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If patriotism is the virtue of the vicious, Then liberty is the battle cry of the ignorant.- David Alan Smith Definition of Patriotism Oxford English Dictionary: Love for one's ancestry, culture or homeland is the root meaning of patriotism. Derived from the Greek kputrios ("of one's fathers") or patris (one's fatherland") a patriot is one who disinterestedly or self-sacrificingly exerts himself to promote the well-being of his country." A patriot is "one who maintains and defends his country's freedom or rights." While we tend to think of a patriot as a person who puts his country first in opposition to another country, originally the term meant one who supported the rights of "country" or "land" against the King and his court. In other words, a patriot stood for the rights of local self-government and was opposed to tyrannical rule-even by his own king. Thus, true patriotism is the impulse to defend one's land, country or way of life against unjust governmental oppression. definitions of liberty: 1. freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control. 2. freedom from external or foreign rule; independence. 3. freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc., according to choice. 4. freedom from captivity, confinement, or physical restraint: The prisoner soon regained his liberty. 5. permission granted to a sailor, especially in the navy, to go ashore. Just as words have more than one meaning, their common usage is a factor of just how the particular definition came into existence. What I understand a word to mean does not necessarily mean the same to you. I refer to this condition of social acceptance of certain words because the power of words when used improperly or intentionally misused as a tool of political gain can have devastating consequences to all if not recognized as such. From Ben Johnson..."Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." Similarly, from Thoreau, "Patriotism is a maggot in their heads."

George Bernard Shaw has said..."You'll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race." Oscar Wilde said "Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious." Leo Tolstoy described patriotism as "the principle that will justify the training of wholesale murderers". These examples of how a few great men identified with uncommon definitions of the word patriotism. There meaning should be self evident to the reader, if not, perhaps a search on these quotes on the web will fill in what you need to know. This is why men run off to battle, kill and devastate entire countries without the least amount of care for how inhumane their actions really are, as long as they think they are doing this for a higher good, like patriotism. If they understood what the original meaning of patriotism really was, as in the above definition, which is a response to ones defended ones own land from their own oppressive government. The next word to look at is democracy. If you were to look at the definitions of this word in Wikipedia, you would come up with over 30 different meaning for the same word. Thirty! Now imagine if I asked you to give me thirty different definitions for the word cup, you couldnt do it. Why do you think there are so many completely different definitions for this word? Its because men have found that to change the minds of men, it simply is a matter of redefining what they think they already know! I will spare you a long explanation of these various meanings, you can go to Wikipedia and find out for yourself just what they are. But for my purposes here it is important to understand this following: We do NOT live in a democracy. A brief study of the four Organic Laws of our founding structure of government would put that fallacy to rest. In not one of these laws, which are the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, The Northwest Ordinance and the Constitution of the united States of America, does the word democracy appear. It may shock some to know that George Washington was appalled and very much concerned with the infiltration of the Jacobean influences into the Masonic meeting halls where much of what was drafted into our legal system was created. This influence as he noted was of a Democratic or what we would know today as a socialist kind of governing model. Yet you will hear the word democracy or Democratic bantered around as if we must subscribe to this political term as it is being applied. The problem is it is not the right word to describe our form of government, and those who founded this country fought to prevent a democratic form of rule, because they saw it a form of mob mentality. Likewise when we see, read or hear the word Liberty we have this image of Patrick Henrys passionate plea, Give me liberty, or give me death! What many fail to realize is this: Patricks purpose was to agitate the people to rebellion. He was not so much concerned with the finer points of what liberty was or was not; he chose his words wisely, to rally people behind a concept which at that time they understood.

Those days were days of monarchs, of kings, queens, royalty and Pontiffs. Only wildlife shared what we would call freedom back then. Every form of institutional control over the mass of humanity was employed by force of arms, in other words, you were born a slave and you died a slave, even though many would like to argue that they were not, but unless they wore a crown they were the property of the monarch. The original use of the word liberty has its provenance in the navy or maritime structure of control. If a sailor wanted to have some free time off at a port after a long time at sea, if so ordered by the commander of the vessel, he would be accorded liberty or a brief time away from the ship to himself, with the full understanding that it was only a brief leave of absence and then he would have to return to his ship and responsibilities under the command of the ships captain. Ask any veteran Navy sailor today, and hell tell you exactly what liberty is. In medieval times it referred to land that was free from the rule of the king, but with reservations, of course. So, if we ever hope to grasp the reins of our own fate in this republican form of government, we need to re-examine our vocabulary as it pertains to every aspect of our legal system which has gone amuck. Before anyone reading this begins to froth at the mouth over my version of history presented here, let me in no uncertain terms state that I am not a member of the American Communist Party or the American Socialist Party or any other wacked out subversive organization. Parties should be for what the word suggests, having a good time and nothing more, certainly not intervening into the affairs of State. My intention is to educate or inform those willing to open their minds from the indoctrination we all have been forced to accept as factual when in reality, much of what we have been taught through both public and private educational institutions was nothing but propaganda. History is written by the victors. - Winston Churchill. Winstons quote, when taken completely objectively reveals that all victors have their own version of the truth, including our own good ol US of A. When one understands this without emotional conflicts, it provides a fertile ground for re-planting the seeds of just what is going on today, because it has been going on for literally thousands of years. How many times have you been told that the world is coming to a financial collapse? CNN vomits out the constant dribble of cookies cutter informational babble under the pretense of providing the viewer with up to the minute information. All news is edited journalism, its not the reality thats going on in the world, its Brand Xs version of reality, and whats edited out of what you never see is the real news, you just didnt see it on TV. Dont you find it puzzling that with the amount of highly trained individuals masquerading as congressmen, pundits and financial experts, not one unified agreement of what is at the core of this economic boondoggle? Could it be possible, that as a group of individuals who all have vested interests in maintaining the status quo, they all are enjoying personal security in this socialistic system of government, and they want you fat, dumb and stupid? After all, of all the current crop of criminals in our congress today (District of Criminals), over 90% of them are lawyers. I am not against all lawyers, in fact I know of some very decent people who just

