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SVWAS Destiny Charts

Divisional Charts

Want to discover your destiny Click Here The Rashi Chart:

The Rashi Chart (Also called - Rashi Chakra) is the chart showing mere placement of the planets in the sky in reference to Rashis (Zodiac Signs). The natal Rashi Chart shows which planet was in which Rashi (Sign) on the time of the birth of a native. In Rashi Chart a Rashi is marked as natal ascendant (Janma Lagan) and that sign is counted as the first house. Thus the 12 different signs become the 12 different houses, where each house controls a set of matters. Depending upon the nature, rulership, strength, relationships among the planets placed in different Rashis, the good and bad of the native is derived by the astrologer.

The Divisional Charts

On the other hand, a Divisional Chart (Vargas Chakra) is not the DIRECT chart of planets in the sky. The Rashi Chart is a sort of Direct Snapshot of the sky at a moment. That is why it is a 'True chart' which exists in physical level of material creation. On the other hand a Divisional Chart is not a direct chart of

placement - a Divisional Chart does not exist in the true astronomy, but it as a 'Virtual Chart' derived from the Rashi Chart, and there is the glory of Vedic Astrology

How to make Divisional Charts

When we will make a Divisional chart, Each Rashi will be divided into equal parts, the number of the parts depending up on which Divisional Chart we are going to create. Suppose, we are going to make the Navamsa Chart, which is a 9th divisional or harmonic chart, also called D-9. Now, Each Rashi in the Rashi Chart will be divided in to 9 equal parts, and each of the 9 parts will represent a separate Rashi in the Navamsa (D-9) Chart, that way the 9th Divisional Chart will be made. As an example, let us suppose that Moon is in Aries in one's Rashi Chart. We want to make the Saptamsa (D-7) Divisional Chart for the native. Now we will divide Aries in to 7 equal parts, and as per the rules of Vedic Astrology, each seventh part will denote some separate 'Rashi'(s) in the D-7 chart. Now if the part of Aries where Moon is denotes Gemini in D-7 chart, the Moon will be in Gemini in D-7 Chart. All other planets will change signs the same way and make a complete new chart for the native. That is why, the Moon is not in Gemini in the sky in real, and it is in Aries. However, it is in the "D-7 Gemini part" in Aries that is why in D-7 Chart Moon will go to Gemini. A Divisional Chart is completely different from the Rashi Chart; however, one planet may occupy same sign in Rashi Chart and in other Divisional Charts, which is only a coincident.

Uses of Divisional Charts

The most respectable authority of Vedic Astrology, Maharishi Parasara, speaks about 16 Divisional Charts. They are The Rashi itself (D-1), Hora (D-2), Drekkana (D-3), Chathurthamsa (D-4), Saptamsa (D-7), Navamsa (D-9) and so on. Maharishi Parasara goes up to Shastiamsa (D-60) which is made dividing a Rashi in to 60 parts and the level of accuracy Vedic Astrology allows us to go to, can be imagined easily by this. Even Ashtottaramsa (D-108) is used by
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some most experienced astrologers to look into most subtle and accurate events possible! Maharishi Parasara also speaks about the use of these Divisional Charts. He has said to see the body of the native from Rashi Chart (D-1) itself, whereas he has suggested to look at other Divisional Charts for other affairs, such as wealth from D-2, siblings from D-3, profession from D-10 etc. Some of these indications are similar to house significations like 3rd from ascendant deals with co-borns, and the D-chart dealing with siblings is D-3. We see profession from 10th house and the D-chart dealing with profession is D-10. However it is not always true, like D-12 deals with mother and father though we look at 4th house for mother. Sometimes it is a bit similar like the 7th house is a secondary house for progeny and for the same matter we look at D-7 chart. However the main house dealing with progeny is of course the 5th house.

