Bacon Bad

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REVISION 33 Scripped August 30, 2012 Copyright (c) 2012 J. Warner All Rights Reserved

UNKNOWN MAN, VOICE OVER What is this? This is blue. WALT JR, VOICE OVER We used a different chemical process, but it is every bit as pure. CUT TO: INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE DOCTOR Walter, we have some bad news. What is it? WALT JR.

DOCTOR Your cholesterol is abnormally high. Now, it's very manageable, especially at your age. All it will take is a few minor lifestyle changes, less fatty foods... WALT JR. What are you saying? DOCTOR Think about healthy alternatives. Eat oatmeal for breakfast, instead of say, eggs or bacon. Maybe try bacon substitutes. CUT TO: INT. THE WHITE KITCHEN Walt disgustedly picks at his bacon, then throws it on the plate. WALT JR. This bacon is crap! SKYLER I'm sorry. We tried every bacon substitute in New Mexico. WALT JR. Fuck you, mom! Walt Jr. flips over the table. CUT TO:

2. EXT. BACKYARD SHORT-ORDER COOK What, some cripple like you, giant sticks on his arms, all of a sudden at what, age sixteen, gonna start making bacon? WALT JR. I'm seventeen. CUT TO: INT. DINER PANTRY SHORT-ORDER COOK You have an uncle that works for the goddamn FDA? CUT TO: INT. LIVING ROOM WALT JR. We need to move our production bulk wholesale right now. Do you know a distributor? SHORT ORDER COOK I did, until you killed him! THIS SUMMER...BACON BAD CUT TO:

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