happen to be members of the bar. Which, by the way is short for British Accredited Registry, a corporate subsidiary of the British Crown, is it not? What I am pointing out here is this: Lawyers speak legalese, all others speak English, or some other ethic language. Legal reference books, such as Blacks Law Dictionary (there have been many iterations of it), choose to make common words mean very uncommon things. Take for example, human being, if you think you know what that means, check it out on Blacks and you will find that it means monster. If you spend some time in such books, you will come across an entirely different world desribed in legal terms than you would have ever thought possible. The reasons behind this is clear, if you are illiterate or incompetent then you need a lawyer to re-present you since you cannot yourself. So we come back to vocabulary. We have been educated in our public schools to learn to read, but we havent been taught how to read. If this method of learning was intentional, as I believe it was, then it should evident to all that the way out of our confusion is to re-educated ourselves, to become aware of all the false teachings that have been laid at our feet, for generations. For most, this will not only be impossible, it will be undesirable. The majority of Americans believe that they are free. They believe the myths and stories of how this country was founded and they trust their government not to do them harm. I wonder for how long? Nothing is free, everything comes a cost, but this shouldnt be a problem, unless of course you are too lazy to pick yourself up out of your comfort zone and learn something new. What the people expect, the people get. When politicians found a way get more votes on the promise that everyone needs and should have a brand new home, then the laws were opened up to allow for all the chicanery that came about to happen. What greases the wheels of congress is the same stuff you spend your entire lives working for to pay your bills. Does anyone today really stop to look at where all this green stuff comes from? Thomas Jefferson said, I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. Does it matter to any of the majority of Americans who prefer to be fat, dumb, and stupid that their founding father actually foresaw todays financial disaster before it happened? And not only did he foresee the problem, he specifically identified who the perpetrators were and how they would manage to destroy America. I suppose that until the last shoe drops, everything is just hunky-dory. America in not in debt, the U.S. Government is. But the government is the people, right? Wrong! When you were sleeping, America morphed into the Land of the Free-Trade no longer the land of the free and the brave. What we all have done is let the lawyers in DC pull a smoke and mirrors over the public in creating legislation that redefined this United States of America to the United States, a corporation which replaced republicanism as our form of government. As a corporate state, stockholders are the new citizens, and the public is no longer part of the equation. To be sure, every bit of this sleight of hand was done unconstitutionally. But whatever Lola wants, Lola gets, as the song goes. Unless enough of us make objections to this, within the framework of

our own judicial processes which are now and always have been available to us to pursue, then the cockroaches win. Its all there in the four Organic Laws of our countrys original charter. This is not a very pretty picture, but it is only as accurate as it remains intact as such. The foundations of our form of government are, by its own construction and acceptance by the States, is self perpetuating, and are alive and well. What is needed is an educated populace, not what we have today. This is only going to change when we, as individuals, not Republicans or Democrats or any other party take back from the banks what Jefferson warned us of, over 250 years ago. I have to say here and now that I am not against banks, as with lawyers, there are good bankers and there is the other kind, the kind that would sell their mother for a profit. To those bankers, we are pawns in their game of world domination. We are the slaves, always were and always will be. So where do we go from here? In 1913, in a secret meeting on Jekyll Island, South Carolina, Americas fate was sealed. The creation of the Federal Reserve Bank was the brainchild of a handful of Americas wealthiest bankers, and through their cronies in Congress sold the American public that this was in fact a branch of our government, and not a private corporation, which it was, and still is today. Yes, its called the Federal Reserve Bank, but so is Federal Express. Do you think that Fed-Ex is a private corporation; you bet it is, so is the Federal Reserve Bank. The biggest lie of all is that it is NOT Federal and it has no Reserves whatsoever. It is a cartel (where have you heard that word before, think Columbia?) in contract with the U.S. government to loan money at interest back to the government, in other words, an instrument of debt. Debt, not money, debt! So when you reach into your wallet and pull out a dollar bill and hand it over to a cashier in exchange for goods or services, you have just created more debt which under the present contract with the government, has to be paid back. If the general public truly understood what kind of monetary system we are all shackled to and subject to grand theft at every turn, maybe then we might begin to have a chance to change it, but not before. One can read hundreds, no thousands of articles by financial experts on whats wrong with the economy and how hopeless it is. Some are bold (stupid) enough to suggest we need to just bite the bullet and pay more taxes to get ourselves out of the mess we are it. Unless these experts understand that we have no monetary system, only a system of debt, the million and one solutions will all fail, this is inevitable. There are a few individuals such as Ellen Hodgson Brown and Walter Burien, who know the score and have attempted to enlighten the public as to what is really going on, but their message is barely being heard. Why not, you ask? For the simple reason that with the amount of profit being made by the Central Banks all over the world, and the Mother of all banks, the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) in Basil, Switzerland, is too good a thing to have undone by the 97% of the planet who suffer under its dominion. The problem is made even worse by the millions of hard working stiffs who only believe what they are told on CNN or some other form of established news source. It may sound ridiculous, but I truly believe that if the world ended right this second, no one would believe it really happened until they saw it on CNN! Talk about virtual reality!