As per Maharishi Parasara's advice, we can understand easily which house is to be looked at for which matter. Suppose, someone got an infection in the body what would say this? Since it is about the body and self, the Rashi Chart (D-1) itself has to be seen. Infection is seen from the 6th house, so we should look at the 6th house and lord in the Rashi Chart. Now different houses denote different body parts, they will have to be looked at for more details. Like influence of 6th lord (infection) on 2nd house (face) in Rashi Chart (Chart of body) might cause infection in face. Suppose, we want to know about native's education. Should we look at the Rashi Chart again? Logically, No. Because it has to be seen from Chaturvimsamsa (D-24) since this D-chart deals with education. Now if we look closer -* 4th house in D-24: Formal education itself. Reason - 4th houses is of formal education.* 5th house in D-24: Original knowledge the person owns. Reason - 5th houses is of knowledge. An 'ordinary student' might have a better knowledge than a 'better student' than him in the same class. I have seen in my personal experiences that many students have good knowledge about the subject but don't get the best marks or stands first always. He is weak in 4th house (result of education, mostly) but not in 5th house (knowledge).* 6th house
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in D-24: Competitors in studies. Reason - 6th houses is rivals. For a first boy in the school, this will signify the 2nd boy, 3rd boy and so on, whoever among the classmates compete with him in studies. It will not signify an ordinary student of his class since the first boy does not have to ever compete with any ordinary student for his place. Note - A student with strong 6th house in D-24 might stand 'Always first' in his class, defeating his enemies (6th) in education (D-24) if it also supported by houses 4th, 11th etc.7th house in D-24: Stands for the joint activities in the student life / acquiring of knowledge. Reason - 7th house rules joint activities. It might be group studies, making hand-notes in a group of fellow students etc. In my early student life I used to make notes and reference materials and exchange them with other students against notes written by them. Which else among the houses would signify this since 7th house is the house of trading? * 8th house in D-24: Hidden or spiritual knowledge the person owns. Reason - 8th houses is the house of hidden things and spirituality. It might also cause a sudden 'change' in student life.* 9th house in D-24: The knowledge related to religion and the role of the teacher in relation of acquiring knowledge in the person's life. Reason - 9th house signifies religion, teachers etc.* 11th house in D-24: Awards and prizes in student life. Reason - 11th houses is achievement. Not all good students get awards, scholarships and medals in a standard way.* 11th house in D-24 will also stand for the friends in his class or educational life. A first boy might like an ordinary student in his class to be a good friend of him. He might not have a good friendship with other good students.* 12th house in D-24: Knowledge of foreign matters such as foreign languages, foreign cultures etc. Reason - 12th house rules the foreign. So, logically we see that for the matters which are not directly related to body and health, we should not be looking at the Rashi Chart for the answer. Parasara hinted this clearly and this is the real way of Jyotish.

Higher divisional charts

Although astrologers stop short at Shastiamsa when using divisional charts, there is an entire range of higher harmonics, which remain untapped. This is

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primarily due to the fact that not enough research has been undertaken in the potential and use of these divisions. They include the following:

Division D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4

Name Rashi Hora Drekkana Chaturthamsa (Turyeeamsa)

Subject Physical Body Wealth Co-born Property and fortunes

D-5 D-6

Panchamsa Shashthamsa (Kaulaka)

Fame and power Health

D-7 D-8 D-9

Saptamsa Ashtamsa Navamsa (Dharmamsa)

Progeny Unexpected troubles Spouse


Dasamsa (Swargamsa)

Work, profession Death



Ekadasamsa (Rudramsa)


Dwadasamsa (Suryamsa)



Shodasamsa (Kalamsa)

Vehicles, happiness


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6 D-20 D-24 Vimsamsa Chaturvimsamsa (Siddhamsa) D-27 Nakshatramsa (Bhamsa) D-30 D-40 Trimsamsa Khavedamsa (Swavedamsa) D-45 D-60 Akshavedamsa Shastyamsa Patrilineal legacy Past karma Strengths weaknesses Evils Matrilineal legacy and Spiritualism Higher learning

D-72 Ashta navamsa D-81 Nav navamsa D-108 Ashtottaramsa D-144 Dwadas dwadasamsa D-150 Nadiamsa D-300 Ardha nadiamsa The twelve signs therefore are divided and sub-divided in different fractions, the sequence of which gets repeated after every twelve divisions. Each cycle of twelve divisions therefore represent a harmonic depicting the various levels of consciousness, both gross and subtle, which exists in the life of a person. The first cycle of divisional charts from D-1 to D-12 represent the physical plane. They cover the various aspects of the physical realities of a person such as the body itself (D-1, rashi), wealth (D-2, Hora), co-borns or siblings (D-3, Drekkana), properties and fortune (D-4, Chaturthamsa), progeny (D-7, Saptamsa), spouse (D-9, Navamsa), profession, career and work (D-10, Dasamsa) and parents (D-

