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Sea Badgers have been spotted in the New Quay area. This particular species of marine wildlife can become especially hostile during the Autumn months. The public are warned not to approach these creatures. Sea Badgers typically frequent in the mid-Atlantic ridge, however they have been known appear o the shores of Devon and Cornwall during the summer months and more recently further north in Cardigan bay, most likely due to rising sea temperatures. They have been known to be attracted to the scent of Ice Cream and Cornish Pasties and can become irretable when they hear the paddling of canoes. Please do not attempt to apprehend a sea badger, but to alert a member of the community. These creatures are an endagered species and due to this fact have never been photographed. If a member of the public feels the urge to photohraph a Sea Badger, please refrain from doing so as they especially detest Cameras and Photographers.


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