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Difference between bank rate and repo rate detail description

Whenever the banks have any shortage of funds they can borrow it from the central bank.
Repo (Repurchase) rate is the rate at which the central bank lends short-term money to
the banks against securities. A reduction in the repo rate will help banks to get money at a
cheaper rate. When the repo rate increases borrowing from the central bank becomes
more expensive. It is more applicable when there is a liquidity crunch in the market.
The reverse repo rate is the rate at which the banks park surplus funds with reserve bank,
while the repo rate is the rate at which the banks borrow from the central bank. It is
mostly done when there is surplus liquidity in the market.
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Bank rate
The interest rate that is charged by a countrys central or federal bank on loans and
advances to control money supply in the economy and the banking sector. This is
typically done on a quarterly basis to control inflation and stabilize the countrys
exchange rates. A fluctuation in bank rates triggers a ripple-effect as it impacts every
sphere of a countrys economy. For instance, the prices in stock markets tend to react to
interest rate changes. A change in bank rates affects customers as it influences prime
interest rates for personal loans. It is the rate which central bank provides to the
commercial bank for the excess reserves being kept with the central bank.


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What is Bank rate? Bank Rate is the rate at which central bank of the country ( Bank
Rate in India is decided by RBI) allows finance to commercial banks. Bank Rate is a
tool, which central bank uses for short-term purposes. Any upward revision in Bank Rate
by central bank is an indication that banks should also increase deposit rates as well as
Base Rate / Benchmark Prime Lending Rate. Thus any revision in the Bank rate
indicates that it is likely that interest rates on your deposits are likely to either go up or go
down, and it can also indicate an increase or decrease in your EMI.

What is Bank Rate ? (For Non Bankers) : Bank Rate in India is decided
by RBI. This is the rate at which central bank (RBI) lends money to other banks or financial
institutions. If the bank rate goes up, long-term interest rates also tend to move up, and viceversa. Thus, it can said that if bank rate is hiked, in all likelihood, banks will soon hikes their
own lending rates to ensure that they continue to make profit.

[Remember Bank Rate is not the same thing as Deposit Rates offered by banks for
fixed deposits and recurring deposits. If you are a non banker and have landed on
this page while looking at Deposit Rates, please click here to go to correct page i.e.
Best Deposit Rates offered by banks for fixed deposits]

What is CRR? or What is CRR Ratio or What is CRR Rate : The Reserve Bank of
India (Amendment) Bill, 2006 has been enacted and has come into force with its gazette
notification. Consequent upon amendment to sub-Section 42(1), the Reserve Bank,

having regard to the needs of securing the monetary stability in the country, RBI can
prescribe Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) for scheduled banks without any floor rate or
ceiling rate ( [Before the enactment of this amendment, in terms of Section 42(1) of the
RBI Act, the Reserve Bank could prescribe CRR for scheduled banks between 3 per cent
and 20 per cent of total of their demand and time liabilities].
RBI uses CRR either to drain excess liquidity or to release funds needed for the growth of
the economy from time to time. Increase in CRR means that banks have less funds
available and money is sucked out of circulation. Thus we can say that this serves duel
purposes i.e.(a) ensures that a portion of bank deposits is kept with RBI and is totally risk-free,
(b) enables RBI to control liquidity in the system, and thereby, inflation by tying the hands of the
banks in lending money.

What is CRR (For Non Bankers) : CRR means Cash Reserve Ratio. Banks in
India are required to hold a certain proportion of their deposits in the form of
cash. However, actually Banks dont hold these as cash with themselves, but
deposit such case with Reserve Bank of India (RBI) / currency chests, which is
considered as equivlanet to holding cash with RBI. This minimum ratio (that is
the part of the total deposits to be held as cash) is stipulated by the RBI and is
known as the CRR or Cash Reserve Ratio. Thus, When a banks deposits
increase by Rs100, and if the cash reserve ratio is 6%, the banks will have to hold
additional Rs 6 with RBI and Bank will be able to use only Rs 94 for investments
and lending / credit purpose. Therefore, higher the ratio (i.e. CRR), the lower is
the amount that banks will be able to use for lending and investment. This
power of RBI to reduce the lendable amount by increasing the CRR, makes it an
instrument in the hands of a central bank through which it can control the
amount that banks lend. Thus, it is a tool used by RBI to control liquidity in the
banking system. Some non bankers also wrongly use CRR Ratio or CRR Rate
instead of Cash Reserve Ratio ).

