Indian Philosophical Systems - Comparison Table

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Indian Philosophical Systems Comparison Table

DARSHANA Philosophical Systems

ANALYSIS CRITERIA 1. Epistemology - Nature of Knowledge Number of sources of 4 knowledge Valid sources of knowledge Vedas Perception Inference Analogy Presumption Non-apprehension Author of Vedas Nature of Vedas 2. Ontology - Nature of Reality Monism, Dualism, Pluralism Elements of Reality 3. Theology - Nature of God Single Supreme God Limited Spirits (Gods) Role of God YES Ignored Karma Enforcer NO YES NO YES NO YES ONLY God (Brahman) Illusions YES YES Karma Enforcer YES YES Karma Enforcer Pluralism God, Souls, Material atoms, Space, Time, Minds Dualism Primal Matter, Souls Pluralism Souls, Material atoms, Space, Time, Minds Pluralistic Souls, Material atoms, Space, Time, Minds, Vedas Monism God (Brahman) Pluralism God (Vishnu), Souls, Matter, Time Pluralism God (Vishnu), Souls, Space, Matter, Time, Vedas YES YES YES YES NO NO God Non-Eternal YES * YES YES NO NO NO Authorless Non-Eternal YES YES YES YES YES NO Authorless Eternal YES YES YES YES YES YES Authorless Eternal YES YES YES YES YES YES Authorless Eternal YES YES YES NO NO NO Authorless Eternal YES YES YES NO NO NO Authorless Eternal Nyaya & Vaisheshika Samkhya & Yoga Mimamsa Mimamsa Advaita Vishishta-Advaita Dvaita Prabhakar School Kumarila School Vedanta School Vedanta School Vedanta School

DARSHANA Philosophical Systems

Nyaya & Vaisheshika

Samkhya & Yoga

Mimamsa Mimamsa Advaita Vishishta-Advaita Dvaita Prabhakar School Kumarila School Vedanta School Vedanta School Vedanta School

4. Cosmology - Nature of Universe Creator of Universe God Periodic creation & dissolution from and to material atoms, which are external to God




God God, which is the whole Being, appears as God, Souls and Matter (snake-rope analogy)

God Periodic creation & dissolution from and to Matter, which is part of Gods Body (spider-web analogy)

Nature of Universe

Evolution and Involution of Primal Matter by own inherent force

It is uncreated and eternal

It is uncreated and eternal

God Periodic creation & dissolution from and to Matter, which is external to God (masonbuilding analogy) Infinite Unique

5. Psychology - Nature of Soul Number of Souls Unique or Identical Nature of Soul Infinite Unique Has No Consciousness Infinite Identical Has Consciousness Infinite Has No Consciousness Infinite Conscious, non-conscious substance Vedic rituals Karma Infinite Irrelevant Consciousness equals Soul Infinite Identical

Consciousness and Consciousness Bliss are the and Bliss are the essence of Soul essence of Soul Devotion Bhakti / Prapatti Devotion Bhakti YES YES Souls dwell in heaven serving God forever. There is a hierarchy based on level of Consciousness and bliss ***

6. Soteriology - Nature of Salvation Attained Thru Type of Yoga Consciousness is experienced Bliss ** is experienced Knowledge Jnana Meditation Dhyana / Raja Vedic rituals Karma Knowledge Jnana

Status of the Soul after Attaining Salvation

NO YES NO Possible NO YES NO NO NO Possible NO YES Soul merely exists Souls are alike and Soul merely exists Soul has option to without equal and dwell in without possess both consciousness or Soul exists and Soul disappears heaven forever. consciousness or consciousness has They serve God as God bliss ** bliss ** (i.e. and bliss ** (which consciousness, and have (Brahman) and (i.e. no selfno self-identity, but are always leaves no trace consciousness and but no bliss ** identity, but for for external observer potential to the bliss ** equal to external observer there is identity) soul) there is identity) those of God

* Vedas are accepted as the verifiable truth in Samkhya-Yoga as opposed to acceptance by faith. ** Bliss is joy as associated with pleasure as opposed to pain. *** In Dvaita Vedanta alone, there could be souls who could be damned forever. All other philosophies give souls endless chances for salvation.

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