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Risk Management Plan: Student Behaviour

Name of student: Year:

Assess Risk



Behaviour Identification
Risk of injury to self from:

What is the purpose of the behaviour?

Elimination or Control Measures

School environment and work practice:


Time frame

What can trigger the behaviour?

Where is the behaviour likely to occur?

Student-focused strategies:
When is the behaviour likely to occur?

Other contributing factors

Risk of injury to other students from:

What is the purpose of the behaviour?

School environment and work practice:

What can trigger the behaviour?

Where is the behaviour likely to occur?

Student-focused strategies:
When is the behaviour likely to occur?

Other contributing factors

Name of student:

Assess Risk



Behaviour Identification
Risk of injury to staff from:

What is the purpose of the behaviour?

Elimination or Control Measures

School environment and work practice:


Time frame

What can trigger the behaviour?

Where is the behaviour likely to occur?

Student-focused strategies:
When is the behaviour likely to occur?

Other contributing factors

* Throwing projectiles:

Relevant additional information, reports etc.. reviewed and attached: Plan prepared by: Prepared in consultation with: Communicated to: Communicated via: Staff, Transport Briefing Meeting. Position:


Review Date: TBC

Monitor the effectiveness of controls and change if necessary. Review the risk assessment if an incident or a significant change occurs

What behaviours cause a risk of harm?

* Written abuse including SMS * Verbal threats and intimidation * Uses objects as weapons * Throwing projectiles: * Stalking * Sexual harassment or abuse * Self harm, including: * Retaliation of other students * Psychological harm from persistent oppositional behaviour * Property damage: * Prohibited drug distribution, possession or use * Physical threats and intimidation * Physical attacks, including: * Invasion of personal space * Encouraging others to abscond * Climbing out of windows * Attacks using weapons: * Absconding from supervised areas * Other: * Nil * * CT


H M L Nil

What is the purpose of the behaviour?

* Escape/avoid adults * Escape/avoid peers * Escape/avoid task/activity * Escape: * Excitement/thrill of it * Obtain adult attention * Obtain items/activities * Obtain peer attention * Obtain: * Seeking power * Seeking revenge * Self Protection * Sensory stimulation: * Social/Belonging * Other: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


AP Taxi
All Parent Carer DOCS COY Doctor SWC * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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What can trigger the behaviour?

* Being asked to do a particular task: * Being asked to follow instructions * Unfamiliar personnel * Change to routine * Perceived criticism * Perceived injustice * Proximity to a particular student: * Reprimands * Boredom * Stress/Anxiety * Fight with parent/carer * Change in environment * Change in organisation * Lack of communication * Too much communication * No means of communication * Frustration/Failure * Other: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Where is the behaviour likely When is the behaviour likely to occur? to occur?
* All school settings * At home * Classroom * Excursions * In transit: * Particular classrooms: * Playground * Specialist classrooms * Transition between activities * Special occasions at school * Community access * Other: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * After changes in routine * After custodial visits * Afternoon * At all times * Before changes in routine * Before custodial visits * During all breaks * During changes in routine * Lunchtime * Morning * Recess * When alone * With particular staff * In a crowd * Other: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Other contributing factors?

* Agitated state on arrival to school * Child protection issues * Cognitive ability * Communication ability * Complex family issues * Consistent parental management is not apparent * Cumulative impact of the behaviour * Diagnosed condition: * Drug dependency * Hunger * Medical and health care needs: * Medication: * Motor/perception ability * Physical size in relation to peers * Poor peer interactions * Poor self regulatory behaviours * Sensory sensitivities: * Student's awareness of risk is not apparent * Vulnerability of other students * Other:

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School Environment and Work Practice

* Advise parent/carer to keep student fingernails trimmed * Apply for possible special setting, through Learning Support Team * Ask parent/carer to check bags before leaving home for inappropriate items * Assess training levels of staff * Briefings for Casual Teachers, community helpers, scripture teachers etc. * Clarify roles and responsibilities of Teachers Aid (Special)/Classroom Teacher * Conduct a functional assessment of student behaviour * Consider partial attendance as return from suspension transition, with SED approval * Culturally specific support and considerations * Develop and implement alternative playground program * Develop exit strategies for other students * Eliminate or change location or time of activity * Employ time out strategies which can be initiated by staff and the particular student * Establish routines and consistent responses to student behaviour * Explicit teaching of school rules * Explicit teaching of social skills * Fax request to previous school to determine if there is any history of violence * Funding Support application * Implement a breakfast / lunch program * Implement an anti-bullying program * Incident management including recovery strategies * Investigate temporary enrolment in another mainstream school * Isolate or substitute potential risk items: * Make referral to inter-agency support services (e.g. parenting programs) * Method of communicating behaviour strategies * Non-violent Crisis Intervention Training (NCI) * Other: * Personal management strategies * Phone contact with previous Principal * Planned safe space * Planned strategies to access safe space * Professional Assault Response Training (PART) * Professional learning on writing Behaviour Plans * Program situations/objects that may prevent behaviour occurring: * Provide debriefing opportunities for staff and students * *