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12, Dwadasamsa). Of these, the Rashi (D-1), Drekkana (D-3) and Navamsa (D9) are considered to be the most important in analysing a horoscope. The next cycle is the first harmonic of the previous cycle, covering divisions from D-13 to D-24. This represents the conscious plane, depicting the various existential conditions of a person. Although technically 12 divisions are possible in each cycle, Parasaras format of shodasavarga or the 16 kinds of divisions of each sign is being followed here. In this format, the three divisions of Kalamsa (D-16), Vimsamsa (D-20) and Chaturvimsamsa or Siddhamsa (D-24) are generally used, as the primary divisions to be studied in this cycle. Kalamsa is the first harmonic of the Chaturthamsa showing luxuries, vehicles and mental happiness. Vimsamsa deals with the spiritual life of a person while Chaturvimsamsa deals with higher learning. This cycle therefore refers to the higher existential activities of a person after crossing the first rung of gross material conditions. The third cycle or the second harmonic, covering D-25 to D-36, relates to the sub-conscious plain. These explore the factors, which lie in the sub-conscious region and unconsciously influence the mind. They represent inherent weaknesses and strengths (D-27, Nakshatramsa) and all forms of evils that might besiege a person (D-30, Trimsamsa). The fourth cycle or third harmonic ranging from D-37 to D-48 deals with past karma, which is inherited as ancestral legacy. The important divisions in this cycle are D-40 or Khavedamsa representing matrilineal legacy and D-45 or Akshavedamsa representing patrilineal legacy. This is the super-conscious plane. The final harmonic is that of the supra-conscious plane from D-49 to D-60. This shows the accumulated karma from past births, which a person carries with him like a legacy. In this context Shastyamsa or D-60 is the most relevant division.

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Varga Schemes
The varga charts are clustered in separate groups or schemes for purposes of specific predictions, such as Shadvarga, Saptavarga, Dasavarga,

Shodasavarga and Ashtakavarga. Shadvarga is a group used in Prashna including the following six divisions: Rashi, Hora, Drekkana, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa. The Saptavarga clusters, used for mundane astrology, include Rashi, Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa. Dasavarga is used universally in all horoscopy comprising Rashi, Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dasamsa, Dwadasamsa, Shodasamsa, Trimsamsa and Shastyamsa. Finally Shodasavarga, the varga scheme adopted by Parasara and commonly followed in predictive astrology include the following divisions: Rashi, Hora, Drekkana, Chaturthamsa, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dasamsa, Dwadasamsa, Shodasamsa, Vimsamsa, Chaturvimsamsa, Nakshatramsa, Trimsamsa, Khavedamsa, Aksavedamsa and Shastyamsa. Originally the Shodasavargeeya scheme was reserved for royal horoscopy and has now become the universally adopted model. A slightly different scheme, which has numerical representations, is the Ashtakavarga where dots and dashes are used to delineate the placement of planets and to determine their relative strengths as well as that of the signs. The complete set of twenty divisional charts will include Panchamsa, Shasthamsa, Ashtamsa and Ekadasamsa in addition to the existing Shodasavarga arrangement.

