Geog Research Paper - Economic

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Agricultural and Residential Areas Commercialized

Background of the Study Commercialization is the procedure of introducing a new production over the market. This can happen to different products that consumers gain utility and services from. Over the years, agricultural lands have been commercialized to build structures that will promote more economic activity. Farms have been transformed to build malls and other infrastructures that aim to gain more income. There are same cases too for residential areas. Lands where informal settlers reside are turned to commercial areas by private companies. Some receive compensation, while others do not. This study aims to identify the factors that causes private companies to choose certain agricultural and residential areas over others and how it affects the people living or using that area. II. Research Problems 1. How are the people concerned affected by the commercialization? 2. What are the compensations given to the people affected by commercialization? 3. What triggers the commercialization in the area? III. Objectives 1. Examine the factors responsible for the group areas to become commercialize. 2. Analyze the positive and negative impacts of the economical development on both parties (locals and companies) 3. Study whether the economical development successfully gained their objective in turning a residential place into a commercial place. IV. Significance 1. Have a better understanding of the processes in commercialization. 2. Analyze the vice-versa relationship of the locals and companies affected by commercialization. 3. Understand the effects on the credibility of the institution that is being commercialized. V. Resources 1. Villanueva, Ronald Hector A. The Palawan Frontier : Assessing the Social, Cultural and Political Impacts of Impending Industrialization / by Ronald


H.A. Villanueva. Thesis. University of the Philippines Diliman, n.d. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. 2. Development Projects Supportive of Agrarian Reform, Province of Iloilo. Quezon City: DAR, 1973. Print.

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