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WHATS YOUR DREAM Character Sketch-Beggar The beggar was superannuated, bent double with age.

His flowing white beard spoke about his experience. His piercing grey eyes reveal that he was an astute man, very analytical and knowledgeable. He was able to cajole the boy in such a way that the boy confided in him, that he was a dreamer. Also, towards the end, we note that the beggar leaves the boy with sound advice which helps him realise his dream. Boy-In the beginning the boy is introduced to us as a timid person who is afraid to pursue his dream. He was embarrassed of being a dreamer because he associated a reverie (dream) with being sentimental and more girlish. The beggar played an instrumental role in making him realise his dream. His timely and sound advice helped the boy to assert his dream before his parents. Towards the end we note a stark contrast in the boy, he moves from being a timid, shy personality to a more assertive one. Q. What does room, faith and song symbolise in the beggars advice? The word room in the beggars advice symbolises freedom. He believes that everybody has the freedom to dream, but one should pursue his dream without taking away others dreams. The word faith symbolises belief and trust and song symbolises dreams and happiness. These three words are used by the beggar to emphasise that one should not trample on anyone elses freedom. Q. Explain the intonation (chant) that the beggar recites before leaving. The beggar in his intonation says that one should be wise and strong, one should be assertive and have the ability to pursue ones dreams. However, this in no way suggests that we should snatch someone elses dream or happiness. In other words we cannot build our castles over someone elses ruins.

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