But all this clamoring in the wind does nothing to change a thing, so what does? Until each of us, notwithstanding the millions who never will, begin to dig a little deeper into discovering the truth of the matrix we are all living in, nothing will get better. But if nothing is done to attempt to do this, things will most assuredly get worse. Why? Because those who have learned how to generate a system of world control are slowly finding out what I am saying here, and they are not going to just sit back and lose what took them generations to achieve. So where do I go to find answers, if the privately owned and operated monopolistic news sources wont give me the facts? Begin with those you know, ask if they too have a sense that there is something really foul going on in their lives. Use the Internet, but use it wisely. I would venture to say the 70% of the information on the web is misinformation, disinformation or just plain lies. It isnt going to be easy, it wasnt for me. Start a forum on the web or in real life with neighbors and friends. Challenge what conventional wisdom dictates; because I can assure you, it is a dictatorial opinion, and nothing more. Ask yourself hard questions like: Would my own government really lie about anything to me? If I find out something really bad, how can I deal with it? Am I just a coward who wont risk looking under the rocks to find out whats really there? I was tired of being an ostrich myself, always putting my head under the sand. I wanted to believe in the stories of how this country was unique in the world of governments. And in my heart, I know that in the course of Americas experiment as a new form of government, it never would have lasted as long as it has without the efforts of a few great men like Sam Adams, Thomas Jefferson. A few great men, not hundreds, not thousands, not millions, just a few changed the course of history and gave us the rudiments of what the mass of humanity has been yearning for since time began. This is the key point here, to know how things can change and who makes those changes. Dont look for liberty when you want freedom. Dont be led astray by words purposefully chosen to fool you into believing a message which is filled with lies and untruths. Re-educate yourself, become one of the few who can bring about change because you know the score, firsthand, not out of some regurgitated textbook or propaganda experts weblog. Do your homework! Dont expect others to do it for you. No, Liberty isnt everything its cracked up to be. But it really doesnt matter if you never want to settle for liberty anyway, at least in its orignal definition of the word. Lets fulfill the dream that the few founding fathers had for this country. Not all of them were like-minded you know. Read what they said about their own very different ideas about what America should be for yourself. We have had many traitors in our midst, even from day one, just as they are all around us today. Do you want to give it all up for them? We had a revolution of minds in this country long before we actually picked up arms to demand satisfaction from a monarchy which was set upon keeping us in chains. The families which sided with Great Britain then are very much alive today, and have not given up on their claim to this land or its peoples. Do some research on this, on your own, you will be astounded at where the true wealth in America lies, and even if its wrapped up in a neat little corporate package, its the primary shareholders who control the company, and in turn the country. They dont have a problem with providing a little liberty to their slaves every now and then. But just dont demand your freedom, or theyll pull the rug out from under your feet before you know what hit you.

Thats why things are in such a financial mess globally today. Words are being returned to us with their true meaning, people are slowly opening their eyes and their minds to the truth that has been concealed from us for generations. You cannot have a banking system based on nothing but the trust of the bankers and have it work, and if you have banking system that uses debt as money, they all you really have is a fairytale existence, doomed to fail from the start. Perhaps that chunk of forged iron, the Liberty Bell, was destined to foretell the demise of liberty in this country and open the way to freedom for all. The two names on the bell, Pass and Stow were the men who attempted to patch up the crack so it wouldnt continue to rip apart the bell when rung. It seems appropriate that today we can pass on the concept of liberty, and stow away false impressions of what liberty means and move ahead to reclaim our goals of a country where the pursuit of happiness is rightfully achieved by those who create it for and by themselves. God bless America, and for heavens sake, read your history!

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