Methods of Construction
There are no fixed methods of calculating divisional charts. The standard method followed is that of Parasara, a sequential counting procedure which may or may not be regular. The more uncommon method is that followed by modern researchers like Mantreshwara, where the zodiac is divided by multiples of twelve or by the number of the division. (Is this correct?) Parasaras method of construction is both regular and irregular. The regular order is known as the order of Brahma as it follows the perfect order of nature and is therefore synchronous. This order is applicable to those areas, which
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pertain to the living being, as it is the order of creation. For example, navamsa and saptamsa are atypical Brahma divisions. In Saptamsa, each sign is divided into seven parts. For odd signs, the counting begins from the same sign and for even signs it begins from its 7th sign. In the case of navamsa, the signs are divided in to nine parts or the 108 padas of the 27 nakshatras. The counting begins from the same sign for odd signs, from the 9th for even signs and from the 5th for dual signs. The irregular or jumping movement is appropriate for those divisions, which pertain to the non-living world, the soulless, inanimate objects which men relentlessly pursue. For example, in Drekkana, where the sign is divided into three parts, the first part is the sign itself, the second is the 5 th form it and the third, the 9th from it. In Chaturthamsa, where a sign is divided in four parts, the counting is done from the sign, followed by the 4th, 7th and 10th signs from it. These therefore do not belong to the Brahma division, which is the regular order of counting, as they do not relate to issues, which follow the natural rhythms of the universe. A significant point to note is that many of the divisions have multiple methods of construction, like the Hora and the Drekkana. Drekkana may be constructed in four different ways, namely, the abovementioned Parasarian method, the Parivrittitraya Drekkana, the Somnath Drekkana and the Jagannath Drekkana. The Somnath and Parivritttraya Drekkana follow a regular pattern of counting while the Jagannath Drekkana is a different form of the Parasarian method. These different Drekkanas may be employed for distinct purposes. For although the Drekkana is to be seen for the co-born, it can also be seen for the self In that case, the Parivrittitraya Drekkana would be suitable for inquiry of the self while the Parasara Drekkana would be more applicable while analysing relations with siblings. This is because each bhava is karaka for miscellaneous factors and if one wish to fine-tune the divisional chart, then the appropriate method of construction will clarify the matter further. Following Parasara, the sixteen commonly used divisional charts are as follows:

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Hora: Hora is the division of each sign in two halves or horas ruled alternatively by the sun and the moon. Based on the distance between the sun and the earth, the zodiac is divided in half across 0 Leo and 0 Aquarius, into equal halves of light and darkness or solar and lunar halves. The solar half or Surya Hora is from Leo to Capricorn and the lunar half or the Chandra Hora is from Cancer to Aquarius in an anti-zodiacal direction. The hora charts are constructed by assigning the first half of odd signs, 0-15 to the lordship of the Sun and the second half, 16-30, to the ruler ship of the Moon. For even sign, the first half is the Chandra Hora and the second half is the Surya Hora. The Sun and Moon therefore own adjoining signs in their horas. The Hora chart is used for seeing the wealth of the native. Drekkana: Drekkana, otherwise known as the trine division, is the one third division of a sign. Hence there are 36 drekkanas measuring 10 degrees each. The 1st drekkana is owned by the sign itself, the 2 nd by the sign fifth from it and the 3rd by the sign 9th from it. So for Aries lagna, the first three drekkanas will be Aries, Leo and Sagittarius and the next three will be Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Drekkana charts are seen for co-borns and siblings as well as for the self. Chaturthamsa: This is the one fourth division of a sign, with each division measuring 7 30. The first division is the sign itself, the second is the sign fourth from it, the third is the 7th sign and the fourth is the 10th sign. So for Aries lagna, the first four divisions will be Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Chaturthamsa is useful for a variety of matters such as home, property, mother, happiness, vehicles and formal education. Alternatively this division is also known Tureeyamsa. Saptamsa: Each sign is divided into seven divisions of 4 17. The counting is sequential, starting from the sign itself for odd signs and from the 7 th sign for even signs. For Aries lagna, the first seven divisions will be from Aries to Libra and the next seven from Scorpio to Taurus. The division is used for seeing progeny.