What is SLR? : Every bank is required to maintain at the close of business every day, a
minimum proportion of their Net Demand and Time Liabilities as liquid assets in the
form of cash, gold and un-encumbered approved securities. The ratio of liquid assets to
demand and time liabilities is known as Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR). RBI is
empowered to increase this ratio up to 40%. An increase in SLR also restrict the banks
leverage position to pump more money into the economy.

What is SLR ? or What is SLR Ratio or What is SLR Rate : (For Non
Bankers) : SLR stands for Statutory Liquidity Ratio. This term is used by
bankers and indicates the minimum percentage of deposits that the bank has to
maintain in form of gold, cash or other approved securities. Thus, we can say
that it is ratio of cash and some other approved securities to liabilities (deposits)
It regulates the credit growth in India. Some non bankers also wrongly use SLR
ratio or SLR Rate instead of Statutory Liquidity Ratio.

SLR cut by 1% to 23%. No change in Repo / Reverse Repo / MSF / Bank

Rate.- 1st Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2012-13. (updated on 31/07/2012)

What are Repo rate and Reverse Repo rate?

Repo (Repurchase) rate is the rate at which the RBI lends shot-term money to the banks
against securities. When the repo rate increases borrowing from RBI becomes more
expensive. Therefore, we can say that in case, RBI wants to make it more expensive for the
banks to borrow money, it increases the repo rate; similarly, if it wants to make it cheaper for
banks to borrow money, it reduces the repo rate.

Reverse Repo rate is the rate at which banks park their short-term excess liquidity with
the RBI. The banks use this tool when they feel that they are stuck with excess funds and are
not able to invest anywhere for reasonable returns. An increase in the reverse repo rate
means that the RBI is ready to borrow money from the banks at a higher rate of interest. As a
result, banks would prefer to keep more and more surplus funds with RBI.

Thus, we can conclude that Repo Rate signifies the rate at which liquidity
is injected in the banking system by RBI, whereas Reverse repo rate
signifies the rate at which the central bank absorbs liquidity from the
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Rs100 ,
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1% 23% . / / / 1 2012-13 . (31/07/2012 )

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In probability and statistics, base rate
generally refers to the (base) class probabilities unconditioned on featural evidence,
frequently also known as prior probabilities. In plainer words, if it were the case that 1%
of the public were "medical professionals", and 99% of the public were not "medical
professionals", then the base rate of medical professionals is simply 1%.
In science, particularly medicine, the base rate is critical for comparison. It may at first
seem impressive that 1000 people beat their winter cold while using 'Treatment X', until
we look at the entire 'Treatment X' population and find that the base rate of success is
actually only 1/100 (i.e. 100 000 people tried the treatment, but the other 99 000 people
never really beat their winter cold). The treatment's effectiveness is clearer when such
base rate information (i.e. "1000 people... out of how many?") is available. Note that
controls may likewise offer further information for comparison; maybe the control
groups, who were using no treatment at all, had their own base rate success of 5/100.
Controls thus indicate that 'Treatment X' actually makes things worse, despite that initial
proud claim about 1000 people.
, () featural ,

, 1% "
, 99%"

" ,
1% .
, , .
1000 ' '

, '
1/100 ( 100 000
, 99, 000 ).
( " 1000 ...
?") .

, , , 5/100

. ' '
1000 ,.
deposit rate
Interest rate paid by a depository institution on the cash on deposit.

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