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Lesson Plan Date Class Lesson Teacher No of pupils Context of the lesson Where this fits into the

Big Picture MLO for this lesson. What will pupils know/understand by the end of the lesson (teacher) MLO for this lesson. What will pupils have achieved by the end of the lesson (pupil) Teacher input/Activities. What the pupils should undertake with approximate timings. 04/05/2012 Year 8 Database Effective form design and creation Mrs Vallimayil Krishnappan 25

In this unit pupils supplement their knowledge of working with and creating forms using Microsoft Access. The skills that they learn during this lesson are part of the KS3 ICT curriculum.

Know: Elements in a form Understand: What makes a good form Be able to: Use Microsoft Access to create forms All pupils will: Be able to create simple form using elements in Microsoft Access Most pupils will: Come out with enhancements ideas Some pupils will: Proceed to apply enhancement ideas into form. Starter Show pupils school Fronter as a form example. Ask pupils to identify the elements in the form. Take suggestions from the class. Display the answer. Label Image Textbox Hyperlink Combobox Button What makes a great form Let pupil work in pairs to find the answers for this question from given pack. Pack contains list of keywords and definition. AfL - Discuss with pupils on answers Structured Layout Use of colours (background & font) Enough Space Images Clear Instructions Meet the Target Audience Demo Show pupils how to create a form Demonstrate how to place elements into form Show how to create second form and create the links 5 mins

5 mins

5 mins

Test the forms

Teacher instructions

Tell pupils to log on

Create the Login form using elements in Microsoft Access Consider the characteristics of a good form. Individual Task Students should log on. They should open Microsoft Access and begin to create the forms. Provide help and assistance as required. AfL: Peer assessment 2 starts and a wish Swap places with the person sitting next Write 2 good points about the piece of work (a) (b) Write 1 improvement idea to make it even better (a) Review/Plenary Review on objectives of lesson: Tell me three things... you have learnt today you have done well you would like to find out more about

10 mins 5 mins

5 mins


Forms, Access, Label, Button, TextBox, ListBox, ComboBox, Hyperlink, Image, Layout, colours, Space, Instructions and Target Audience Literacy: Refer to form elements more than once so that pupils get familiar with them. Numeracy: Number of form data you need: Username, Password and Languages. PSHE: Provide flexibility for pupils to design the form, explore the Form design environment without restrictions. This will help to develop their thinking skills.

Reference to crosscurriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM) Extension work SEN personalised work Homework

Add more elements such as Checkbox, ListBox etc and create Macro.

Materials required Evaluation of the lesson

Microsoft Access, Database.ppt, Form keywords.doc, Peer Assessment.doc

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