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Decision Science Assignment


Group # 7

Name Ankit Mittal Kaushik Kochar Manas Joshi Maroot Sachdeva K K Tiwari

Roll no. 25NMP08 25NMP19 12EM07 25NMP22 25NMP50

1) LP formulation of Shortest Route Method

Road Network for the Gorman Company Shortest Route Problem Road Distances in Miles 17 2 6 15 3 10 Gormans office 3 4 2 5 4 4 6 5 6

LP formulation of Shortest Route Method :The Given problem has 6 nodes 8 edges

Here weights attached to different edges are as follows :Edge Weight 12 15 13 10 23 3 24 6 27 17 35 4 45 4 56 2 67 6

Let source node be s, target node be t, and cost be wij for each arc (i, j).

A possible IP formulation of SRM is given as below :Consider the program with variables xij Minimize


2) LP formulation of Minimum Spanning tree

Minimal Spanning Tree Problem (Communications Network for the Regional Computer System

5 40 2 Regional Computer Center 1 20 40 30 40 Miles of Communication Lines between Locations 5 20 6 50 4 40 10 30 30

The Given problem has 6 nodes 11 edges Here weights attached to different edges are as follows :Weight Edge W(e) 12 20 13 40 14 30 15 50 16 40 25 40 34 10 35 30 36 30 46 20 56 40

The decision variables for the IP formulation of MST are: x = 1 if edge belongs to E(t) or x=0 otherwise

The constraints of the IP formulation need to enforce that the edges in ET form a tree. A tree satisfies the following three conditions: has n- 1 edges, be connected, be acyclic Any two of these conditions imply the third one.

A possible IP formulation of MST is given as below :-

Here n = 6 xe = 5 V = No. of vertices where (S; S) denotes all edges that go from a node in the set S to another node in the set S. Equation (1c) enforce the constraint that the edges in ET can't form cycles.

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