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The CEDA transaction is used to define PCT (transactions), FCT (files) and PPT (programs and maps) entries online. Each PCT, FCT and PPT entry must be added to a group. The groups must be added to a list the first time they are created. You must install a group after adding entries to it. The list name for the TEST region is INITLIST. An example of adding program CCTSTPGM, map CCTSMAP, file CCTSTFLE and transaction CCTS to the TEST region is listed below. 1. CEDA DEF PROGRAM(cctstpgm) GROUP(ccppt) 2. CEDA DEF PROGRAM(cctsmap) GROUP(ccppt) LANGUAGE(assemble) 3. CEDA I GROUP(ccppt) NOTE: This installs the group. 4. CEDA DEF TRANS(ccts) PROGRAM(cctstpgm) GROUP(ccpct) 5. CEDA I GROUP(ccpct) 6. CEDA ADD GROUP(ccppt) LIST(initlist) NOTE: Add only first time. 7. CEDA ADD GROUP(ccppt) LIST(initlist) 8. CEDA DEF(CCTSTFLE) GROUP(CCFCT) DSNAME(XX.XXX.FILE) 9. CEDA I GROUP(CCFCT) OTHER CEDA COMMANDS ADD - Adds a group to a list. ADD GROUP(ccpct) LIST(initlist) ALTER - Modifies the attributes of an existing entry. ALTER PROGRAM(cctstpgm) GROUP(ccppt) You must install the group for the changes to take place. DELETE - Erases entries. DELETE ALL(*) GROUP(ccpct) Deletes all entries from group ccpct. DELETE PROGRAM(cctstpgm) GROUP(ccppt) Deletes program cctstpgm. DISPLAY - Shows the group or list names.

DISPLAY GROUP(*) Displays all groups. DISPLAY GROUP(ccts*) Shows all groups starting with ccts. DISPLAY LIST(*) Displays all lists. VIEW - Show attributes of an existing entry. VIEW PROGRAM(cctstpgm) GROUP(ccpct) For more information about CEDA, go to the online help facility.

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