTML Ratio
Medium impact Hard to solve


Your website's ratio of text to HTML code is below 15%, which means that your website probably needs more text content. Improve your SEO by adding more relevant text to your pages and increasing your keyword density.

Low impact


No Flash content has been detected on your homepage, which is good. Flash should only be used for specific enhancements. Avoid full Flash websites to maximize SEO. Although Flash content often looks nicer, it cannot be indexed by search engines (however this may change in the near future). This advice also applies to AJAX (however this may also change in the near future).

Low impact


There are no frames used on your homepage, which is great. Frames can cause problems for search engines because they don't correspond to the conceptual model of the web. Avoid frames whenever possible.

Blo g
Medium impact

We found a Blog on this website

Starting a Blog is a a great way to boost your SEO and to attract qualified visitors. Use these great tips to boost the SEO performance of your blog.

Inside Pages Analysis

Medium impact Easy to solve

Title MailChimp Marketing Blog MailChimp MailChimp community

Description Email MailChimp's blog about email marketing. And monkeys.

Text/HTML 16.74%

Jungle - A roundtable of MailChimp customers and friends, where we can 12.66% customer share ideas, feature requests, and maybe a few monkey jokes.

It seems several pages on your website have duplicate titles. You may have duplicate description tags as well. Fix this issue to maximize SEO. Use Google Webmaster Tool to identify these types of problems and to improve the way search engines index your website.

SEO Links

In-Page Links
Low impact Easy to solve

We found a total of 41 link(s) and 0 link(s) to files 4.9 % External Links 95.1 % Internal Links


noFollow Links

100 % Passing Juice Links

N Anchor 1 2 3 4 5 6 ChimpEmail Marketing and Email List Manager, Sign Up Free pricing features resources support

Type Internal Links Internal Links Internal Links Internal Links Internal Links Internal Links

Juice Passing Juice Passing Juice Passing Juice Passing Juice Passing Juice Passing Juice

Limit the number of links up to 200 links per page. Use the rel nofollow to optimize the juice that you want to pass to each link.

SEO Keywords

Keywo rds Clo ud

learn email account

brooklyn brainery



app spotlight


zendesk account

em ail newsletters


required credit required email marketing contact email social campaigns event marketing online required started marketing event risk credit online surveys started risk constant contact

email pricing sign-up sign flash player marketing player mad mimi mad mimi
email marketing
support take email marketing email templates templates


send clients

posted april posted

This Keyword Cloud gives an idea of the most recurring keywords used. It is probably the keywords with the highest probability to rank high in the Search Engines.

Keywo rds Co nsistency

Medium impact


Keywords mailchimp learn email guides account

Content 12 4 4 3 3 Content 2 2 2 2




Keywords email newsletters brooklyn brainery app spotlight zendesk account



With this table we want to highlight the importance of being consistent with the use of keywords. To improve the chance to rank high with a specific Keyword, you should use the most important keywords consistently: in the Content, in the Title, in the Description, in the H Titles, in your Internal Links anchor text and in your backlinks anchor text.

Go o gle Ranking
Medium impact

Keywords mail chimp mailchimp chimp mail monkey mail

Rank 1 1 1 1 2 Rank 1 1 1 1 1 URL


Keywords constantcontact email marketing constant constant contact login constant contact

Keywords madmini madmimi mimi email mad mini mad mimi email marketing

Rank 1 1 1 1 1


Keywords email campaign design campaign monitor email templates email newsletter templates html email templates

Rank 1 1 1 1 1


Your website ranks in the top positions with those keywords. Make a closer tracking of your keywords with the following tool. These data are provided by SEMRush.

Keywo rd Co mpetito rs

N 1 2 3 4 5 6


This is an estimation of the websites who are ranking above your website in the organic search results in Google. You can consider that these websites are your online competitors since they are ranking high with the same keywords as yours. We recommend that you visit those website and make a deep analysis to understand why they are ranking high. It will help you learn about your market and your keywords This data is provided by SEMRush.

