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Characters created by Kevin Williamson and Wes Craven

EXT. NASA HQ - DAY A news van pulls over to the side of the road and two people hop out. The first is REBECCA WALTERS, 20s, beautiful brunette, professionally dressed, air of confidence. Behind her is the more hesitant JOEL JONES, late 20s, athletic build, casually dressed, looking out of place. They both look into the distance to see the rocket ship standing proudly on the launch pad. REBECCA Oh my God...will you look at that thing! JOEL (nervously) Sure is...something, I guess. REBECCA Something? Joel, what youre looking at there is... JOEL Yeah, yeah...I know...the culmination of hundred of millions of... REBECCA No, fuck that! Youre looking at the birth of a star, my friend. Joel looks up, confused. JOEL But its daytime. REBECCA Im talking about me! If I... JOEL ...we... REBECCA ...pull this off, Ill be all over the TVs of every Joe, Mary and fucking Sally in this country. Rebecca pulls out a small mirror and begins to adjust her makeup while she walks. REBECCA (CONTD) And then itll be goodbye Top Story with Gale Weathers...hello, The Hot News with Rebecca Walters. (CONTINUED)



Joel, taking his equipment out of the van, hides a laugh. JOEL The Hot News? Rebecca pouts and walks past Joel, as she spots a door opening to her left. She bumps into him, half-accidentally, and he drops his bag. REBECCA (terse) Its a working title, OK? He watches her walk away, and groans. JOEL Youre not Gale Weathers...yet... END SIDE

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