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Navamsa: The most important division after the rashi, Navamsa is the one ninth division of a sign. Each sign is divided into nine divisions of 3 20 each. The counting begins from the sign itself for movable signs, from the 9th sign for fixed signs and from the 5th sign for dual signs. So for Aries it will begin from Aries, for Taurus from Capricorn and for Gemini from Libra. Navamsa is renowned for being the rashi of the spouse but more importantly, it delineates the spiritual development of the native by identifying his path and objects of worship. Hence it is also known as Dharmamsa. Dasamsa: Dasamsa or Swargamsa is the tenfold divisions of a sign, measuring 3 each. The counting begins from the same sign for odd signs and from the 9 th sign for even signs. So for Aries it will begin with Aries and for Taurus it will commence with Capricorn. Dasamsa is an important division as it deals with the natives work, career and profession. Dwadasamsa: This is the one twelfth division of a sign of 2 30 each. For every sign, the counting begins with the sign itself and proceeds sequentially. So for Aries it will begin with Aries and end with Pisces and then begin again with Taurus for the next sign. Also known as Suryamsa, this division deals with parental lineage. Shodasamsa: Also known as Kalamsa, this is the one sixteenth division of a sign, measuring 1 52 30". The counting begins from Aries for movable signs, from Leo for fixed signs and from Sagittarius for dual signs. Kalamsa is used for seeing vehicles, luxuries and mental happiness. Vimsamsa: Vimsamsa is the twentieth division of a sign, 1 30 each. The counting is done from Aries for movable signs, from Sagittarius for fixed signs and from Leo for dual signs. Vimsamsa is used to determine the spiritual inclinations and scope for occult studies of the native. Siddhamsa: Alternatively known as Chaturvimsamsa, this varga chart shows the 24 divisions of a sign of 1 15 each. The counting begins from Leo for odd signs and from Cancer for even signs. So for Aries, the 24 divisions will begin with Leo and end with Cancer and then begin with Cancer again for the next
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sign. For Taurus it will begin with Cancer and end with Gemini and then begin with Leo for the next sign. Siddhamsa denotes higher learning and knowledge, wisdom and siddhi of the highest order. Nakshatramsa: This is the 27th division of a sign comprising 1 6 40" and is also known as Bhamsa. This division is based on an elemental construction. For the three fire signs, Aries, Taurus and Sagittarius, the counting begins from Aries. For the earth signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, it begins from Cancer. For the air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, it begins from Libra and for the water signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, it begins from Capricorn. This division is used for analysing the inherent strengths and weaknesses of a sign. Trimsamsa: This is the thirty fold division of a sign showing all evils that might fall upon the native. The counting for this division is slightly different from the aforementioned ones and dependent upon the degree placement of the planets. There are two sets of placements for odd and even signs. For odd signs, planets in the first 5 degrees are placed in Aries, those in the next 5 degrees are placed in Aquarius, those in the next 8 degrees are placed in Sagittarius, those in the next 7 degrees in Gemini and those in the last 5 degrees are placed in Libra. For even signs, planets in the first 5 degrees are placed in Taurus; those in the next 7 degrees are placed in Virgo, those in the next 8 degrees in Pisces, those in the next 5 degrees in Capricorn and those in the last 5 degrees in Scorpio. Khavedamsa: This is the 40th division of a sign measuring 45 each. The counting begins from Aries for odd signs and from Libra for even signs. So for Aries it will begin with Aries and eventually end with Cancer, with the next sign commencing from Libra. Khavedamsa shows inherited karma through matrilineal lineage. Akshavedamsa: This is the 45th division of a sign with each part measuring 40. The counting begins from Aries for movable signs, from Leo for fixed signs and from Sagittarius for dual signs. Aries will therefore begin with Aries and ultimately end with Sagittarius and then Taurus will begin with Leo ending up

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with Aries and Gemini will start with Sagittarius. This division shows inherited karma through patrilinear legacy. Shastyamsa: Shastyamsa digresses from the above methods by calculating according to the degree positions of the planets. The degree of a planet is multiplied by 2 and then divided by 12. The remainder is the sign from which the counting for Shastyamsa will begin. Shastyamsa is the division, which shows past karma and the cause of re-birth in this life. In that sense, Shastyamsa is the rashi chart of the immediate past birth and is the key to understanding the karmic implications of the present birth. It is in fact, the key to understanding divisional charts and is perhaps the most important division of all.

Rashi Charts & Destiny

Every minute at least plenty of babies take birth in our country. The Rashi Chart is based on the Lagan (Ascendant) which keeps same for continuous two hours for a place. So, a Rashi Chart is basically SAME for the total two hours. So, when we are reading a Rashi Chart, we are reading the person's fate +1000 fate same time - who ALL have almost SAME Rashi Chart!! Now, I was born on 15/3/1971 at 7.45 am in Amritsar. In the same 'Specific two hours' that night, at least 1000 babies were born who have all the same Rashi Charts like me. Now, whatever result I take out of my Rashi Chart, should be applied to them also!! I started studying Jyotish when I was 15. But what about those other 1000 of kids who have the same Rashi Chart of me? They have the same sequence and Vimsottari Dasa and they all ran the Dasa almost same time - so they all should learn astrology and make website like me, almost same time in around 2009! But today from my country I see no one of my age to study astrology on the net like this and open website like me! But logically, they all should study astrology at the same level of me, open same standard websites like me and own forums like me... WHY... because we derive all these results from the Rashi Chart, right only