SEO Authority

High impact Very hard to solve

PageRank : 8 Low PageRank : 8 Low High High

PageRank : 7 Low High

PageRank : 6 Low High

PageRank (commonly called PR) is a link analysis algorithm used by Google to assess the popularity/authority of a website. The PageRank goes from 0 to 10: new websites start at PR0 and authority websites like have a PR10. Websites with high PageRank are crawled more frequently and their out-going links have more passing juice.

Indexed Pages
Medium impact













This is the number of pages on your website that are indexed by Google. The more pages that search engines index, the better. A low number (relative to the total number of pages/URLs on your website) probably indicates that your internal link architecture needs improvement and is preventing Search engines from crawling all pages on your website. Resource: Check here to see if your content has been plagiarized. Then make test with specified keywords in the search engine to analyze your relative position for these keywords.

Do main 1st Registratio n

Medium impact

10 years 10 Month 9 Days ago

Old domains tend to rank better. You can buy second-hand domain name at, the largest domain reseller.

Do main Expiratio n
Medium impact

6 years 2 Month 24 Days

Do you know that you can register your domain for up to 10 years? By doing so, you will show the world that you are serious about your business. It is also good for your SEO.

Po pular Pages

Email Marketing and Email List Manager | MailChimp Pricing | MailChimp Login | MailChimp - email marketing made easy API | MailChimp

This lists the popular pages on your website.

SEO Backlinks

Backlinks Co unter
Medium impact












+70 % Google -93 % -94 %

Backlinks links that point to your website from other websites. It's like a popularity rating for your website. Since this factor is crucial to SEO, you should have a strategy to improve the quantity and quality of backlinks.

To p Ancho r Texts

N 1 2 3 4 5

Anchor text mailchimp Image mail chimp

N of Backlinks 11623 22590 2209 811 516

Referring Domains 2776 460 448 325 230

Anchor Text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink; it is often blue and underlined. The words contained in the anchor text pointing to your website determine the ranking that your page will get by search engines with those specific keywords. Tip: try to get good keywords in the anchor text linking to your website. This is an important factor that will help you rank on top of the Search Engines with those specific anchor text's keyword.

Low impact


Your website is listed in DMOZ, a multilingual open content directory constructed and maintained by a community of volunteer editors. Make sure its description is up-to-date because search engines take DMOZ into account.


URL Length: 9 character(s)

Keep your URLs short. If possible, avoid long domain names. A descriptive URL is better recognized by search engines. A user should be able to look at the address bar and make an accurate guess about the content of the page before reaching it (e.g., Keep in mind that URLs are an important part of a comprehensive SEO strategy. Use clean URLs to make your site more "crawlable" by Google. Resource: Search for a good domain name here. If no good names are available, consider a second hand domain from Sedo. To prevent brand theft, you might consider trademarking your domain name.

Favico n
Medium impact

Your website has a favicon, which is great. Make sure this favicon is consistent with your brand. Resource: Check out this amazing idea for improving user experience with a special favicon.

Erro r 404 Pages

Low impact

Great, your website has a custom Error 404 page.

Take advantage of your errors: provide a beautiful 404 Errors page to your visitors.

Low impact Hard to solve

We could not find a Print-Friendly CSS

Offer a print friendly version of your website.

Co nversio n Fo rms
Low impact

Great, we found a Conversion Form on this page.

They are different types of conversions: getting the email address of your visitors, requesting your visitors to fill a form or closing an online sale. Converting visitors into prospects/clients is probably the most important target of your website. So, it is important that you optimize your website to boost the conversions.

Page Size
Low impact

20.1 Kb (World Wide Web average is 600 Kb)

The page size affect the speed of your website. Try to keep your page size below the global average. Tips: use images with a small size and optimize the download with gzip.

Lo ad Time
High impact

0.01 second(s) (2034.33 Kb/s)

1.77 second(s) (15.63 Kb/s)

0.42 second(s) (22.3 Kb/s)

0.48 second(s) (37.26 Kb/s)

Your website is fast. Well done. Site speed is becoming an important factor for ranking high in Google search results Resource: Check out these other tips to make your website run faster. Resource: Monitor your server and receive SMS alerts when your website is down with Web Monitoring Services.