Student-Focused Strategies
* Anger control programs * Appropriate and relevant content and outcomes * Assign a mentor/peer buddy to assist the student at the time of enrolment * Check in opportunities for the student with a teacher mentor * Classroom seating * Community Based activities * Curriculum adjustment / accommodation * Develop a Health Care Plan * Develop an individual Behaviour Management Plan * Develop an Individual Education Program (IEP) * Explicit teaching of replacement behaviours * Explicitly teach expected behaviours, class and school rules at time of enrolment * Facilitate transition to TAFE * Functional assessment of communication * Functional assessment of sensory needs * Implement a work experience program * Implement tailored social skills programs * Make adjustments to the student's arrival times and routines * Make use of visuals to support communication * Opportunities for the student to take on special responsibilities * Peer mentoring * Peer tutoring as a means of responsibility training * Provide ample opportunities for practise of newly taught appropriate behaviours * Provide information to help others understand specific behaviours/conditions * Redirect into appropriate activities * Referral to Stewart House * Remove triggers where appropriate * Review individualised positive reinforcement strategies * Seek a review of medication * Set up a buddy class for the student to spend time in * Teach self assessment / monitoring strategies * Use of visuals of appropriate behaviour and rewards * Write social stories to assist with learning more appropriate behaviours * * * *

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*Term 1 *T1 W 1 - 5 *T1 W 5 - 10 *Term 2 *T2 W 1 - 5 *T2 W 5 - 10 *Term 3 *T3 W 1 - 5 *T3 W 5 - 10 *Term 4 *T4 W 1 - 5 *T4 W 5 - 10 *at all times *transitions * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

What behaviours cause a risk of harm?

* Absconding from supervised areas * Attacks using weapons: * Climbing out of windows * Encouraging others to abscond * Invasion of personal space * Physical attacks, including: * Physical threats and intimidation * Prohibited drug distribution, possession or use * Property damage: * Psychological harm from persistent oppositional behaviour * Retaliation of other students * Self harm, including: * Sexual harassment or abuse * Stalking * Throwing projectiles: * Uses objects as weapons * Verbal threats and intimidation * Written abuse including SMS * Other: * Nil CT TAS P DP


H M L Nil

What is the purpose of the behaviour?

* Escape/avoid adults * Escape/avoid peers * Escape/avoid task/activity * Escape: * Excitement/thrill of it * Obtain adult attention * Obtain items/activities * Obtain peer attention * Obtain: * Seeking power * Seeking revenge * Self Protection * Sensory stimulation: * Social/Belonging * Other:

What can trigger the behaviour?

* Being asked to do a particular task: * Being asked to follow instructions * Unfamiliar personnel * Change to routine * Perceived criticism * Perceived injustice * Proximity to a particular student: * Reprimands * Boredom * Stress/Anxiety * Fight with parent/carer * Change in environment * Change in organisation * Lack of communication * Too much communication * No means of communication * Frustration/Failure * Other:

Where is the behaviour likely to occur?

* All school settings * At home * Classroom * Excursions * In transit: * Particular classrooms: * Playground * Specialist classrooms * Transition between activities * Special occasions at school * Community access * Other:

AP Taxi
All Parent Carer DOCS COY Doctor SWC

When is the behaviour likely to occur?

* After changes in routine * After custodial visits * Afternoon * At all times * Before changes in routine * Before custodial visits * During all breaks * During changes in routine * Lunchtime * Morning * Recess * When alone * With particular staff * In a crowd * Other:

Other contributing factors?