I started couple of big projects two years back, what about, these babies
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born at the same time. Did they also start these projects? All the basic and major events of my life can be explained well with the Rashi Chart and Vimsottari Dasa, but all the clone boys have the same Rashi Chart positions and they all would have the same major events in their lives and basically we all should have a same life! All their family background, social status, educational status, talents, professional status would be same! But in real even the twins who were born 2 minutes apart have so much major differences in lives, and live complete different lives, then what is about people born in the same two hours, and having the same Rashi Chart?

If Rashi Chart would be indicating the results accurately / reliably then there would be at least 10/15 SAME COPIES of each people because at least 10/15 people would be born the same day in the same two hours having almost same Rashi Charts. And then there would be so many presidents/prime ministers ruling countries. But in practical life, there is only on PM/president. There would be at least 10kings with huge wealth who would own palaces & other miraculous possessions.

So logically and practically, Rashi Chart becomes something that we cannot depend on at all! And that is the truth that is why we will have to consult different Divisional Charts for different purposes. Even then, why do Rashi Charts-work?

Even after all these discussion, we see that Rashi Charts do work. Almost all the Astrologers follow Rashi Charts and make successful predictions. I also very rarely use Divisional Charts - I cannot use them much. In practice the Rashi Chart always shows the past, present and future very well. Even though the other 360 kids do not have the same fortune of me, (Though the Rashi Chart is same.) my Rashi Chart matches to my life very exactly and so is about others a life. But then, how come is that possible? It all depends on the Individuals life depends upon Desh (Country), Kaal (Year of Birth) & Patra (Individual's Strength & Financial Powers). For example, someone

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born at the same time, same date in Ethopia & America will have totally will have different lifestyle. This explains Desh(Country). Kaal is the time period which differentiates that someone born in 1947 will have a totally different lifestyle than the one born in 1999. Patra (Individual's Strength & Financial Powers)-Someone born in a wealthy family will have a different lifestyle than the one born in a hut in bushland. I explain above in simple terms- Astrological Predictions depends upon region, time &Individual's Strength & Financial Powers. There will be totally different predictions for two persons born at the same time in America & Ethopia. So this explains briefly Desh (Region) Moreover two persons will never have same horoscopes at present and in the past. For example If a persons horoscope today matches with Ibrahim Lincoln, he wont be Ibrahim Lincoln. So this explains briefly time. Similarly Profit & Loss, financial conditions of a person will differ from person to person. In adverse planetary conditions, a renowned industrialist will suffer loss in millions & vice versa, where as a small trader will suffer in thousands. So this explains Patra (Individual's Strength & Financial Powers). I have thought a lot, a lot about it since from no one I could get the answer till today. And the only one answer that I could find out is 'Divinity'! And that is the only true answer. It is true that the Rashi Chart is same for a lot of people and they all do not have the same fortune. But even then, in practice, Rashi Charts indicate the life and Karma very well. This is possible only for the divinity of the creation. Yes, a lot of people would have the same Rashi but different fate. Other people will never have an opportunity in their lives to get their reading - because their reading will not match as per Rashi Chart. Because some 90%+ People never truly believe Astrology and among the people who do, very few people of them have the chance to get their charts made by an Astrologer. Only because it is the divinity and his life will match to the Rashi Chart then only his chart can be made. Not of the other people. This again leads us to the fact that
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we have no kind of will power over our Karma, and basically all kinds of deep spiritual discussion leads us to the same conclusion. So Rashi Chart is basically a divinity, just like the Prasna or Horary Chart is. Even Horary Chart actually shows the failure sign of our so called free will. Thus our thoughts and acts being fully and strictly controlled by the divinity are keeping the creation balanced and thus everything is being possible to happen in a planned way and only for that reason we are able to know the full life of someone at his or her birth with this divine Hora Sastra.

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Superweb Vedic & Western Astrology Solutions T:-07 34720324 F:-0738090875

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