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Self Concept Family Relations

Click to edit Master subtitle style 8/31/12

Self Concept
Picture or perception of ourselves





Test Yourself
(1) is hardly true (5) means usually (10) means always

Im an interesting person 2. I am learning and changing 3. Other people care about me 4. I am unique 5. I can become whatever I want in life 6. I am a kind person 7. I would not trade places with anyone 8. My life is interesting 9. I deserve the best 10. I like being alone at times 11. I look forward to each Add up your score/by day 8/31/12


13. 14. 15.



18. 19. 20.

Most people like to be with me I like my appearance I have enough friends I can laugh at my mistakes I find it easy to make decisions I have confidence in my judgments I rarely get embarrassed I express how I feel It is easy to ask a favor of someone

20 x 10= % of Self

What could you do if you believed in yourself 25% more?

Talk in front of crowds Sing a solo Talk to strangers What else?


How is Self Concept Formed?

Comparing ourselves

If you think your better than the person next to you, or if you think your worse Who do we compare ourselves too?

Knowing what you can and cannot do Parents, teachers, friends

How they respond to your behavior


Self Concept 8/31/12

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