Low impact

Declared: en Detected: Missing

You have specified the language of your website, which is great. Make sure your declared language is the same as the language detected by Google. Tips for multilingual websites: Define the language of the content in each page's HTML code. Specify the language code in the URL as well (e.g., ""). Check out these tips for building a multilingual website.

Micro fo rmats
Medium impact Easy to solve

We found 0 type(s) of Microformat(s)

Your website does not take advantage of Microformats. Microformat is a technical semantic markup that can be used to better structure the data submitted to search engines. Thanks to Microformats, Google regularly improves its search results presentation.

Dublin Co re
Low impact Easy to solve


Your website does not take advantage of Dublin Core. Dublin Core is a set of standard metadata elements used to describe the contents of a website.


Server IP Server location: DALLAS

Your server's IP address has no impact on your SEO. Use Robtex and DNSstuff for comprehensive reports on your domain name server.

Spam Blo ck
Medium impact

Your IP is not Blacklisted in the Spammer Directory

If you send emails campaigns or transactional emails from your servers, you will be quickly flagged as a spammer. Use a professional email software to keep your IP clean and improve the deliverability of your emails. MadMimi is a great tool for this.

Trust Indicato rs









90 90 89 90 90






This data is provided by WOT.

Safe Bro wsing

Medium impact


Your website is safe. No evidence of phishing and/or malware has been detected.

Do main Availability
Low impact

Domains (TLD)


Expiration 1 years 9 Month 13 Days 4 years 5 Month 10 Days 1 years 9 Month 13 Days 1 years 9 Month 12 Days

Register the various extensions of your domain to protect your brand from Cyber-squatters.

Typo Availability
Low impact

Domains (Typo)



Available. Book it now!

Register the various Typo of your domain to protect your brand from Cyber-squatters.

Email Privacy

Good: no email address has been found in plain text.

Malicious bots scrap the web in search of email addresses to spam. Plain text email addresses are more likely to be spammed.

Directo ry Bro wsing

Low impact Easy to solve


Warning! Your server allows visitors to browse your directory by accessing it directly even when there is no index.html file. Disabling directory browsing is recommended to ensure the security of your website.

Server Signature
Low impact Easy to solve


Be careful: your server signature is on! Turning off your server signature is highly recommended to ensure the security of your website.


Go o gle Analytics
Low impact


Web Analytics let you measure visitors activity on your website. You should have at least one Analytic tool installed. It is always good to install one extra tool to have a confirmation of the results. Analytics Tools: Google Analytics,Quantcast,SiteCatalyst,Piwik, chartbeat, Clicky, ClickTale, etc.

Techno lo gies

Google Analytics Analytics jQuery JavaScript framework Nginx Web server Quantcast Analytics

Apache Web server Google Analytics Analytics jQuery UI JavaScript framework jQuery JavaScript framework SiteCatalyst Analytics

Apache Web server Google Analytics Analytics

cufon Font script Google Analytics Analytics jQuery JavaScript framework Reinvigorate Analytics

Get to know the technologies used for your website. Some codes might slow down your website? Ask your webmaster to have a look at it.

W3C Validity
Low impact Hard to solve

Invalid: 20 Errors, 3 warning(s)

Use valid markup that contains no errors. Syntax errors can make your page difficult for search engines to index. To fix the detected errors, run the W3C validation service. W3C is a consortium that sets the web standards.

Do ctype


Declaring a doctype helps web browsers to render content correctly.

Enco ding
Low impact


Language/character encoding is specified, which is great. Specifying language/character encoding can prevent problems with the rendering of special characters.

Speed Tips
Medium impact

Congratulations: your website's speed is fully optimized. Perfect: your server is using a caching method to speed up page display. Perfect: your website doesn't use nested tables. Too bad: your website is using inline styles. Perfect: your website has few CSS files. Perfect: your website has few JavaScript files. Perfect: your website takes advantage of gZip.

Website speed has a huge effect on SEO. Speed-up your website so search engines will reward you by sending more visitors. Also the conversion rates are far higher for websites that load faster than their slower competitors.

Contact me for more details, Jean Derly +32.488.371.448 Sales at

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