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1. What do you think the word "design" implies? To me design is another word for create.

What does "instructional design" means to you? So instructional design means to design instruction, and a person can do this in various ways. It could be for a school, a corporation, or anything else. How does the meaning change when adding the word "systematic" in front of "instructional design"? Adding systematic to instructional design makes the meaning to using a plan to create instruction. I guess this would be similar to a lesson plan. 2. Share your own experiences to illustrate your point(s) above. When you share your experiences, be sure to describe the process you use to design or create learning experiences for others. It does not need to be in formal learning environments such as schools or professional development courses. I think the only thing I have that comes close to systematic instructional plan is that I have to create a long range plan. At the beginning of every unit I create a plan that shows what I am going to cover and when I plan on covering it.

3. In your opinion, how does Instructional Design relate to Educational Technology? I will be honest I can see how it relates, but for me I really cannot explain it. I know that after the course we will be able to take what we have learned and apply it to our teaching professions. I would almost say that in terms of todays society Instructional Design could be a different way of saying Educational Technology.

4. Share a short description of the topic you plan to work on for the required Instructional Design project in this course. In your description, include:

The targeted learners The context of the instruction The topic of the instruction The estimated duration of the instruction
After a three hour training, a group of middle school students will be able to create a 5 minute video of the water cycle using the iMovie app on their iPads.

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