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Inspirational success stories of common people from across the country

ision, dedication and hard work aren't the only pillars on which worldly success can be gained and sustained. One needs much more. One needs like-minded associates, teamwork and of course, friends who can extend financial help in times of need.

Scroll down to discover truly inspirational accounts of individuals, who through their sheer courage and determination have built flourishing businesses and made themselves and their families prosper. They also found one common friend, who went out of its way to help them in their time of financial need.

Not disheartened by the response of banks Bhanuben fulfilled her dream of giving her daughter the education she deserved

Bhanuben Patel, a teacher living in Devsar, Bilimora, needed urgent cash to fund her daughter's admission in an Engineering College at Vidhya Nagar. When she didn't get a satisfactory answer from banks for an education loan, she became desperate. She was determined not to allow anything to come in the way of her daughter's education because she wished to stand on her own two feet. She fought all odds, funning from pillar to post, asking friends, but couldn't arrange f o r t h e m o n e y. S h e

get the required money in just 5 to 10 minutes, she had to pay less interest rate than to a moneylender. Today, her daughter is well settled, and her loan has been paid off.

was about to give up when someone suggested that she take a Gold Loan from Muthoot Finance. Not only did she
Bhanuben Patel, Teacher, Bilmora, Gujarat

He was ready to suffer a loss but not wiling to spoil his Company's reputation

Bharatbhai star ted his transpor t contracting business in 2005 in his hometown, Mehsana. He was supplying four-wheel vehicles to semigovernment offices and limited companies on rental basis after hiring them from private parties. Sometimes, monthly payments from the company would be delayed. So, he needed funds to settle accounts with private parties from whom he had hired the vehicles. Bharatbhai was very clear in his business dealings. He was willing to suffer a loss but not willing to spoil his Company's reputation. He approached Muthoot Finance and received a Gold Loan to tide over short-term fund crunch. After

7 years, his business has developed and he is earning a handsome living for himself and his family. Bharatbhai understands the difficulties of the poor because he has gone through the same situation at one time. After struggle and hard work he has come out of his financial crisis and is ever grateful to Muthoot Finance for timely financial help. Today, he helps others. Looking at his helping nature 'Samast Nayak Bhojak Vyas Samaj' has co-opted him as a member of the Samaj, and also President of the 'Asait Seva Sammittee' of the entire Gujarat region.

Bharatkumar R Nayak, Transport Contractor, Mehsana, Gujarat

Taking on the financial reigns of her family she today runs a successful business

Chhaya, who lives near Bengaluru had no way to sustain the livelihood of her family. She decided to start a small business of repairing mobile phones. She needed cash for the business but nobody came forward to help. Moneylenders were asking for a very high rate of interest. That's when she came to Muthoot Finance. She received instant cash against her gold ornaments, at a reasonable rate of interest. She worked hard and has since prospered in her business. For her growth and prosperity, she gives credit to Muthoot Finance for timely financial help.
Chhaya, Mobile Shop Owner, Bengaluru, Karnataka

A single change made a world of difference in his life and showed him the road to a brighter tomorrow

A small time tailor like Durrani Khan had no hope of ever prosper ing in his business. The world had changed fast and he needed a better sewing machine to stay afloat. But there was one problem. He didn't have money to buy the machine. When nobody came forward to help him, he approached Muthoot Finance. He got a loan in just a few minutes. Since then, there has been no looking back. He has prospered and thanks Muthoot Finance for his success.

Durrani Khan, Tailor, Bengaluru, Karnataka

With 22 extra beds he can now reach out to many more patients giving them the medical help they require

Dr. P.V. Jawaharlal, an or thopaedic specialist, had a successful medical practice, helping many patients to overcome their health issues. According to his patients, he's a good doctor. To accommodate more patients who were seeking his medical advice, he needed to expand his modest hospital. Banks were taking too long to clear his loan and his patients were suffering in the process.That is when he came to Muthoot Finance. It was the turning point of his life. With timely cash from Muthoot Finance, he quickly expanded his hospital by adding 22 more beds and also turned his hospital into a multi-speciality nature. Today, he is able to help many more

patients, suffering from various medical conditions and is thankful to Muthoot Finance for helping him achieve his dream of providing medical care to as many patients as he possibly can.

Dr. P. V Jawaharlal, Orthopaedic Specialist, Rajapalyam, Tamil Nadu

He made the right decision to take help from a trusted friend

Mr. Kandula Sri Hari a loyal customer of Muthoot Finance is an honest auto rickshaw driver. Everyday he drives his auto rickshaw around the city carrying passengers from one point to the other. This is his only means of earning.

livelihood for a few days at least. That's when he went to his trusted Muthoot Finance and walked out with a Gold Loan in just a few minutes. This prompt service helped him get his auto repaired quickly. He got back to work the very next day and shows his gratitude by recommending Muthoot Finance to all his friends.

