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Presented by vishal hoskatta

Organizational design is clearly the major input to the group design. It consists of design component characterizing the larger organisation within which

the group is embedded:

Technology, structure, measurement system, as well as

organisation culture.

Design Component 5 major components in design component are 1.Goal clarity. 2.Task structure. 3.Group compositions. 4.Team functioning. 5.Group/performance norms

1. Goal clarity: This involves how well the group understands its
objectives. Goals should be moderately challenges, measureable, proper monitoring and feedback on its goal achievement. 2. Task Structure: It is concerned with how groups work is designed. It has two key dimensions

a) Coordination of members efforts.

b) Regulation of their task behavior. 3. Group composition: Its concerned with membership of the group. Demographic variables can determine whether the group is composed of people having task relevant skills & knowledge.

Group Functioning: It underlies the basis of group life. How

members relate to each other is important in work group because the quality of relationship can affect task performance. For e.g. Interpersonal competition, conflict, sharing, support. Group functioning involves task related activities such as advocacy and inquiry; Coordinating and evaluating activities.

Performance norms: Its the beliefs about the group should

perform its task and include acceptable level of standard.


The major inputs that affect the job design are : 1.Organisation design. 2.Group design 3.Personal characteristics of a job holder
Organization design: Forces like Technology, Structure, measurement system, HR system & culture. Group task structure, goal clarity, composition, performance norms, and group Functioning serve as inputs to job design. Personal characteristics of individuals occupying jobs include their age, education

Skill Variety. Task Identity. Task Significance. Autonomy. Feedback.

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