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Teacher: Mrs Krishna

Date: 11/07/12 Session: 35 mins Room: Scheme of work: No. of pupils: 20 Subject: ICT Level: mixed ability Computer hardware Lesson title: Introduction into computer essentials. To include main components (internal) and their functions within a computer Learning objectives (WALT): Pupils will demonstrate basic knowledge and application of computer hardware (internal). Intended Learning Outcomes (WILF): All must be able to: identify computer hardware. Most should be able to: explain the function of each computer hardware. Some could: find out which model laptop that suits your need based on hardware specification given Keywords: computers, motherboard, CPU, processor, hard disk, memory, RAM, sound card, video card, monitor, display, screen, keyboard, CD-ROM drive, speakers, mouse, network card, printer. Reference to cross-curriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM etc): Literacy listening to instructions, labelling exercise and discussion. Numeracy price comparison on computer models RESOURCES Entry (~3 mins) Introduction Computers.ppt Inform pupils on lesson title and objectives Starter (~5 mins) Explain to pupils what a computer is and parts that works together to make a computer work. Computers.doc Ask pupils to label each part of a computer. Discuss on answers Main (~20 mins) 1. Explain to pupils what is RAM, Hard disk, CPU and their functions. 2. Play video - 3. Ask pupils to start with Task of the day Name the computer parts and its function. 4. Discuss on answers. Pupils will self-assess (AfL) their work.

Class: Year 7/8

5. Explain to pupils what is monitor, video card, sound card, CD-ROM, network card 6. Ask pupils to continue with Task of the day Name and write computer parts
functions. 7. Discuss on answers. Pupils will self-assess (AfL) their work. Plenary (~10 mins) 1. Ask pupils to review three laptops specifications below. Whiteboard and markers 2. Ask them which laptop they would buy and discussion based on reasons given. 3. Ask pupils to write complete the review exercise. 4. Review on objectives Exit (~2 mins) Make sure pupils write their name in the document and collect them Appreciate pupils work for the day. Differentiation (related to Learning Outcomes) G&T: Computer Software - Find the purpose of each Operating Systems : Windows, Mac and Linux Support for Less Able: Work in pairs to accomplish the task of the day Special Education Needs: Graphics in PPT, Labelling exercise and Learning support assistants Homework return, feedback and setting: Assessment including WILF: Questioning and discussion Self-assessment in checking and evaluating own work Peer-assessment in checking and evaluating friends work and give feedback and their functions.

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