When his auto met with an accident late in the evening, he knew that no bank or moneylender would give him a loan instantly, leaving him without his
Kandula Sri Hari, Auto Rickshaw Driver, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

From running a small shop with his father to now employing local youth, Karthikeyan has grown as a businessman and as a member of his community

Running a small shop was not Karthikeyan's dream; he wanted to better his business and his life. He ran a small salon with his father and he needed to upgrade his shop as well as his equipment. No bank was ready to give him a loan and so with his father's blessing he took a Gold Loan from Muthoot Finance. The loan helped him improve his shop and made him an employer. He employs three people to help him run his business. Even today, if he ever needs cash to alter or enhance his shop and equipment he goes straight to Muthoot Finance. He is thankful to Muthoot Finance for helping him when he most needed the help.
Karthikeyan, Salon Owner, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

With vision, will and hard work Shamim Khan changed her life. Not only is she self sufficient but has become an example of a creative entrepreneur in her community

You know the strength of your assets only when they fulfill your dreams. For widow Mrs. Shamim Khan her gold ornaments came to her rescue when none else could. Shamim lost her husband, the only earning member of the family a few years ago. Her daughter was entering medical college and she knew that to survive she needed to stand on her own two feet. She wanted to start a small business of jams, pickles, sauces, sharbat etc. She needed money to set it up, that's when her gold ornaments came to her rescue. She took a loan against gold from Muthoot Finance and used it as working capital.

After the success of this endeavour she took another loan to start a small internet caf and gaming zone. Today she earns her own living, her daughter has completed her college and she has earned a name of successful and creative business entrepreneur. All thanks to her will and sustained help from Muthoot Finance.

Shamim Khan, Entrepreneur, Satara, Maharashtra

More than for a flourishing business, Gulam Mustafa thanks his friend for rescuing him from the clutches of the local jewelers and moneylenders

Gulam Mustafa ran a saree handloom company. He had started this company taking a loan against his wife's gold ornaments from a local jeweler, at an exorbitantly high interest rate. Just paying the interest would give him nightmares and he could barely make ends meet even with good business returns. He wanted to shift from handloom to powerloom, but didn't want to pay the high interest of the money lender s. Then he came across Muthoot Finance. He immediately shifted his loan from the jeweler to Muthoot Finance. That too, at half the interest rate charged by the jeweler. He successfully switched from

handloom to powerloom. Today, he runs a flourishing business. He thanks Muthoot Finance for rescuing him from the clutches of the local jewelers and moneylenders and for helping him to stand on his feet.

Gulam Mustafa, Saree Mill Owner, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

He knew he had the talent. All he needed was a little support so that he could prove himself to the world

S. Kalyani was working as a mason in a small village in Tamil Nadu. He knew he was good at what he did, but he also knew that to get good business he had to prove himself. For this, he needed a contract and cash to turn that contract

working on his project. Once completed the house spoke for itself and made his work shine. He has since got many contracts to build houses and is a successful contractor all thanks to the timely help of Muthoot Finance.

into a reality. He had the contract to build a house but no cash. The banks would not give him a loan. This is when he went to Muthoot Finance to get a Gold Loan. The loan got sanctioned almost immediately and he started
S. Kalyani, Mason, Kadayam, Tamil Nadu

Apprehensive at first, with a little nudge he has grown by the day and can only see success in his future

M. Dinesh wanted to open a computer shop. He needed the cash fast. He contacted the Manager of the Muthoot Finance branch close to him to consult about Gold Loans. The Manager personally helped him understand the process and cooperated at every step giving M. Dinesh the confidence to take a Gold Loan. The loan helped him star t his computer hardware and repair shop and has also given him the opportunity to start a photocopying shop.Today, as he aims at opening a second photocopying shop he is thankful to Muthoot Finance for supporting him in his time of need.
M. Dinesh, Computer Shop Owner, Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu

To the dismay of those criticized K.G. Murugavel earlier, today he runs a successful Palm Orchard and has international buyers coming to his farms

K.G. Murugavel, a farmer in a small village of Coimbatore had been following the tradition of the area to cultivate dry crops. This farming was not profitable and didn't help make his or his family's life better. Looking for a solution he came across Palm Trees cultivation. He wanted to start his own Palm Orchard, but he needed the money for the initial set up. Being a novel concept, never tried in the country before, the banks termed the proposition 'risky' and refused to lend him money sighting 'fear of failure' as a reason. He then approached Muthoot Finance for a Gold oan which got sanctioned within minutes and helped him set up the Orchard. He

dedicated himself to the Palm Orchard but saw some hardships in terms of finance initially. However, his hard work and a little suppor t from Muthoot Finance have today reaped benefits he had never imagined. To the dismay of those who criticised him earlier, today he runs a successful Palm Orchard and has international buyers coming to his farm. India's Ex-President Mr. Abdul Kalam, met him to appreciate this novel project. He owes his success to his vision and the timely help from Muthoot Finance.

K. G. Murugavel, Palm Tree Farmer, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

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