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Lab Tests and Diagnostics

A lung function test to measure the breathing capacity Assesses the integrated mechanical function of the lung, chest wall and respiratory muscles by measuring the total volume of air exhaled from a full lung (TLC-Total Lung Capacity) to an empty lung (residual volume)

This volume (FVC- Forced Vital Capacity and FEV1- the forced expiratory volume in the 1st second of the forceful exhalation) should be repeatable to within 0.15L upon repeat efforts unless the largest value for either parameter is <1. In this case, the expected repeatability is to within 0.1 of the largest value. The patient is insructed to inhale asmuch as possible and then exhale raPIDLY and forcefully for As long as flow can be maintained.

Indications of Spirometry
It is used to establish baseline lung function, evaluate dyspnea, detect pulmonary disease and monitor effects of therapies used to treat resp. diseases, evaluate resp. impairment evaluate operative risk and perform survellance for occupational related lung diseases.

C.I. to: idiopathic hemoptysis, unstable angina pectoris, recent MI, thoracic aneurism, recent eye surgery (due to ICP during forced expiration), recent abdominal surgical procedures, and patients with syncope associated with forced exhalation.

2 choices are available with respect to broncho dilator and medication use prior to testing. Pts may withhold oral and inhaled bronco dilators to establish baseline lung function and evaluate max. bronchodilator response. If medications are witheld bronchospasm may exist.

1. minimal hesitation at the start of forced expiration. 2. no cough in the first second of forced exhalation 3. meets 1 of 3 criteria that define a valid end of test

Nitric oxide test

One of the several tests used to assess for asthma It involves breathing into a mouthpiece attached to a machine that measures the level of nitric oxide gas in the breath Nitric oxide is produced by the body normally but high levels can indicate asthma.

ABG and pulse oximetry

Reveals hypoxemia during acute attacks If condition worsens, PaCO2 increases

Blood test
Serum levels of immuno globulin E may be elevated as well as specific antibodies to relevant allergens.

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