* Agitated state on arrival to school * Child protection issues * Cognitive ability * Communication ability * Complex family issues * Consistent parental management is not apparent * Cumulative impact of the behaviour * Diagnosed condition: * Drug dependency * Hunger * Medical and health care needs: * Medication: * Motor/perception ability * Physical size in relation to peers * Poor peer interactions * Poor self regulatory behaviours * Sensory sensitivities: * Student's awareness of risk is not apparent * Vulnerability of other students * Other:

School Environment and Work Practice

* Advise parent/carer to keep student fingernails trimmed * Apply for possible special setting, through Learning Support Team * Ask parent/carer to check bags before leaving home for inappropriate items * Assess training levels of staff * Briefings for Casual Teachers, community helpers, scripture teachers etc. * Clarify roles and responsibilities of Teachers Aid (Special)/Classroom Teacher * Conduct a functional assessment of student behaviour * Consider partial attendance as return from suspension transition, with SED approval * Culturally specific support and considerations * Develop and implement alternative playground program * Develop exit strategies for other students * Eliminate or change location or time of activity * Employ time out strategies which can be initiated by staff and the particular student * Establish routines and consistent responses to student behaviour * Explicit teaching of school rules * Explicit teaching of social skills * Fax request to previous school to determine if there is any history of violence * Funding Support application * Implement a breakfast / lunch program * Implement an anti-bullying program * Incident management including recovery strategies * Investigate temporary enrolment in another mainstream school * Isolate or substitute potential risk items: * Make referral to inter-agency support services (e.g. parenting programs) * Method of communicating behaviour strategies * Non-violent Crisis Intervention Training (NCI) * Other: * Personal management strategies * Phone contact with previous Principal * Planned safe space * Planned strategies to access safe space * Professional Assault Response Training (PART) * Professional learning on writing Behaviour Plans * Program situations/objects that may prevent behaviour occurring: * Provide debriefing opportunities for staff and students * Provide explicit words/phrases for staff and students to use/avoid during an incident * Provision of plan to new staff * Proximity controls / evasive strategies * Quiet playground area access * Rearrange classroom seating * Rearrange the environment: * Refer to STLA * Referral to a doctor * Referral to ISTB. Consider urgent process if required

* Referral to School Counsellor * Remove access to objects that may trigger or maintain the behaviour: * Remove access to situations that may trigger or maintain the behaviour: * Remove potential projectiles: * Remove unnecessary demands or requests * Reorganise TAS tine to assist with specific risks * Restrict playground areas: * Review incidence response plan * review the appropriateness of the curriculum * Review the whole school's use of Teachers Aides (Special) * RSSSP funding / * Seek further psychological assessment of student * Seek parent/carer assistance with the implementation of consistent routines * Seek support form curriculum consultant * Serious incident/crisis management plan to be developed. Familiarise staff with plan * Supervision roster * TAS to assist with social skills training * Teach protective behaviours to staff and students * Teacher mentoring * Use of negotiated rewards * Use TAS time in the playground to facilitate structured play * Welfare and discipline system * Use humour to de-escalate * Use simple directions * Tactical ignoring * State/Restate rules * Direct request * Ask a question * Remind student of ownership of behaviour * Don't buy into it * Be patient - listen * Comment at later stage * Time out

Student-Focused Strategies
* Anger control programs * Appropriate and relevant content and outcomes * Assign a mentor/peer buddy to assist the student at the time of enrolment * Check in opportunities for the student with a teacher mentor * Classroom seating * Community Based activities * Curriculum adjustment / accommodation * Develop a Health Care Plan * Develop an individual Behaviour Management Plan * Develop an Individual Education Program (IEP) * Explicit teaching of replacement behaviours * Explicitly teach expected behaviours, class and school rules at time of enrolment * Facilitate transition to TAFE * Functional assessment of communication * Functional assessment of sensory needs * Implement a work experience program * Implement tailored social skills programs * Make adjustments to the student's arrival times and routines * Make use of visuals to support communication * Opportunities for the student to take on special responsibilities * Peer mentoring * Peer tutoring as a means of responsibility training * Provide ample opportunities for practise of newly taught appropriate behaviours * Provide information to help others understand specific behaviours/conditions * Redirect into appropriate activities * Referral to Stewart House * Remove triggers where appropriate * Review individualised positive reinforcement strategies * Seek a review of medication * Set up a buddy class for the student to spend time in * Teach self assessment / monitoring strategies * Use of visuals of appropriate behaviour and rewards * Write social stories to assist with learning more appropriate behaviours

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